So Pepe is persona non grata in the app store now. Fuck Apple. Fuck them very much.
So Pepe is persona non grata in the app store now. Fuck Apple. Fuck them very much
>banning stupid frogposters
Based Apple keeping normalfags away.
Who the fuck even cares?
I'm saddened that there were actually pepe apps to begin with.
>Who the fuck even cares?
your mom :^)
Follow your leader, frogshitter.
Wtf, I love Apple now!?
>I love censorship
t. good goy
Poorfag here, I don't own a smartphone.
OK so a phone is not like a computer? Microsoft can't ban games from being played on windows. Can you not download the game from some place other than the app store? like the maker's website then play it on your phone?
what about android, can you download and play games not approved by google?
fuck every game having to be approved by some company just to run on an OS, how is that even legal
With Android, you can install anything you want from anywhere you want. Apple is exactly the opposite. You can only install what they let you install. And if what you want conflicts with their insular leftist sensibilities, you're SOL
>iTards will defend this
>OK so a phone is not like a computer?
They sort of are nowadays.
>Can you not download the game from some place other than the app store? like the maker's website then play it on your phone?
It's easily possible on Android, this is just a problem for the iFags and their locked piece of shit OS that doesn't even have a file browser.
>what about android
Of course you can, you could even remove all traces of Jewgle from your OS by flashing a custom ROM and getting .apks (like .exes on windows) from another repository (F-Droid) or anywhere really instead of Google's Store.
>fuck every game having to be approved by some company just to run on an OS, how is that even legal
Why do you hate the free market user? Should BMW dealerships sell Toyota cars?
>Can you not download the game from some place other than the app store? like the maker's website then play it on your phone?
On Apple, not without Jailbreaking it
>what about android, can you download and play games not approved by google?
Yes, thank god, for now
>what about android, can you download and play games not approved by google?
Yes. Android allows you to install whatever you like. Applel users are cucks and have to swallow Tim Cuck's cosk by installing only shit from appstore.
So what? What do you care about frogs if you're not posting frogs yourself? If you have nothing to say then you're not being censored.
Should Toyota prevent people from filling their cars with gas not made by them?
Why do you think that a private company should not be able to decide what it does and does not sell in its own storefront?
Provided you are aware of the fact when you purchase it, yes. Toyota will sell like shit if the consumer votes with his wallet.
Win10S will install only windows store programs untill you "unlock it" with money.
It's the Keurig cup model of business.
how is this a problem?
I have never seen a single intelligent post by a frogposter
Go back to post your political pepe edits.
With the constant phone debates on here I have never heard this brought up, this sounds like it would be a huge fucking deal to people on Sup Forums (not being able to run whatever software they want that is, especially if it's being banned for SJW reasons)
why does nobody seem to care about this
I am going to buy a smartphone later this summer and I really can't imagine buying an iphone if this is the way things are
OSX for the laptops is not this way
true, true
Frog hating heretic.
>Why do you think that a private company should not be able to decide what it does and does not sell in its own storefront?
nobody is saying they should have to sell it out of the app store, but if I want to install it by downloading it from a website i should be able to, it's my phone not theirs
the apple thing is old, old news. So old that it's like a nonissue, a constant of life.
Everyone who wants at least a marginal degree over their phone either doesn't get an iPhone or waits to buy until there's a confirmed jailbreak available
>this sounds like it would be a huge fucking deal to people on Sup Forums
Most tru/g/entoomen autists use rooted Android with an ungoogled ROM such as LineageOS, or at least a rooted phone with the bare minimum of Google Apps (because of certain incompatibilities with some apps that require Google Services).
You can even use your phone as a temporal bootable USB flash drive if you want to install a distro or something, only root access is needed.
>why does nobody seem to care about this
because after spending $1000 on a phone you need to defend that purchase somehow i guess
>b-but muh frog memes
>dumb liberals can't take that pepe is OUR symbol and We Will Not Yield!
Nobody likes frogposters
user, how daft are you? Apple is a privately owned publicly traded multi billion dollar corporation. Crying over muh free spurch because a company can do what it legally can with its private property is pissing in the wind.
Does it piss me? Sure. Its just that reeeing on a tibetan finger-painting forum that some company banned the frog emoji won't solve shit.
Channel your effort and outrage on free speech causes that actually matter.
For the moment, do not buy Apple anything, no laptops, no phones, no cords, fuck, boycott apples just to be sure. If you can't or you won't you're a cuck and you don't even deserve to enter hell, just to wallow endlessly in purgatory.
MHA sucks
Feels good man
Shut up, bitch
Apple is normalfag tech though you idiot.
Maybe for mobile
Retards, mostly.
You can sideload apps to iOS devices using some tools, same with Android but without needing tools. Your average normie won't though, and will continue only getting apps from App Store and Google Play.
OP cared enough to point this out to us :/
Google has a much worse censorship. They ban adblockers, they ban alternative (and better) YouTube video players/downloaders.
Fuck off Apple shill
iOS isn't a smartphone OS. It's basically a niche dumbphone with much better hardware. The OS is locked down and unless you void your warranty you can't install software from anywhere but their store. Android is somewhere on a desktop OS level in terms of functionality and features.
serves those NAZIS right
If u dont want ur shit censored then dont go against PC values it's not that hard to understand neanderthals
this is a democracy not nazi germany
Why would a shill demean his clients best-selling products? Pull your head out of your ass user...
Fuck off summer cancer
damn it, I love memes and apple products so much I was planning on downloading lots of shitty meme games on my iPhone today but now apple just ruined my life
His post was throwing Apple's inferiority on the mobile battleground into solid doubt while implying that on non-mobile areas they're the best
This is my first post in this thread on that topic but he could very well be a shill
Sup Forumstards are so paranoid that everyone is trying to kill their apple hateboners lol
Fucking SJW apple faggots probably think it's a hate symbol
That is literally cropped for instagram. kys unironically
You still can use the Package management infrastructure in macOS to frogposting, moron.
So what if we made the Apple logo into the new symbol of white supremacy?
>OSX for the laptops is not this way
So many of their products are white-colored the memes write themselves.
They're a little late. Pepe/Kek are last year's memes. They're only posted ironically on Sup Forums now. You know they're dead memes because Reddit has started spamming them.
>post a video on youtube from my gayman prototype 2 years ago
>the video features a small image of pepe
>meanwhile normies and Sup Forumstards claim the meme for themselves and ruin it
>2 years later I'm suddenly literally nazi because of a frog picture
gee thanks
Blame Hillary Clinton and the MSM. They're the ones who pushed the "Pepe is a racist meme" meme and the insane left unquestioningly latched onto it.
this is hilarious though
Pepe was co-opted years ago. He was just a frog from a comic who gave this site two common reaction images until the five guys incident turned into a posterboy for Chanology v2. This is still stupid, though; he's still just a reaction image to me.
That's actually a great Idea. We should make an infographic that shows how White Apple's board of directors are, how Tim Cook is a Republican and constantly donates to them.
Dumbfuck SJWs are their largest userbase so if we can chase them off, Apple will fall.
Title should go something like "Apple, the devices of choice for the alt-right" or something like that.
epic Sup Forumsrothers, let's dew this
our infographic will show those trillion dollar market cap cucks what happens when you mess with us
>banning stupid fucking frogposters
One of the few good things applel ever did
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Apple about to get a lawsuit from Adult Swim, since they own Pepe now.