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Technology #608
Is gmail the best email software ever?
Solid and non-autistic text editors dont exi-
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
AMD on suicide watch
File extension .fw????????
What the hell is the point of Chromebooks? What the fuck do they even do...
So Code updated recently
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Cryptonigs - ASUS GP106-100 (((MINING)))
Apple A10X CPU
What am I in for?
Wasted years on autistic distros because of Sup Forums
So when do you reckon the display of the gods shall rise again? Her superior colors, black levels...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So what is the best 150$ bluetooth headphones out there?
Need help with this Sup Forums
Hai there 4channel im Linus and please ask me anything
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How do I make it as a web coder, Sup Forums?
Software freedom law center's website
2FA, Phone Authenticator
Whats the best Linux and why
Do you dream in code, Sup Forums?
How many of you guys work in IT without certifications or a computer science degree?
QuickPic & ES File Explorer
Build Rate Thread
If Linux is so powerful then why is it only used for data processing?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
It is good thing PowerPC is dead. But why ARM still exists, when x86 is good enough for embedded...
This infuriates and confuses the Apple user
Whats wrong with it?
What's better, and why?
Says it cares about privacy and security
Hey Sup Forums, can i do this?
GTX 970 or 1060 3gb
Twenty seventeen
The Pirate Bay and BREIN
Post your homescreen
Arch (or similar distros like manjaro) is supposed to be better for customisation...
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Do you think this actually works?
Apt-get vs aptitude
I usually don't turn off my PC. A few minutes ago though I noticed it had turned off without me telling it to
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums BTFO by Linus from LTT
Why almost all DEs come with ugly ass themes by default...
Fully spec'd iMac to cost $17000
Can somebody please explain to me why a 5'' screen requires a 1080p resolution nowadays?
Hdmi vs dvi
So whose bright f*ucking idea was it to make certain UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS ports not be compatible with other UNIVERSAL...
What secure messaging app do you use
Sup Forums always says that Macs are overpriced
Is this show mr robot level cringe to people who actually work in tech...
Go to buy GTX 1060
Why is this turbo autist and talented programmer guy not popular in Sup Forums? I'm surprised
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why haven't you compiled your own linux kernel, Sup Forums?
Isn't it ironic that this place has no actual hackers
Why is almost every 3d game engine written in C++ and not Java?
Looking to get my A+ certification. I've built a couple computers in the past...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I feel like ChromeOS is just a better version of Macs for normies
Battlestation /bst/
No memes
When can I buy a 100 core processor?
Why can't Microsoft or Sony release external devices for their devices to boost performance...
Is pale moon a pale meme?
The people have spoken
What indent style do you use?
My computer shocks the shit out of me whenever i touch it
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why aren't you using a 100% free as in freedom system?
Name 1 (one) reason that you still use Windows on your LAPTOP
Just graduated with a cs degree with a math minor and a cheesy certificate in "ai and intelligent systems"
Can Sup Forums build a PC that can run 4k 60fps vidya, play 4k blurays, and come in an equal or smaller form factor?
Why the fuck are the RX 400/500 (especially) getting so damn pricey?
Making A OS
Click 15 squares
Are anti-virus/anti-malware softwares a meme? Do you use any of them?
RISC computer processing is the only solution there is
So Sup Forums
3 years ago I installed Gentoo, ama
Mac has no programs
Been using Windows 10 for a couple years
Help crack this
Ultimate PC
Python 2 or 3 and why?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Be poorfag in eastern europe
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: wokfi edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Whats is the Sup Forums thoughts about Windows Vista?
Almost everyone seems to believe that HTTPS Everywhere works by checking if a site is available over HTTPS and...
The next Geforce (for gaming) doesn’t use HBM2
Let's say the internet suddently dies. No more online porn, no more torrents, no more online gaymes
Fellow Sup Forumsurus, this is it, this summer I'm GONNA WRITE A FUCKING COMPILER!!
/wt/ - Watch Thread
*breath in*
Just had an argument with a tech illiterate girl
If you could create a horror movie about tech stupidity, what would the plot be?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General thread
So Stretch is coming at the weekend. Are you upgrading? Have you upgraded...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Surface Laptop
You need git as a single developer developing a personal project
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You need to run nonfree Javascript to shitpost on Sup Forums
It's time for you to move to Vivaldi
Intels golden age thread
Brand Loyalty
Poorfag edition
Talk me out of selling my car and buying this thing come fall
Hi Sup Forums I'm looking for a new Android phone
Web Browsers
Is there such a thing as too big of a monitor?
/wdg/ Web Development General
Hey Sup Forums I found this safe on the street. How can I unlock it?
I wanna start making games, small stuff obviously since it would be a solo job
How can I make sure that Ubuntu will run fine on my laptop?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Linux mint with HP laptop
New firefox released
Youtube is dead
Gaming on Loonix
You have two (2) minutes to draw a circle in GIMP
What is your opinion on policing language in programming...
Should I ?
Path of the programmer
Has Sup Forums X been abandoned again? It hasn't been updated in a month...
How do they always end up with weird looking versions of Windows in movies?
Sup Forums here...
Is Fedora a botnet?
Visual Basic .net
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Morning Sup Forums
Best botnet free browser?
When exactly did you grow out of Windows Sup Forums? For me it was 2012 when I discovered Xubuntu...
Sup Forums is not gonna believe me but
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Some prime numbers are illegal to know
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
How do I remove the iCloud activation lock from my iPhone 5 without using official Apple services
Since unlimited amazon closed and unlimited google drive do weekly banwaves...
Tfw my amd gpu is suddenly worth its weight in gold
Performance is much better than Python & Ruby
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Im going to switch to android tomorrow after 8 years iOS. Is there something to consider?
Just installed ubuntu
Give me a full 90's computer setup, monitor, keyboard and everything
Pajeet contractors
>>>Sup Forums
ITT : It's 1985
Java or C++?
It's another Intel Frylake is dead on arrival thread
Im trying to figure what class I should take for my 1st programming language in community college...
Rust vs C
Can anybody remember this? crysis, oblivion, 3dmark06 good old times. this was the beginning of GPU gaming era
How can u white bois even compete?
The perfect console didn't exi--
Know basic syntax of python
What ROM you all running...
What operating system does Chad use as his daily driver?
Return of the Tranny!
Is it just me or is Windows 10 a buggy piece of shit compared to Windows 7?
Get a job
Language theory help
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
6 inches phone
How to be fucking annoying 101
Waiting for Ryzen thread
Neofetch or Screenfetch
LG G4 fucking up
Talk crap about intel
What are the highest quality earbuds for the lowest possible price? we're talkin less than $50 here
Self taught c
Is the hype justified?
Why would I buy a PC over a laptop?
Tip for GNU/Linux Beginners
Void Linux
Drones are technology. Pic related, my DJI Mavic flying over a local river
Anything fun I can do on my Linux?
Decentralized Cloud
The Moto z has a $200 off coupon right now...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Windows 10 laptop just sitting with firefox open to Sup Forums
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Speccy / Specs thread
Why is this so perfect?
What does Sup Forums think of this project?
Uses of unused flash drives
BSD And Other Things
Who sent all the tech jobs to India and China?
Laptop with good graphics card?
My gtx 1080 after 6 months started showing red dots during gaming also the textures are flickering
Tell me, Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Advice on finding first dev job
How much for 1gbps
Tfw just got dual monitors
He bought a gtx 1060
Stop writing object oriented
Apple CEO Seeks to Infuse Tech with ‘Human Values’
How do we get rid of the dumbfrog posters and the general Sup Forumstards that have invaded Sup Forums and all other...
What's the lowest amount of RAM Sup Forums ever had?
What do you use for streaming now that Kodi is dying?
Nigger hate thread
GTX 480 housefires were 7 years ago
What's wrong with enjoying video games?
Flashlight general
Daily reminder that you do not belong on this board if you use Windows 10
Why is this allowed?
Browse Sup Forums for a few days
Name Thread
Programming languages
IPhone 8 Part Leaks Surface
What look do people give you when they see you using your thinkpad in public?
IOS game recommendations
My iPhone got locked, and I can't unlock it, what do I do? I tried entering my iCloud details, didn't work
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Firefox is a well optimized browser
All of my problems
Will Linux gaming ever be a thing?
What's with all the dumb fuck niggers on this board shit-talking Linux?
/wt/ watch thread
Going to college for CS with almost no prior knowledge of coding, but have a strong mathematical background
Who here /2500k in 2017/
I legitimately use Linux every day. I enjoy easy updates, less chance of viruses...
Left for a few month's, why does Sup Forums love windows now?
How /diy/ is Sup Forums?
He thinks because "install gentoo" is a meme that the recommendation isn't completely serious
Sup Forums Lets work on something together
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Editor thread?
Screenfetch thread
The perfect keyboard doesn't exi-
What screenshot program do you use?
Daily reminder that Linux has no place on the desktop and never is going to be relevant at it
Is 200 mb data a month enough to browse Sup Forums without images on android app ?
Sudo poweroff
Tomorrow's Intel newest Architecture, Skylake-X releases, and Sup Forums will be flooded by crying AMD shills...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why are you not using Solus user?
Why do you not use FreeBSD yet?
Sublime text is best text
Brother occasionally likes to hide my phone when we're both in the kitchen and I leave it unattended
Atom or Sublime?
I want to shift away from WhatsApp, I don't like how it must be connected to my phone. All my friends use it though...
What are the best music players for Linux?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why is Windows so bad? I'm on Win 10 pro and want to try Linux but I don't know which version to get...
He hasn't installed gentoo on himself yet
Was using glorious Thinkpad in work for a while when programming
Best Smartphones 2017
Cracking HTTPS
Zhaoxin Shanghai to launch a 16nm x86 CPU in 2018
TempleOS Game Boy emulator update
You will never work at Google™
Tfw x86 is still not fucking dead
Why haven't you switched to Linux yet?
Do you browse this site?
Why does youtube use webm instead of h264? h264 is usually hardware accelerated on computers...
Why are compsci majors such memes?
What are these totem likes?
Woke up this morning to the sound of 2 workers making loud sounds
Lets learn c
How do you poison a torrent?
Japanese file sharing:
What are some Sup Forums shows
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Preferred Web Frameworks and why
Post uptime
How can GNOME manlets compete?
All else being equal, which is faster?
Are 6 cores worth getting? Or is 4 enough?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Move away from my windows 10 computer for a moment
Computer functions are just 0s and 1s that send messages
Found this in my basement
Imagine if mobile browsers were 100mb bigger
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does Sup Forums believe in the *BSD dream?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
ThinkPad X230 vs HP 2570p for gaming
How come Electron gets all the hate when it enables developers to make interesting desktop apps again...
I want an iMac Pro so bad
he's not building a ray tracer
Just found this old as fuck 512MB micro SD, what is that port for?
Android phones are obsolete the moment you buy them
Miss the bitcoin boom
Prius can get higher city mpg than highway mpg
Screenfetch thread
What makes RX480 so good for mining, and why not RX 5xx series?
ITT: try to not get offended
What projects are you too lazy to work on atm?
We're not going to gib access
How do you feel about mechanical keyboards?
Workstation thread. Ryzen has nothing on my 16 core 32 thread dual Xeon setup. Also no corelets i7 6700k users get out
Try out Windows
On a scale of 1 to 10 how incorrect is this statement?
What's her endgame?
There will never be a console that looks better than this
Microsoft makes ugly hardwa-
Wtf is this shit?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's a mITX case that:
Back to 1990
Try to spec up a PC with equivalent specs to an iMac Pro
Indian tech firm makes it official: Trump is a risk to its business
There are people who willingly use vastly inferior and bug-ridden software just because its open-source and free unlike...
Managing large images collections
Phone emulator
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Seriously though, what is so great about Terry and TempleOS?
Are you even fucking trying TWITCH????
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Daily driver
I just updated Windows 10 and now for some reason...
Previous thread: >>60835799
Mac Alternative for Normies
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Watched Snowden yesterday and I gotta say it was great except the fake windy 7 shit...
Tech humor thread
FRP bypass
Is University a waste of time for developers?
Post your tech sins:
How to get Sup Forums off of this board?
Why is everyone suggesting we buy these old shitty Thinkpad to run a Linux distros on?
/tos/ - Temple OS/Terry A. Davis General:
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: Things Android will never be able to do
Redpill me on (non-chromebook) 11" laptops
This is what the height of the modern day operating system looks like
Router was working fine before it got factory reset
How the fuck do SSDs die? They are supposed to be glorified flash drives no? My flash drives have never ever died
Why is git such a bitch to work with
Guys, I did it, I installed Gentoo!
See post on reddit about guy with no CS degree getting a job at Google
Intel 10nm Taped Out, Currytech running damage control
App Store paid out $70 billion to developers
/wt/ watch thread
Build me a gaming powerhouse, I said
OK, so I'm doing a website for a small company using php cos they want some dynamic content. I'm no newcomer to php...
Immigrate to USA
Hey Sup Forums, taskbar on top? Or bottom?
Brand Boycott
Should install Ubuntu on this?
Should I buy this?
Fidget Spinner General
Post your recommended case fans Sup Forums
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
A Day in the Life of Chad
What file manager do you use?
Best android launcher?
Have you guys given up games / gaming for work or other things?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What's the best web browser and why is it Opera?
NEWPIPE 0.9.8 is out with several fixes! (APK provided now)
I cannot believe I just got memed this hard
ITT stuff Sup Forums recommend you that's actually good
MPC is crashing when I try to play the following file:
What is a free, stealth app to fully track a phone's activity without the owner knowing?
What the best tablet
Opened up my laptop to clean the fans and there's this gray residue on my CPU and GPU, what is it...
Okay my brothas you need to help ya boi out i even got proof i aint newfag check my pass...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
*BSD General
Most stores no longer sell warranty plans for video cards
Image Viewer for Windows - Need Recommendations
I just installed Ubuntu 17.04, did I do good or screw up and could've gotten a better distro?
Do people that study CS have the right to call themselves "scientists" or "engineers"...
Tech things we never seem to discuss here
Why the fuck it cost money
Pp is asking me for the emails with my customers. I do erotic art so they will ban me...
This kills Sup Forums
learning programming
/wdg/ Web Development General
Internet security
RIP Oneplus
What is some Sup Forums approved dick washing technology?
Excel for stupid people
Are there any good lightweight browsers?
What would you do with a holodeck?
How good is this phone? I love the physical keyboard and the aesthetic...
To all you ni/g/ers who made fun of my purchase on friday, fuck you. battery life is amazing...
When the check finally arrives
Who browses Sup Forums on a tablet?
Buying a ThinkPad right now right now
ITT: Terrible software
Screenfetch Thread
Jesus Christ what the fuck are you retards doing?
Redpill me on SJW companies and software I should not use
What are you working on Sup Forums?
AI winter
Fish cooled PC
Xbox ones price cut to 199$; wtf there is no pc build on earth that can have that perfomance to price ratio plus there...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
DVD still in 2017?
Why do phone companies only do shit once Apple starts doing it
Hey Sup Forumsbros
IPhone or Android
C is a disservice to intelligent programmers...
Now that Linux is officially dead and obsolete, what's Sup Forums choice for a desktop OS?
When did you grow up and realize that:
What the fuck, why can't Linux even thumbnail my porn correctly?
Is ethereum mining a meme?
/cyb/ /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: hard boiled edition
Tesla Coils
Remote Monitoring of Powerbank
New MBP: Apple won
Intel's death throes
Ryzenfu vs 7700k
Why isn't this the standard PC config?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Netbook or something else?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why are Windows users so afraid of efficient, quality products that actually work?
Autists are the good programmers. So if I intentionally eat the autism diet will that make me a better programmer?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why can't you "format" and rewrite content on a regular CD that has been used before Sup Forums?
Sup Forums I want to know the bad parts of vr...
Do you like Ubuntu MATE, Sup Forums?
Neural net self portrait thread
Sup Forums newfag here. Thought this would be the place to ask cuz why not. On Facebook...
Why the fuck do you people even care for HEDT CPUs? They don't even make 2% of the market
Why is Go so elegant?
The projects that never were
Let's talk about raid 0
What do you think of computerphile?
Guys, my family was very poor growing up and I didn't have access to a computer. I never learned to properly type
They still don't have a retina display
Battlestation thread /bst/
I'm very very lazy
Is this /ourphone/?
What Sup Forums think about functional programming
What does Sup Forums think of the iPhone SE
Is this a new level of shitposting? Or what else could it be named?
How do i bypass this kind of shit without turning of my Adblock?
So apparently Telemetry ignores your hosts file
Apple is kill
Ylyl thread
How to cope with 200 mb internet bros ? im going on a sea phase and this will be my limit...
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Theresa May to launch wide-ranging internet regulation and security changes
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are laptops worthless in the year of 2017
What is the best DE and why is it KFCE?
Sup Forums is fucking useless for anything that doesn't have to do with gaming hardware and smartphones, prove me wrong...
The Prison Coding Class That Might Have Inmates Making Six Figures On Their Release
Chromium user
/wt/ watch thread
He runs affiliated marketing sites
How is this allowed?
For editors; which one do you prefer and why?
Virtual Machine Software
Sorry KDE fags and Gnomefags, the perfect desktop already exists and it's called XFCE
Speccy / specs thread. This is my shitposting machine, pic 1 / 5
What technologies should you not cheap out on?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
HEVC and HEIF for iPhone
ITT: Trainwreck interface designs
Hey Sup Forums whats stopping you from switching from Android phone to iPhone? (Or visa versa)
Apple's iMac Pro
The latest CPUs/chipsets no longer have compatibility with Windows 7...
I've touched only a few programming languages, not enough to say I've gained proper competency. However...
Linux Killed My PC
*BSD General
Theresa May wants to ban encryption in UK
GPU Passthrough
C++ editor
/pirate/ thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Yo waddup Sup Forums, I just bought this new laptop from a friend but the thing is locked...
AMD BTFO: 10 core Skylake-X i9 7900X 4.8GHz OC without delid
Who /raspberry pi/ here? What do you do with it?
How does Sup Forums feel about Red Hat Linux? Has anyone here used it?
What advantages does linux have over windows?
He was right
What went wrong?
What exactly is Google trying to accomplish with Fuchsia?
The meme is real, what the shit
How does Sup Forums backup their files?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe
Reminder RX Vega will cost $1000, while barely beating 1070 because of people using AMD cards for crypto coin mining
People pay 100$ for windows. Do you donate to your favorite distro ?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
So I just bought this
Encrypted .zip password recovery
Why is Windows 10 LTSB so comfy and when/hiw is MS going to ruin it?
Mom used LCD cleaner on my monitor
Uh oh... someone is scared
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Is this the best laptop to buy if I want something cheap that can decode 10bit HEVC and runs linux...
Admit it, you'd buy this in a heartbeat if you could afford it
Mark "the 46th president of the united states of america" zukerberg
Why use linux when there's unix?
Why does Sup Forums hate Fedora? It seems okay to me
Any ThinkPad cunts know how to enter UEFI BIOS on boot?
What's the best programming language and why is it python?
I've been trying to install Ubuntu for almost two hours with no success...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Who else is doing the summer deal for Intel?
Fuck Android, it's made by the pajeets of the pajeets in India
What now? I've tried Daz already and nothing. Fucking UEFI shit, I hate it so much
512 GB
At this rate, wouldn't the right decision be to delete everything
Wallpaper thread
TI 89T, Nspire CX CAS
Is Samsung the Sony of the 90s?
Pick a cloud stack, Sup Forums
Convince me why dwm isn't the perfect window manager?
I set up a keylogger on my roommates computer just as a prank...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Since video games are now a fitting topic for Sup Forums (see: >>60826392, 8 hours up with no deletion)...
What exactly is intel spending all this money on?
Current state of Linux gaming
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple's Homepod
Pirate Bay founder: We’ve lost the internet, it’s all about damage control now
Guts Thread
She used Tor
>move to linux
Django Thread
Github Alternatives
So Sup Forums it's friday, what are you doing tonight besides sitting in front of the computer?
Travelling to the USA next week. I'm a JAVA programmer that develops enterprise software for the company I work for...
Why does Japan get all the cool sleek and stylish flip phones that do all sorts of cool shit like getting live TV...
Whats the best antivirus?
And this is our son's room!
Personal/portable music player thread (/pmp/)
Look on your keyoard between T and O
G502 stops left clicking
/mpv/ - please show me it can do better
Why the FUCK would anybody install this distro?
Linux is finally user-friendly
Digital contact lenses
Reminder that thinkpads are the only laptops that are allowed for spaceflight. Where's your god now mactoddlers?
How do I buy oblivion for linux?
/w™vg/ - wait™® AMD RX Vega general
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why aren't you teaching yourself machine learning, user?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General - 100th Thread Edition
Windows XP Hold Out Thread
BSD And Other Things
What benefits do electric cars have other than "muh globul warming" virtue signaling?
Which app do you use for Twitter? The official one's a piece of shit...
Apple's new air cooling system
Sup Forums Confessions Thread
So Pepe is persona non grata in the app store now. Fuck Apple. Fuck them very much
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Windows is for gays
Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others...
Can Dell jack up their prices any higher? This is getting fucking ridi
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
The state of OnePlus
IPad Pro vs PC
Hey Sup Forums
Is 21:9 a meme?
Speccy Thread
What's you're hackername?
Just installed Ubuntu
Which text editor does Sup Forums use?
DIY builders struggle to meet price with fewer features
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How secure is your password, Sup Forums?
Sudo ./mei-amt-check
Bought 1080ti
Intel is fucked
He's on windows
/wdg/ Web Development General
Nominate TempleOS' Terry Davis for TED Talk
IM General
RasPi Thread
Employment Recruiting website accidentally buy ad on White Nationalist podcast: hilarity ensues
AMD not even on a the graph
Arch Linux
Remember all those computer viruses you used to get...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
AMD Threadripper coming in fast!!!
Any legit criticisms of Apple left anymore?
*blocks Intel's path*
Must have LiveUSB
/sqt/ because old one dead
Screenfetch/screenshot of linux
/bst/ - Fapstation General
It's fucking dead
Why did 68k or powerpc fail?
This is a Macintosh
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Intel admits being inadequate
Hate Java ever since I first encounteted it
This ugly motherfucker used these pieces of dog shit to code doom. What the fuck have you achieved?
Tfw fell for the comodo meme
Americans are willing to pass retarded encryption laws and live under constant surveillance just because they can't...
What do you think about c# Sup Forums?
More libre mobile applications:
Quick, name a modern OS for me to install on this smallish HDD I just installed in my PC. No Windows...
AGESA to for AMD Ryzen
Bike with roter
/cyb/ /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why are people paying 1080 prices for RX 480s
You can hold 11 microsd cards in this wallet card
D-did I do good Sup Forums? what distro do I install on this baby?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
They chose gnome
Daily reminder that 99% of posters here look like this
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
Yahoo btfo confirmed
If you take the blue pill you wake up. C++ is the best programming language still...
Please stop AI research
So what's the current verdict on Tor? Are there too many bad nodes out there anymore to trust it? Is it still safe...
Can i pirate anime figurines with a laser resin 3d printer
First job after college
How do you turn off your PC?
This is the current state of Microsoft design
Mice thread general
IMac Pro is not overpriced. The baseline iMac Pro configure on a Lenovo workstation costs $2300 more
This piece of garbage just started bootlooping and I'm past the 1 year warranty...
Based Apple
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is threadripper a meme
Backing anything up on pic related when SD cards exist
What happened, Sup Forums?
Amdlettes blown the fuck out can you overclock this far?
I'm on ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Android phones are obsolte the moment you buy them
Do you prefer (iphones) or android
IT support at a hospital
ITT: Claim your waifu
Let their SSL certificate expire, twice
Tabs vs Spaces
Redpill me on retro technology
Why is Google so successful despite hiring so much tranny filth
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hey Sup Forums, I was pointed towarsa this place from a Sup Forums thread. Without suggesting lowspec gamer...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How often do you study and for what duration?
So it appears that Arch has dropped (or in the process of dropping) support for 32bit machines...
What data do you keep on your flash drive on your key chain?
She was using TOR
I recently got one of these and i'm going to use the computer mainly for games
Anyone know the solution to this? Happened to see it while browsing through an old HDD
Cracked game NFO says to support the developers
Why do people care so much about brands on this board? Just buy whichever is better price to performance
I'm done
Have you bought anything off dark net markets?
Rate my home screen? Post yours as well
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
More images like this, please
This design is engineering nirvana. They should use it as the basis for the modular Mac Pro...
Chromebook General
New York Subway Terminals
This guy is your new Google manager
Try to get Windows Loader by Daz
What does Sup Forums think about Atom, the text editor?
What do you call brown people that are good at technology in your country?
There are still people who aren't even on Android N yet
I9 released
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Get mad at video game
So, this gen AMD lost even the budget market, why fuck are they still alive?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
He didn't set up full system encryption on his laptop using LUKS
Why are so many weebs browse this board? Literally every second post has a Chinese cartoon picture in it
Predict what threads on Sup Forums will be like in 10 years
New windows 10 pc
Is uBlock Origin the best ad blocking extension out there? No malicious shit itself?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Sup Forums humor thread
Do you respect his opinion?
Android Privacy
Easy money stories
Tfw fell for the 5.5" smartphone meme
Our guy
Buy an x220
Does this confirm that musk is a hack?
There are cuckolds on Sup Forums right now with less than 16GiB of RAM
Why isnt programming popular in japan
What are these used for?
You patched the Intel AMT vulnerability. Right? RIGHT?????
I don't even think she is that ugly. Who started this meme? She looks totally passable. Or is it the makeup?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Current state of Mozilla FireFox Nightly
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
1.7% yeids
Would you ever pick up an old beige case and stick your modern guts inside? if so what case
Give me a quick rundown on the programming languages
Ehm, so, I need to upgrade my graphics card.. I was looking for the Rx4xx series but...
Honestly what do you do when a macbook pro battery wears out...
Pajeet won't stop making global variables
Is she, dare I say... /outgal/?
Developing Telepathy Technology
Hiro Jewing Sup Forums
After zen, zen +
Hello Sup Forums. After going through most distributions out there I have finally come back to Ubuntu...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Your Samsung Smartphone is Watching Your Every Move
Do you judge people based on typing speed?
The Utah Attorney General's Office says marrying a laptop is not a constitutionally protected right...
What did he do?
Raspbarry Pi
Let's talk about the best phone
Yeah ummmmmm we typed your name into Facebook but we can't find your page, explain
Are eGPUs finally gonna take off now that Apple added native eGPU support in macOS High Sierra?
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to g
Sup Forums humor thread
HP Elitebook 8770w, for 500 dollaroos
Does anyone here have any experience setting up/networking a large amount of Antminer S9 ASIC miners...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Have i7 6700k
Why does Java code look so fucking ugly?
/wt/ - Watch Thread
GNOMEfags BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Who else is a AMVIDIA user?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Hey Intel. Get REKT M9!
Horror Stories?
What went wrong?
Is there a not-completely-shit music player for Linux?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...