people are buying there gpu's OMG AMD IS BANKRUPT..... that logic
They'll bounce back
>price rises are bad for a firm with excess demand
didn't know Sup Forums was economically illiterate
why didnt amd just make more cards?
Sup Forums never learns from history
They aren't as big as nvidia. They don't have the money for such a big production line
>The only people this hurts are gaymers
Seriously though. AMD and it's partners should allow buying directly and only allow 2 GPU's per customer.
>fucking miners
Still? I thought that stopped being profitable ages ago.
It takes a while to ramp up production at GloFo and by then the demand might have decreased. But to be honest I don't even know if they have more capacity for 14nm at GloFo.
Ethereum spiked in value so everyone's mining that and some other coins.
>Does not know what humor is
In b4 'I was only kidding' meme.
>demand for AMD gpu is so strong the price is spiking
>tfw spent the past year waiting for vega and will have to wait another year because miners will buy them all
I have 1 RX 480. Should I start mining memecoins with it?
No, you should resell it for shekels.
>aymd mines 30000 butcoin per 1 buttcoin mined on a tegra gtx
I second this. OP explain your logic or please go fuck off back to your pajeet village
>didn't know Sup Forums was economically illiterate
/biz/ spawned off of Sup Forums, that's where all the economically literate people went
I thought mining gains tapered waay off a couple years ago
sell 480
buy 1060/1070
For buttcoins, sure. Other coins... maybe not.
Sell it. You'll be able to buy a 1070
Jokes aside, I need to make sure my shit works properly on amd cards, so can't do that.
why do minefags only buy up all the polaris cards?
ist hawaii/fiji much better for cumpute? a dual furyX is like 650 eurobucks nowerdays
> why do minefags only buy up all the polaris cards?
perf/watt mostly. It's more efficient at those task than hawaii/tahiti.
hash rate
Being illiterate is not knowing that AMD still sells these to retailers at the same price as ever.
This is awesome for them. Fuck loads of sales.
Because jewvidia used asics on their cards to cheat, now they're paying the price.
Yep, lots of sales, but everyone on steam will be using nvidia cards.
Guess what technology the game manufacturers will make games for.
And after the crypto bubble pops for the 5th time in ten years, there will be no demand for mining cards (least until the next bubble)
>inb4 asrock put out a btc mobo with 8-12 express slots
>And after the crypto bubble pops for the 5th time in ten years, there will be no demand for mining cards (least until the next bubble)
But there will be dime-a-dozen Radeon cards on the used market for all the poorfags.
awesome at first.
when couldn't find and amd card, people who play games will buy nvidia, then g sync monitors which make them stuck with nvidia for a long time.
then eth bubble will burst, there will be tonnes of second hand rx cards in market so much that amd couldn't push its newly products, thus losing market share and mind share.
Second one, first one was on h81, and still probably, better bet for such task, because why the fuck would you need skylake/kabylake for that?
>AMD still sells
Shipping more product is good for them either way, looks good to their investors.
crypto was a mistake
I was thinking literally the exact same thing yesterday
1.7 strikes again.
Perf/watt. Undervolted Polaris is godlike at that.
So? A sale is a sale. It doesn't matter if it goes to an autistic crypto miner or an autistic gamer. Autism bux is autism bux.
people buys all of amd cards
amd gets profit
amd gets insane share
tell me more
No one thought the 2017 crypto rally would be this fucking aggressive, specially after PBoCs sheanigans
Anyways this was pretty shortsighted from AMD since the same thing happened with the RX480 and the R9 290
Though yields on Polaris should be really good so this shortage kind of doesn't add up
per/watt and ROI, Polaris it's king on the later and almost beats Nvidia on the first
>But there will be dime-a-dozen Radeon cards on the used market for all the poorfags.
tbqh I never saw cheap 6990's, 290's or 480's after mining returned to normal profit levels
i guess i'll get a 560.
there where a shit tonne of cheap used 290's
>the demand and sales of their product are so strong they had to increase prices to meet supply
what kind of retard pills are you taking?
LIKE I SAID, Sup Forums never learns from history
>RX480/580 IS SHIT!11111!1
Gaymer retards got BTFO'ed again.
Where's my Fury XX?
just wait (tm)