ElectronConf postponed due to all speakers being male

On their site just now

>We published a list of speakers that does not reflect the standards to which we hold ourselves. We will be postponing this event until we can deliver a more diverse slate of speakers.

All speakers were picked from an unbiased and blind review.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprising, considering SJWs push for diversity quotas to mandate they get hired for being women rather than based on their own skill and merit.

Oh damn, best part is OP's not even fucking joking.

Blows my mind trying to understand SJWs legit doing this over a simple thing like speakers.

This is that dumbass who literally has SJW in their job title.. not surprising.

Github has stopped improving their product and is getting trounced by Gitlab. Once the mindshare leaves, it never goes back.

> None of them had downs syndrome either !
We know where the discrimination really is...

Lo and behold, they'll present female speakers that knows next to jackshit and just reading through scripts.
Next, they'll complain why they're being criticized for it.

> All these women are only in it for themselves
It's a lot easier to take than it is to give though..


nigga why


but what if 50% of those men identified themselves as woman?

> Blind Review
> All Men
> That makes some chick butthurt
> You're right, fuck merit. We vaginas must be represented, and obviously we couldn't do that on merit. So fuck the level playing field.

Well done, GitHub. Way to prove that feminism wasn't ever about a level playing field, just a shift of power.

One conference that I won't be going to. If they're choosing speakers on the basis of whether or not a vagina is present, I can hear that shit at home.

Did @fox assume the gender of all those speakers??

Fucking bigot

it's endemic of a broader problem, fixing their speaker line-up will do nothing to increase the diversity of their employees.

github is a boy's club spread the word.

Better yet, what if some of those "men" actually have vaginas, but just identify as men?

So get this to make room for the female speakers some male ones will be cancelled right? What if one of them legit just say that
>I identify as a woman and I have been oppressed
With op's screenshot. This will be the biggest troll and if I was a speaker I'd do it

Yep, she's more prejudiced than anyone she points the finger at.


speaker finds out he's shitcanned on twitter

What a fucking beta, no wonder shit like this is allowed to happen.


Why is diversity so fucking important?
This seems dogmatic and not in a good way.

He looks and probably is gay


based frog-posters

When will it stop lads?
Why are they trying to ruin this field with gay shit

Is this field doomed? What is it about software engineering that attracts so many SJWs? Should I quit while I'm ahead and just become a construction worker or something?

>Why is diversity so fucking important?

because it's seen as "easy money", which women are all about

Because raising an SJW flag attracts huge attention from all sectors while if they didn't well they'd just fade into obscurity.

The IT areas women go into are comfortable office jobs.

Karlie Kloss is the prime example of how the general population can be fooled into championing stupid people and putting illegitimate individuals into positions they don't deserve. The subject matter is complicated enough for the general population to be confused by and just assume the person talking about it is right.

People have the misconception that software engineers are the richest people in the world. They look at stuff like how much whatsapp sold for and they go crazy like
>that simple thing sold for 19B!!!!!!!11
So they saw there weren't any women here and men are taking all the money so they started pushing women in this industry too

this field deserves to rot away

He's a cuck. I'm glad now that he got kicked off. Fucking retard

Stop mansplaining you patriarchal fuckface

Github doesn't delete my data.

> This comment seems to imply that diversity and quality are at odds...

Apparently, only when a blind evaluation fails to produce the diversity you want.

> Cry that you are able to compete with anyone if you had all the advantages of their gender, then fail to get any representation through a blind competition.

What is really shit, is that if that same blind competition would have produced an all-female line up, it would be all over the news as a great thing.

Crying male/white priviledge used to be legit. Now it's just a way to get shit you don't deserve.

No, they just delete your project when it upsets the wymyn in charge.

Most people know fucking jackshit about computers and think that they are comfy easy-jobs where you just punch some keys and it prints money.

As long as your project isn't a right-wing parody project, it's pretty clear what the correct choice is. I doubt Gitlab would stand up to pressure either.

>easy-jobs where you just punch some keys and it prints money
That's a pretty good way to describe 2017 webdev.

>b-but i use my phone ALL DAY for facebook and stuff and it's reeeaaally easy!

>comfy easy-jobs where you just punch some keys and it prints money.
Isn't that basically what it is?

The deal lies in knowing what fucking keys punch

this is what happens after years of SJW brainwashing. this kind of self-hatred does not come naturally

this is basically what I do all day but I'm not making great money or anything

We now have three threads about this topic. Can't you alt right Nazis stop complaining about some people trying to fight sexism? They are discriminating against women by having an all male speaker conference.

>bullshit communist propaganda

Now i am glad the nigger was laid off

Equality is about opportunity and not outcome you sense mother fucker

I'm genuinely curious. How does it feel like to be a trans cock sucking cuck

>trying to fight sexism
>unbiased and blind review resulted in "too many males", so they feel they need to insert females in place of males
no user, what they're doing now is sexism

It's amazing how you people don't even give a shit about this anymore, it's such a common occurrence nowadays we just sigh and ignore, just like the Muslim Attacks.

Fucking jews, man

Imagine the outrage if an all woman conference got delayed to add men.
Fuck it. Bring in the Muslims. Let them sort this shit out, we failed.

>GitHub becomes SJW haven
>SJWs continue to shit on GitHub
Enjoy your new demographics, I'll be on GitLab

I still can't get over the fact that the dude was effectively literally told he doesn't get to speak because he has a penis and he's totally fine with that and on their side.

I could see a legitimate gripe if the speakers were hand selected and turned out all male. But this was done the right way - it was a 100% blind selection process. What the actual fuck.

the /r/programming reddit's post got (((hidden))) from the sub's index page



How is GitLab for a novice?

Not even once.

They have less GUI tools (that shouldn't be using anyway)

It's fucking git. They have free private repositories, a host-your-own version of their site and it's git.

What are we supposed to do? All the people who matter are cucks and are rolling on with this. See
Now if rest of the male speakers stood their ground and said that they won't attend the conf and every male who bought a ticket cancelled it something would've happened. But as I said they are all cucks and we can't do anything

It's all just git in the end. Learn git and you can use any of these sites.

>blaming feminists for not getting a job
if you were good at what you do (protip: you're not) then this wouldn't be an issue.

get your bait somewhere else retard commie, SJW doesn't belong in anything its very destructive

>what is reading comprehension

I have a job. He's right

As long as you avoid gay SJW shit like electron, javascript, react, python, etc you'll never have to interact with it.

>The people seriously defending cancelling the event because of them being male and not because of anything they are saying .

I can't tell if he's saying that he doesn't deserve a voice because his genitals are the wrong shape, or that if people need more of a voice than him because his genitals make him more privileged or something.

Because most of the heavy lifting is done by third worlders in coding mines. Amazon mechanical turk does ten times the actual coding output as most people on the western internet.

spez is listed as a mod there. he's the admin of the whole site and the one that was found to be abusing his admin privilege by editing comments of users on the site that he disagreed with.

>still not cashing in on SJW meme magic
Dummies. Join the winning team. You guys might even be cute if you shave.

>being a cuck is doing the right thing
I just love the current year

I'm not about to be a house nigger



Oh god no. I wasn't suggesting becoming one of those cuckolds.
I meant join the protected class.

They will turn on you. Same as the president of that college learned. You're a useful tool at the moment that they will discard the moment they can. They don't respect you - they think you're the enemy. Enjoy asking if you can use the bathroom as a grown man.

>downgrading to a lower level of meme magic

does it look like he was complaining about obtaining a job you illiterate maggot?

ohh... you said a bad word....

Look, part of living in a multi-ethnic, multicultural society is the acceptance of people of color and women into fields and areas of study which have been historically majorly white. America and Europe are no longer white. You might not like it but you're going to have to lower some standards to make room for these people now. The effort that would have been previously spent on reaching new technological advances will now be spent on successfully integrating these people and bringing them up to speed. This might sound like bait, but it's really just a fact of how things will be done from now on. I guess if you don't like it then go be a bartender or something because this is the future.

>integrating these people and bringing them up to speed
God you're retarded.

This, get over it, give more things to people who didn't deserve them because it's 2017.

Jeez you're dense. Last clue.

Sup Forums meme magic hasn't worked, Trump won because the Jews wanted one of their own in office again. They got memed.

>I guess if you don't like it then go be a bartender or something because this is the future.

>Integrating these people and bringing them up to speed.
This, minorities and women are basically quadruple retards who are unable to perform simple tasks. So we have to dumb everything down for our good little pets if we wish for them to succeed because they are too incompetent to perform at the level of the ubermensch.

By the way, I'm not a racist or a sexist I'm actually an enlightened marxist liberal in the year 2017 who just thinks minorities and women are beneath them. Give me upvotes reddit :^)

who gitlab master race here

I mean what did you guys even expect from a bunch of bronie faggots

So were there actually any women who were willing to go up and speak at a conference in the first place?

Why does one shitty tweet from some SJW cunt-nobody magically cause things to happen?

I have a job. He is wrong.
if he had a job he wouldn't be crying about
>'muhh equality'

Women are protected in STEM because the lack of them is blamed on oppression and patriarchy.

So when a women says something, it's worth at least a hundred white males, maybe even more.

because muh SJW

because fucking betas gives them voice in their own projects

Well, I don't know what to tell you. No amount of your impotent whining is going to change anything. These are plans and policies which have been put into motion for well over the past century. You have no power and zero influence. I suppose if you don't like it then go create your own institutions or get some friends together and infiltrate their organizations. So I guess go back to whining but this is the future and I doubt you're going to do anything to change it. Like I said, you are impotent.

I like to think that female devs are just smart enough to avoid Electron like the pile of shit it is, unlike nu-male fuccbois.

This, it's the future it's not going to change.

Oh please don't take over our IT industry China and India with your sexist Meritocracy. We have quotas to fill, so can you let us get exactly 50% women in our industries before you kick our asses!!!!!????

I tried using gitlab but they couldn't handle the size of my project and their server had issues because of it.


This is technology. It doesn't give two shits about your marxism or liberal feelings.
These 'policies that have been put into motion' have caused a right-wing backlash that is going to undo everything you've ever fought for over your entire life. If it doesn't; then industry will just pack up and move to a saner country like it's already doing.

The world isn't going to sit around and wait for your retarded group of special-ed communists to decide when it's time for humanity to progress. Silicon Valley was built off the backs of hard-working engineers and programmers who grew up in an era where people cared very little what gender you were.

I'm starting to feel like you are one of the nu-beta cucks who even lacks basic comprehension skill like the rest of your species.
He didn't complain about forced diversity which he can btw. He complained about how to land a job all a sjw needs to do is show the interview board her vagina