1.7% yeids

>1.7% yeids

Other urls found in this thread:


This is entirely in response to IBM's 5nm announcement, isn't it?

10nm Cannonlake on the desktop: CANCELLED
10nm Cannonlake server parts: TOTALLY STRICKEN FROM ALL ROADMAPS
14nm Coffee Lake: 2018

The only 10nm Cannonlake chips we'll see are low power mobile parts because the process has horrible yields and no PR spin will hide it. They cancelled a completely finished product line to buy more time to fix their troubled foundry issues.

who cares? 7nm is already here for amd

>AMD: we're taping out 7nm designs this year
>Intel: M-me too!

This too, also no sign of desktop cannonlake at all, the server one seems canceled as well.
What a shitshow

lol irrelevant with AMD releasing 7nm

Grim reminder.

>14nm Coffee Lake: 2018
Pretty sure CFL is 2H 2017

Intel is dead.

What's next , Dragon Lake ?

We're getting another round of refreshes. translate.google.com/translate?tl=en-us&u=https://www.golem.de/news/cpu-roadmap-kaby-lake-r-im-september-2017-coffee-lake-im-februar-2018-1706-128176.html


Oh Intel


>Global Foundries:
>We have IBM's ground breaking 7nm process
>Its the third generation FinFET process they've designed
>its FD-SOI based
>game changing performance adders

>...we have to rehash Skylake again well into 2018

>Global Foundries
>We have a true high performance 5nm process
>utilizing self assembly techniques we can create dynamic geometries utilizing silicon lattices
>these techniques enable the realization of high density GAA devices
>area scaling and power reduction will exceed a typical full node shrink

>W-w-we have 10nm
>its just an iteration of our trigate FinFETs
>its still bulk silicon
>t-the y-yields will be fine by 2019 we swear
>...our 7nm facility is still under construction and won't be finished any time soon
>b-b-b-b-but muh process lead

Sure. In Q3/4 2017, not 2018.

Why do I feel like Intel took a gun to the mouth in the last few months?

I called it.
>AMD releases info on thread ripper
>Intel claims they will release desktop chips with more cores than their 5000 dollar Xeon chips
>IBM releases information about 5nm trannies
>Intel claims they (somehow) can produce 10nm trannies now
I can't wait to see which company they try to copy next. I say try because by the time Intel is actually able to produce half the shit they claim it's going to be 10 years obsolete.

They had it coming.

Wow, Intel, the $150 billion giant is now the reactionary company.

Delid Lake seems logical

They pulled the trigger on that gun about 3 years ago.

This is what happens when you decide to coast on your market monopoly position rather than continue to innovate. In their attempt to jew their customers, they only succeeded in jewing themselves.

Intel doesn't understand shit like "Competition" anymore.

their architecture hasn't changed much since P3 days and only got refined over time
AMD just came out with a brand new architecture that has a ton of potential for improvements in future revisions
it's not a surprise intel went into full damage control mode with (((i9)))

I wish I had intel stock so I could sell it

>on track
>2 years late

>on track
>slower than 14nm

Clearly Intel is a comedian.

It's on track to be slower than 14nm, Intel didn't lie.

Intel motto now Delid , Just Wait and Claims ?

Don't Overclock

>IBM literally PAID GloFo to unJUST itself so fucking hard Intel's fab division is literally on suicide watch


Those buzzwords are cringe-worthy as fuck.

They're also full of irony considering how bad their designs actually scale.


>Slower than 14nm
Nope DOA. Sorry shillposter

Should have used Quantum Scaling instead.

>Meanwhile, at Common Platform

>on track

behind Samsung
behind tsmc
behind hynix
behind micron
behind qualcomm
behind ibm
behind kek amd

Hail, time traveler. What other news do you bring of the future?


By the time desktop 10nm arrive, GloFo will start volume production of 7nm EUV. 10nm is DOA.
EUV is EXTREMELY nice once it's works.

Thank the Jews


>i-it's a lie!
>AMD won't be on 7nm by 2018!
>t-they can't!

You should look ay GloFo's roadmaps before shitposting, user. GloFo 7nm DUV (1.7 yields) is Q4 2017. 7nm EUV (actually good yields) is Q1 2019.

Have you too entered a portal to the past as the other poster has, having lived through history yet to be?
If not, I'm not very impressed tbqh..


GloFo's own roadmap lists 7nm EUV for Q1 2017. It's HP one.


Dude it's 9 months at least before volume production.

Which would allow them to release Zen 2 on 7nm in 2018, yes?

No, it's 2019 and EUV.

Are you telling me they're going to rehash skylake yet again?


Where do bad chips go when they die?
They don't go to wafer where the yields fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see them again till the 2021

I knew a jew who came from Holon
He got rekt by a Jim and a Lisa Su
He went to his shoah just a little too soon
And he delid away claiming amd is poo

Now the jews cry and the pajeets moan
And they look for a cold plate to cool their Xeon
And try to find some goys to sell their optane
While the apple and the microsoft
Fight to claim zen for their own

Now on industry leading* 10nmâ„¢ process.
*pls do not mention IBM/GloFo/Samsung pls

They are this year.

It's been gaining grounds since last month. AMD fell for a bit while Intel held its value over the same period. AMD is now playing catch up with their growth, but Intel is still growing in value regardless.
Now is a bad time to sell Intel. The market is very confident that AMD will not pose a significant threat to Intel's market in the long term.

>2,4x transistor density
holy fuck, well AMD(ead) it was good while it lasted.

sell your am4 mobos boys.

>Yes-yes, goyim, do not sell Intel stock before June 20th.
>BEOL scaling is everything
Nice 1.7% yields.

No, I mean I already knew they were doing coffee lake and cannon lake after kaby lake, but icelake too? You'd think they'd still have SOME people doing R&D for their CPU division even if they can't knock out a new architecture every year anymore.

>Yes-yes, goyim, do not sell Intel stock before June 20th.
Market does not lie
Now is a very bad time to sell Intel. Short? Maybe, but the price will continue to climb regardless. The market has little faith in AMD at the moment. That may change after EPYC goes on sale.

>The market is very confident that AMD will not pose a significant threat to Intel's market in the long term.
If AMD can release an arch as good at server shit as Zen and still not make a dent in the market, x86 deserved to die anyway.

Yeah but the market is full of dumbheads

The writing is o the wall for anyone in tech who knows what all this shit means. Intel's been caught with their pants down and can't get back in the race for at least another year and probably more like 2-3 years, by which point they'll be playing catch-up to AMD who will be on a smaller and better process than Intel.

I don't even know wtf Intel's going to do to catch up to AMD's upcoming 5nm process when Intel doesn't even have working 7nm in any shape or form yet.

>tfw still on sandy bridge ep

>I don't even know wtf Intel's going to do to catch up to AMD's upcoming 5nm process when Intel doesn't even have working 7nm in any shape or form yet.
They'll bribe OEMs.

FTC is watching them now. AMD rolled out a ton of OEMs at Computex. Good luck.

Well, all of the big players are keeping a Sell rating on AMD, calling it severely overvalued, unstable, and a loss maker. INTL is keeping its Strong Buy rating, alongside NVDA. They must know something that Sup Forums doesn't.

>(((big players)))
Yes, goy, sell AMD while (((Goldman Sachs))) buys it all.
Maybe they'll try it again. Intel's current CEO is a mouthbreathing retard.

>Yeah but the market is full of dumbheads
I'd venture that in regards to stocks, Sup Forums is a bunch of dumbheads, but we'll agree to disagree.

>They must know something that Sup Forums doesn't.
Intel has no secret sauce or tricks up their sleeve. It's much more likely they just don't understand Zen's scaling or Intel's crappy monolithic low yield Xeons. Maybe they think AMD will release a better product and no-one will buy it? lol

Goldman Sachs was the cause of AMD's stock prices plummeting below $11 last month. They are the ones advising people to sell as they let go of about 15% of their shares in the company.


So have IBM basically saved Global Foundries? The 14nm process they licenced from Samsung has been pretty mediocre, and they didn't have anything else in the pipeline. How'd have thought it would be BIg Blue's fabs the killed Intel, not POWER.

14nm LPP was good and the yields are stellar, user.

>It's much more likely they just don't understand
What are you imagining? A bunch of empty suits screaming "buy, sell" alternatively at a flashing screen?
Investors consult with analysts who have worked in and watched the industry for decades, then make their own conclusion. There's nothing you know these people don't. That doesn't make you wrong in disagreeing, but you have no unique expertise on the issue.
>This company specializing in financial services agrees with a person on Sup Forums!
Great. I trust the company, and not the Sup Forums user.

Samsung's 14nm LPP is pretty fantastic considering the clocks AMD can achieve on it, and the power draw figures shown.
They can hit north of 3.5ghz with Zen, on a process stupid fanboys claimed would never hit over 2.8ghz.
But yes, IBM did give Global Foundries a boost that will undoubtedly improve the long term prospects of the business. They got engineers, tooling, IP, IBM's complete operating fab business is now absorbed by GloFo.
IBM's 7nm FD-SOI FinFET and 5nm GAA processes are in fact GloFo's processes now.

AMD will have access to everything.
Hell, GloFo even has some 22FDX customers for RF parts now, and MediaTek might be having some chips produced on it as well. Its like things are turning around for them across the board.

AMD so this coming when they sold their fabs?

Nah. No one expected IBM to give away their fabs and IP and staff to GloFo.

so excited for their covfefe lake

Covfefe is a word for Winners, lad.