Heh. What's wrong, kid? Get stuck at a dead end internship this summer? Can't say I know the feeling...

Heh. What's wrong, kid? Get stuck at a dead end internship this summer? Can't say I know the feeling. I'm something of a maestro around the Valley. Been made first round offers by Facebook, Twitch, Tumblr--all the players. How? Simple, kid: I've got the perfect fizzbuzz. Relax, I'll break it down into steps even your safety school brain can understand.


Just throw it in. It's a freebie. It's got tons of codes already written by Rick Stallman. Christ, you don't even know who that is, do you, kid?

int main()
char *fizzbuzz[] = {"%d\n", "fizz\n", "buzz\n", "fizzbuzz\n"};

Sound it out, champ. It's an array of pointers to memory files. Always hardcode your memory with ditchable pointers. It's called plausible deniability.
for (int i=0; i

good post, thank you


I didn't watch this movie

I can barely get text centred in HTML what the fuck am I reading

>tfw was literally hired for my current job because i could fizzbuzz
>tfw this might not be a meme but my job is

it's a clever way to write the fizz buzz thing in c. you'd get fired for doing it with real code, but in a job interview it would show how smarts you are

How does


resolve to


Array syntax is basically:
X[Y] == *(X+Y)
Your welcome, kiddo.

>Been made first round offers by Facebook, Twitch, Tumblr--all the players.

> printf((!(i%3)+!(i%5)*2)[fizzbuzz], i);

please can some autistic fuck explain this shit ?
I feel so dumb

Hey Sup Forums, Google SRE here, AMA. Ignore OP, he's just a kid.

I'll answer all your questions.

!(i%3) = 1 if i%3 == 0. The rest is pathetic.

>printf((!(i%3)+!(i%5)*2)[fizzbuzz], i);

When i is not a multiple of 3 or 5 both the % operations are nonzero, and the logical ! makes them zero and the part in the parentheses is zero. This is (0)[fizzbuzz] which is the same as fizzbuzz[0] (see ), which is the printf %d for printing the number.

When i is a multiple of 3 and/or 5 it changes the number in the parentheses so that it prints the appropriate element in the array.

this is a meme, but I sorta like it actually.

The index and array name (pointer) are interchangeable with array syntax, because it's just sugar for *(array_name + index) (if you don't understand that you're hopeless.) the C compiler will just pointer arithmetic for you and return the address of the element. Printf takes as it's first argument a pointer to a char array (commonly referred to as a string), and uses the labels in it to decode the rest of it's arguments. You can think of all the arguments you pass to printf, except the first, to be an array of pointers, each pointing to varying types. There is no way for printf to know what type each element is or how many there are due to the nature of computers and C's low level environment. So, you have to tell it in the string you pass it what arguments to use and what their types are. Since OP passes it the pointer to one of the strings in his array, unless printf gets passed that first string telling it to interpret and print the first argument as an integer, it won't do shit with whatever you pass it.

In case you're a total brainlet and can't see how that index works, the percentage signs return 0 id i is divisible by 3 or 5. The exclamation point will flip that zero to a one or any number to zero (logical negation). !(i%5) is further multiplied by two. This gives an index of one if i is divisible by three, two if divisible by five, three if divisible by both, and zero if divisible by neither, each of which corresponds to the correct string to print.

It's a pretty clever implementation, however, putting the index outside of the brackets is wholly unnecessary and only serves to confuse brainlets. It is bretty cool though.

The only meme part was the abuse of the array index syntax. The rest is a solid implementation of fizzbuzz. It beats the shit out of an unnecessary stack of conditionals

can I get a job without a collage?

If I cut my dick off will you give me a job?

What an unfunctional, stateful, archaic way! It's better to have a function that'll call a function that'll call a function...
#!/usr/bin/env node --stack-size=8192
with(JSON){f=a=>((a=((f,s=stringify)=>(g=>g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(s=>(a,b)=>(b)?s(a^b,(a&b)g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(d=>(a,b)=>(a==b)?0:(b(g=>g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(s=>(a,b)=>(b)?s(a^b,(a&b)g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(s=>(a,b)=>(b)?s(a^b,(a&b)g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(d=>(a,b)=>(a==b)?0:(b(g=>g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(s=>(a,b)=>(b)?s(a^b,(a&b)g(g))(x=>f((...v)=>(k=>k in x?x[k]:x[k]=x(x)(...v))(s(v)))))(s=>(a,b)=>(b)?s(a^b,(a&b)

shouldn't you be on memegen?

what is your tech level?

Yes you can, we hire based on skill/knowledge and not necessarily based on the degree(s) you hold.

Truth be told though, it is much easier to get in if you are in education and manage to get an internship. The phone interviews for the internship are much easier and once you're in you can more easily prove that you have the knowledge it takes to do the job.

We hire something ridiculously low like the 0.1% of the people that actually manage to score an on-site interview (which is like 1% of the people who submit job applications) so, it's not easy. I myself got rejected the first time around and it's not uncommon to hear the same from a lot of my coworkers.

It's not up to me to decide, user, sorry.

>shouldn't you be on memegen?

>what is your tech level?
I'm not telling, I don't want to give out any identifiable details, sorry.

What's firefox equivalent of ImprovedYoutube?