Walk into your room

>walk into your room
>see this on your desk

Wat do?

Install Gentoo.

ask no one since I live alone why someone broke into my house to leave empty boxes

sell it and buy new thread ripper

Sell it and buy better desk than this shit in your pic.

Install the GPU, sell the CPU

Make a hat out of the boxes.

make another thread about it since the first one failed

Sell them and buy good hardware

Off to Ebay they go.

Install the parts after the initial erection subsides.

sell the cpu and my old 1070
then i´d wake up and realize that i have noone who´d make me a gift

call le trashman to le trash it into le trash

Wonder why I didn't a GPU with a blower style cooler because I use a small mATX case...

Throw the contents of the box away.

Sit in the box.

Throw it in the trash where it belongs.

walk 360 degrees and walk away

Sell i7 and get a ryzen
Use 1080ti and then sell when Vega comes out

Install Gentoo.

>AMD fanboy

never funny

I wanted two 1080ti gpus mom you bitch

Sell the i7 to get an R7 1700. Keep the 1080 Ti. Best of both worlds.

>being a 4 corelet

take a picture, post it on my favourite Chinese cartoon website, and slowly masturbate as people comment on my thread.

Funfact: a Ryzen 1800x bottlenecks a 1080ti in games, the i7 does not.

If this is primarily for gaming then you made the wise choice OP.

>17 min. fps
>wise choice

nice minimums bro

This image was used recently somewhere. Can't recall the thread.

1800X Minimum: 35 fps
i7 7700k Minimum: 17 fps

Get a Ryzen.


Keep the GPU, sell the CPU and buy an R7 1700

arent there some new buttcoins I can mine or something?


fuck your mommy or daddy :3

Tell Sup Forums to get the fuck out.


sell it for dope money.

I'd assume that I got a roommate that I don't know about, which means that s/he needs to help pay the rent, living isn't cheap.

came here to post this

Sell them and buy the AMD equivalents.

cry like a little girl

>install 1080
>enjoy better gaming
>also enjoy a nice breeze thanks to my new intel door stop

>in b4 no GPU equivalent

turn 360 degrees and walk away


How do I fit this in my thinkpad?

Wonder how they shipped me an i7 instead of the ryzen I ordered

Subtle kek

Sell em for an r5 1600x and rx 580 a good mtoherboard and 16gb ram kit also get a 2tb WD Hard drive

neat, I only have an i5 and a gtx 1050!

Install the 1080ti in my 2008 Mac Pro. Not install the CPU because I can only use Xenons from the core 2 duo era.

plz goy use the processor, we won't charge you anything for 2 years*

*after 2 years you will be charged full price plus interest on the quantity for the 2 years

Id actually place it into my pc since im not an autist and appreciate free shit.
>inb4 le intel shill
id do the same shit for amd gear

shit on it

>find awesome high end components
>Shit wait CPU has no cooler, guess ill just use the stock one i got with my i3, what could go wrong? :^)
>Hmm pc wont power on any more, wonder if my 450w psu has anything to do with it, oh well
>hey why cant i OC my new over clockable CPU, isnt my h110 motherboard good enough?

Who ever gave you those "Gifts" hates you op.

fuck my gf instead

>someone states the fact that an overused, dead and buried joke, is unfunny
I think you're lost

what is that, lego's?

Wut do?

Who is this semen demon?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this cock dock?
Who is this erection ejection?
Who is this dick tick?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this seed steed?
Who is this prick chick?
Who is this cock stock?
Who is this seminal sentinel?
Who is this phallus chalice?
Who is this anus ignoramus?
Who is this smegma enigma?
Who is this beef curtain hurtin?
Who is this cunt runt?
Who is this jism prison?
Who is this ballbiting ballerina?
Who is this dongle mongle?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this chin chin bin?
Who is this scrotum sorceress?
Who is this wiener cleaner?
Who is this pole populator?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this pillar pimper?
Who is this column culminator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this sperm specialist?
Who is this glans gladiator?
Who is this frenulum fractionizer?
Who is this foreskin fornicator?
Who is this penile private?
Who is this smut sergeant?
Who is this cock captain?
Who is this orifice officer?
Who is this rear admiral?
Who is this cummander?
Who is this lewd lieutenant?
Who is this meat major?
Who is this cunt colonel?
Who is this wiener witch?
Who is this phallus phalanx?
Who is this cock commandant?
Who is this dong deity?
Who is this seminal fluid druid?
Who is this jizz wiz?
Who is this benis burglar?
Who is this wang waxer?
Who is this schlong sentinel?
Who is this dick dastard?
Who is this jizz jezebel?
Who is this tally wacker packer?
Who is this schlong sorcerrer?
Who is this weenie genie?
Who is this chode road?
Who is this male reproductive organ Gorgon?
Who is this shaft shaft?
Who is this ding dong dungeon?
Who is this scrotum totem?
Who is this ballsack knapsack?
Who is this testicle vestibule?
Who is this ball butter nutter?
Who is this cock cream captivator?
Who is this man milk mephistopheles?
Who is this smegma smuggler?
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Who is this semen sommelier?
Who this urethra barista?
Who this cum conjurer

Put that shit on ebay and wait for Vega

Be annoyed because my motherboard doesn't support the CPU and probably the vidya card either and now I have to figure out what to do with it

Cry alone because my parents won't buy me a computer with PCIe ports so I have to use an old as fuck Pentium 4 machine with 1GB RAM and 80GB HDD

Buy a fire extinguisher.


wow, sure is reddit in here

Thanks to you amigo.

I hope you come to understand that i'm not the same guy and it's just that multiple people think you're fucking retarded.

>sell it
>buy thinkpad
>buy drugs
>play some stoner and sludge
>install gentoo bonged and happy

>281 screenshot


Sell the CPU, sell my 2 1080s and buy another 1080Ti, then upgrade my current PC from 1080 SLI to 1080Ti SLI.

I severely doubt that my roommates would randomly buy a 1080ti & core i7 for me for no reason, so I'd immediately crank my guard right up, waiting for someone to walk/run/jump in and try to prank me.

Sell them, buy peripherals.

Sell them, buy more cost effective parts, pocket the money.

Call the cops. I never get free stuff.

Keep the GPU, sell the CPU. Don't need a house fire at home.

Nice picture, user!

Intel should use this design, it just needs a ring bus, that way the ring bus can be the "entry" and that center can be the "exit" for all the data throughput.

Sell both

i3 (use intergrated graphic card)
tempered glass case
shit loads of rgb fans

takes photos and post it on facebook and become normal fag.
cos fuck gaymers you fucken useless cunts

Sell. these things are a loss of money man. its like throwing right into trash

but first post on Sup Forums about it

Does Vega even have any hope of matching the 1080Ti?, apparently performance wise it will sit between the 1080 and 1080Ti.
It is going to be a long wait until they have the product in stock locally.

sell it for the prices twice as low that still are too much for that stuff and buy something good

Quickly retrieve fire extinguisher from it's default location

Just put a 1070 in my Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to a 5,1. Shit's cash, yo.

....detachable penis... ¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•¸¸.•*¨*•

I'm giving it the loving it wanted, and keeping it warm :3

sell it for the prices twice as low that still are too much for that stuff and buy something good

Vega is gonna be 10% slower than a Ti but only 400$


For the price of a 1800x you could buy a i7 7800X, which will run circles around the 1800x and you would have still money left to buy some Steam games.

Regret not buying AMD or an i5 at least for the processor.

I'd go running to my daddy and thank him by sucking his dick for finally buying me some computer stuff =)

r9k is that way faggot----->

Jesus christ you are the most try hard newfag I've ever seen.

be stuck buying a new motherboard probably

Don't worry, I could suck your dick too if you wanted =P

Install TempleOS

call 911 for reverse robbery.