Theresa May wants to ban crypto: here's what that would cost

>Theresa May says that last night's London terror attacks mean that the internet cannot be allowed to provide a "safe space" for terrorists and therefore working cryptography must be banned in the UK.

>This is a golden oldie, a classic piece of foolish political grandstanding. May's predecessor, David Cameron, repeatedly campaigned on this one, and every time he did, I wrote a long piece rebutting him. Rather than writing a new one for May, I thought I'd just dust off a pair of my Cameron-era pieces (1, 2), since every single word still applies.

>Theresa May says there should be no "means of communication" which "we cannot read" -- and no doubt many in her party will agree with her, politically. But if they understood the technology, they would be shocked to their boots.


Other urls found in this thread:

>This, then, is what Theresa May is proposing:

>* All Britons' communications must be easy for criminals, voyeurs and foreign spies to intercept

>* Any firms within reach of the UK government must be banned from producing secure software

>* All major code repositories, such as Github and Sourceforge, must be blocked

>* Search engines must not answer queries about web-pages that carry secure software

>* Virtually all academic security work in the UK must cease -- security research must only take place in proprietary research environments where there is no onus to publish one's findings, such as industry R&D and the security services

>* All packets in and out of the country, and within the country, must be subject to Chinese-style deep-packet inspection and any packets that appear to originate from secure software must be dropped

>* Existing walled gardens (like Ios and games consoles) must be ordered to ban their users from installing secure software

>* Anyone visiting the country from abroad must have their smartphones held at the border until they leave

>* Proprietary operating system vendors (Microsoft and Apple) must be ordered to redesign their operating systems as walled gardens that only allow users to run software from an app store, which will not sell or give secure software to Britons

>* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright

>ban crypto

/biz/ on suicide watch

when will alien invade earth?
might as well just surrender to superior life form

nobody cares


>>* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright

I have been waiting for this to happen. We used to joke about Linux users in the future being branded as terrorists, now its actually happening. TIME TO HOARD DEM ISOs BOYS.

Let's ban air as well.

No no, just tax it.

inb4 everything moves to steganography and I find CP inside my kettle

>what is the CO2 tax

Well that's one way to get all the financial companies in London to leave the UK. People were saying Brexit would destroy their economy, but when it becomes impossible for businesses to securely conduct business in the UK, why would they want to stay there?

British Sup Forums on sucide watch

kek you brought this on yourselves by falling for the brexit meme

pretty much
EU has net neutrality regulations. But the UK disregarded those even before brexit. muh police state

Crypto is a very crucial part of the internet, to ban Crypto is to move back to the 80's in terms of computing, it would destroy online business, banking and infrastructure. It is laughable (and scary) to even hint at the idea.

Yeah it was totally brexit and not the sand people constantly killing everyone

God damn this bitch just doesn't stop does she. She had this election in the bag till she came out like some kind of death star commander. Shame the alternative is a group of marxists, or the no chance of being elected parties.

>be russian
>putin puts his dirty hands on interwebs
>prohibits lots of sites
>deep packet inspection
>law saying that people should store keys for all information gets rejected
>govs want to block telegram for not sharing keys

>UK PM want to ban encryption

wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck?

Anyone else triggered that there are people with such tremendous political power who can fundamentally change laws about topics they haven't got a single clue about?

Why can't the UK come up with any solution to problems other than

>ban X thing

>its a shift the blame on encryption instead of the real problem that is islam episode

Yes but its not surprising that Russia is fucked up because of its history


So if they were able to ban open source software, virtually 3/4 of the internet would disappear overnight and their economy would collapse.

If they banned encryption, nobody's account anywhere would be secure in any way. That's not hyperbole, I mean that literally. Accounts, logins, emails, purchases, nothing. Anybody could steal anything. You couldn't trust any packet actually came from who it says, because even the wifi would be unsecured. Everything would be one huge chaotic free-for-all. In other words, same result.

What an absolute disaster of a proposal.

Why didn't you listen?

Here she comes, trying to ban encryption AGAIN.
Just because you don't have the balls to nuke the middle east doesn't mean that you can ban maths

>Muslim foreigners commit terrorism
>White law abiding natives lose rights

I think they did. Just not in the intended fashion

>tfw living in a country with actually competent anti-terrorism

But when will assault trucks be banned?


banking / shopping account logins would be required to be in clear text. What could go wrong???

inb4 they ban pork meat because it offends mud people and indirectly increases terrorism

>ban crypto

Yeah, and instead of dealing with the sand people, you're banning encyption. These are the same people that are going to negotiate Brexit. What are they going to do next? Ban bad deals?

If they did, they would probably only enforce it when they wanted to.

You don't have to ban islam, only the fuckers in the Middle East.

Without islam this wouldn't be needed.

In other words: even if it stopped terrorism, it would cause an increase in non-ideological cybercrime

>terrorist attack happens
>government responds by punishing innocent law-abiding citizens

The UK needs a Ron Paul.

First they came for encryption and I said nothing. Then they came for the bacon and I lost my shit

>terrorist attack was possible due to unregulated immigration
>regulate internet instead of immigration
What is her royal majesty the queen doing?

destroying the native population to appease the Jewish overlords

Fuck that bitch. I'll personally dddddddddd her at next Tuesday.

first they came for encryption and i said nothing
then they came for the pork and i said nothing because beef in general tastes better
then they came for our wives and daughters and i said nothing because im a shut in neet who has failed to form any meaningful social bonds
and finally they came for the neetbucks and i killed myself because there was nothing left to live for

don't forget about the puppers and cold pints :(

>You either hate privacy or want to be ruled by unelected and unaccountable foreign bureaucracy that has shown an open disdain for the concept of nations!
Go be a strawmanning cuck somewhere else.


Its never going to happen. Someone huge company that needs https will lobby her not to do it and she will obey her corprate over lords.

>mfw i trick a britbong into clicking an https link and he gets summarily executed

Undeniable truth.
Koran sellers should be liable for hate crime.

The US kinda did that already by getting rid of NN, only the taxes are collected by ISPs instead of government.

Not even so unlikely

They would also have to ban random numbers.

>putting women in charge

Bad meme

>>* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright

Why? Isn't one of the main point of FOSS the transparency behind it? The entire OS is available to anyone. What's dangerous about that?

I'm no longer surprised by the retarded shit the government spews out, just embarrassed.

NN enforcement is one step closer to this happening you moron

fewer backdoors in opensource OS's and you can fork them to remove them.

>cuck response
Like pottery

What country might that be anooooooon?

Because muh terrorists can modify it and add encryption, or something like that I guess. All open source communication software would be next in the list.

Poland is doing okay

Best Korea

yeah, im voting UKIP on thursday, fuck this bollocks

is it too much to ask for a liberal party with an understanding of modern technology


I just want a libertarian person, just socially, I don't mind, in my country.



What is UKIP's position on encryption?

Even if they knew anything about how technology works, they'd still go with stupid proposals like these because it would be racist to say that the root of the problem isn't encryption but the religious ideologies of these terrorists (aka iSlam).

US here.
I just want a solid libertarian as well... But that day will never come.

A new way of suicide for me! Thanks user.
Poland also doesn't have tonnes of muslims, might move if it gets too bad.

Not the Pirate Party?

>this kills the british empire

They don't have a position on anything other than the EU which is why they lost all their voters after brexit

Just had to gouge out my eyes and remove that from my memory. Fucking spoiler it user.


Lib dems. Remember the tory/lib dem coalition some years back?
The lib dems were blocking the tory internet/technology fuckery proposals like the snooper's charter and stuff like that.

>im voting UKIP

Didn't UKIP exist exclusively for Brexit? Now that it's pretty much done, what's the point of voting for them now that they've finished their purpose?

>remember [...] the lib dems
i don't recall, who are they again?

>banning HTTPS
great idea

Jeremy Corbyn will reverse the British ISP and government spying.
Yeah, they're useless now. They packed up shop for the most part.

This sounds like a load of bullshit to me. Where has she said she wants to block github and ban linux?

>wants to ban crypto
I am SO fucking glad we separated from that shithole 200-odd years ago. 'MURRICA!


They need ballot access and exposure and focus on 2018. Also, we need to dismantle first-past-the-post voting system (the one that convinces people that third-party votes are "wasted votes") and replace with ranked choice voting, which will change everything.

Banning encryption necessitates banning open encryption standards.
These operating systems feature a shitload of open crypto, you can even full disk from the install.

Its more they block your domain unless you hand them the SSL keys.

How the fuck is Net Neutrality enforcement in any way gonna lead to banning crypto?

The point is that what she's proposing would mean those things have to be banned, that is to say she doesn't know what she's talking about it's nothing more than political chest beating which will go nowhere.

>how is government encroachment of a market going to lead to further encroachment

theyre a single issue party, but their opposition to the EU naturally attracts small government types

its not even that theyre cowering to islam in this case, its just that they dont know what the fuck theyre doing and may happens to be a big government type conservative of the same veriety as merkel in a lot of ways.

theyve got some interesting ideas, but theyre going to be a literally who party for some time yet

the lib dems can fuck right off til they accept the legitimacy of a democratic majority and stop pandering to socialists.

yes. its a protest vote, i cannot in any good concience vote for either the conservatives or labour, both of these parties need to go fuck themselves with a heated iron rod. at the very least the growth of ukip in response to this bullshit will likely force other parties to book their ideas up lest they lose voters to them.

Well don't be so smug you got an orange for a president

>all regulation is evil, companies should be allowed to do whatever they want
If it was up to you, we would still have people dying when constructing skyscrapers.

*orange manchild

>what is FTC antitrust regulation

When Jersey Shore and Keeping Up With The Kardashians came around, even we knew we were heading down a dark path.

This. The Pirate Party just published an article on their website condemning May's anti-encryption proposal.

Are they /ourparty/?

>unelected and unaccountable foreign bureaucracy

you mean like the Saudis? Because their good friends with your current government bong

Almost too good in fact, I wonder what goes on behind closed doors? Surely no corruption in your glorious post-brexit British democracy.

of course.