Sup Forums proves AlfaBank/Trump DNS logs manipulated

I wonder what other 'evidence' has been manipulated.

Rob Graham is a troll and dns logs don't stop fbi investigations

Sup Forums also proved they're fuckin gay

No technical rebuttal. Leave Sup Forums, amateurs.

Looks pretty sound.

Dunno why you are posting it though. Seems to be a Sup Forums thread.

>Looks pretty sound.

Given the first two responses, you're probably right.

>Dunno why you are posting it though. Seems to be a Sup Forums thread.

There's not much nuance on Sup Forums at the moment, unfortunately. It's possible to believe that the Russians-hacked-the-DNC evidence is quite compelling while at the same time believing that orthogonal stuff like this may have been manufactured by diehard Hillbots to push more of the collusion angle.


>Sup Forums proves
The only thing Sup Forums has ever proved is that they are bunch of fucking idiots. Now they've been completed overrun by redditards the board's collective IQ has dropped from 80 to 70.

No technical rebuttal. Evidently you're the idiot.

This. They weren't all that bright to start with and now all their inbred retarded cousins have come flooding in from thedonald.
Now they're easily the newest and worst board on Sup Forums. I go on Sup Forums sometimes and even there Sup Forums posters stand out like a sore thumb. They routinely misuse greentexting and even fail to reply to posts correctly.
I once saw someone do this as an attempt at a reply:
> (You)
He had highlighted the other guy's post thinking it would somehow cc him. He instead ended up replying to his own post with a (You) attached. Of course the rest of the post was incoherent babble with a few "cuck"s thrown in.

4pol died in 2013. Only reason to go there now is /sg/

Can someone tl;dr this whole situation?

You can't rebuke something which isn't an argument. No-one on Sup Forums cares about any of this outside of a technical capacity.

Please don't post in this thread. It's for people with technical chops, not mouth-breathers.

>outside of a technical capacity

Then post technical comments or stay the fuck out of the thread, you inbred.

The OP poses a vague unanswerable question while bringing up a topic of hot political tension (the US election and Russia).
This is a poorly disguised politics thread and you know it.

>You can't rebuke something

P.S. The word 'rebuttal' stems from 'rebut', not 'rebuke'.

>The OP poses a vague unanswerable question

The logs have been demonstrably manipulated to appear like BIND logs.

Evidence such as the president telling Comey to stop the Russia investigation?

Do you have any technical comments about DNS, BIND, log formats, etc.? No? Then you're unqualified for this thread.

Is that why he acts like a guilty man?

>DNC has retards who can't fabricate DNS logs
Color me surprised. The retard that didn't know how to wipe emails was asking about it on reddit, why the fuck would they believe they could do this?

Sup Forums is for technical discussion. Go read a book.

Do you even know anything technical about DNS? Doubtful, you just want someone to spoonfeed you so you can regurgitate it to others

Comment on the DNS/BIND/log material in the OP, or fuck off with your transparent bluffing. You're fooling nobody.

Says the guy who's offered no technical opinion of his own.

Refute the OP or fuck off. Your diversionary attempts just show people that the OP is legit.

Why not pass the link on to some knowledgeable public figure? Even if one of us agrees and asserts the arguments posted are valid, no one will care. This is Sup Forums after all. Surely, there are well respect IT bloggers/reporters/experts out there who can review it tell why it's right or wrong and present it publicly in the name of honesty and transparency. I mean, probably even foxnews is a better choice than here.

IT seems like a fair argument to me, but I haven't seen the comments made by security experts claiming the logs are valid or why they think so.