He was right.
He was right
Other urls found in this thread:
Install generator too
Throttling piece of shit that creates house fires.
>tfw no more steve
They need to hire someone to bitchslap Jony Ive every once in a while. I'm all for thinness, but deliberately cutting battery and putting a calculator keyboard in a pro machine for the sake of it is madness.
>He was right.
he wasn't
>is madness
Then what do you call it when all the other makers slavishly copy Apple, albeit badly?
>socks and birkenstocks
And this is the aestethics icon of computer nerds
Epic xD
Include me in the screenshot pls xD
it brings me no joy to see a human in this condition regardless of my opinion of them
This. It's incredibly depressing to see another person in that state.
t. summer fag
It brings me joy knowing that the Apple founder suffered pain and misery that his AIDS ridden fanbase will as well.
been here since 2008. guess i've just outgrown the "i like it when other people suffer" phase. back to Sup Forums with you, kiddo
After Jobs died, people held vigils at apple stores and left half-bitten apples in front of the stores.
Is this technically littering? Can you imagine the store workers who had to go pick up half eaten rotting fruit a few days later?
They put their hands on Apple hardware,
so holding rotten apples won't be much of an impact.
edgefags need to go and stay go
Edgefags will never go because there's always softfags like you to give them entertainment.
more like edgefags will never go because Sup Forums is edge central.
More like nature has designed a system where predators take advantage of weaknesses in their prey, and softfags with emotional weaknesses are one such prey.
well I guess it's a reciprocal relationship because that shit you just typed was hilariously bad
Sometimes facts don't care about aesthetics.
A spiked club looks ugly, but it's extremely effective at killing people without or without armor and very cheap and easy to manufacture.
>guess i've just outgrown the "i like it when other people suffer" phase.
You never truly outgrow Schadenfreude.
My father is in his 60s and still laughs when my sister forgets to check the toilet seat and falls in the toilet.
Don't tell him that.
He's still in that infantile stage where he thinks acting mature is the same as being mature, like pic related.
>guess i've just outgrown the
The more you act like something, the farther you are away from it m8.
A quote made at least once by every single great mind in history.
but this is an anonymous community. i have nothing to gain by just pretending to be mature
>turn a technology company into fashion
>brand has the highest valuation with consumers ever
>acquire immense wealth
>company is a complete cultural icon
>get cancer
>do laughably crazy holistic treatment
>die an agonizing death from wasting away
>never give to charity
>leave nothing behind
>accomplish absolutely nothing meaningful in life
Thin laptops are neat though, so thats something.
You have an ego. An ego is a self-fulfilling and self-driven phenomenon which doesn't require motive to feed. It is the motive in itself.
i can't flaunt my ego in an anonymous community. these posts will be gone soon and then what i've claimed might as well be untrue
That's the thing, an ego doesn't need to be flaunted.
You feed it yourself. You tell yourself seemingly positive things to feel better about yourself, and then you become blinded and obsessed by it, and then you become the extreme opposite of edgefags which is equally retarded.
Ego is like a drug. It doesn't require an audience to be fed. An audience is just an excuse to deny it.
i don't agree
>I don't have to act mature if I know I am
You are a retard
Don't put your own words into my mouth m8.
It's not my problem you think that way.
A person who cares about maturity at all, in any way or form, isn't mature. They are a poser.
>Red Delicious
can we pls start a rumour that he was trigender or some bs like that. keep all the fags to apple
between this and the toe gunk i really lost all respect for rms
>steve jobs
>a person
pick one
based stallman
Hope your mother and father get cancer and you end up seeing them slowly die you piece of shit. It will happen because bad shit happens to bad people such as yourself.
grow up asshole
You can live for decades on antiviral drugs dude
is joke
Nice facebook meme.
You got a better one that gets the same point across?
I suggest using your own words instead of memes.
No matter what you say, somebody has said it before and said it better.
Haha what the fuck is wrong with you??
Caring so much about some person you never even met, fuck I hate these idiots.
Maybe, but this particular shitty meme brings nothing new.
>I suggest using your own words instead of memes.
Do you even know where you're at nigga?
You're a shitty meme
>Do you even know where you're at nigga?
On a site that doesn't tolerate facebook-tier memes.
>facebook toddler thinks he will find friends on 4chin
What's the appeal of ultra thin laptops again?
Effay as fuck bruv.
On most strains. Triple therapy resistance is starting to appear in pockets all over the world.
Isn't he acting like a girl now?
Bending them. Also, weaked bodies which carrying more than five pounds is debilitating.
>Whats the appeal of making a portable computer more portable?
Still at higher risk for common cancers and an insanely higher risk for the less common ones. Also they've seen an explosion in anal cancer in the last decade. Strangely seems to following apples rise
There comes a point where it's thin enough though and you're just sacrificing practicality. I mean, the screen had to be a comfortable size as well as the keyboard so you can type on it so the thing is only every going to get so small and still be a laptop.
>More portable
Outside of weak cancer patients like Jobs who actually has issues moving regular laptops?
As a great man once said - I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone
Man I was really surprised when they confirmed he died of aids.
Always had my suspicions he sucked cocks on the side.
this is fake would you mind deleting this?
Great said once as a man - dead glad he's not, I'm but he's gone glad
delete this please
He is dead.
... wrong
>mfw people hating on the most innovative consumer electronic company in the world
>and theyre american
you're just contrarian autists
>literally all iPhone 6 and 6 plus models getting touch disease sooner or later
>you're just contrarian autists
And you're just a turbo cocksucker
>literally new age Hitler as a sickly old man
>still has sympathy for him
I'd still light him on fire if I saw him, fuck that arrogant prick. I hope he suffered greatly.
>unsheathes fedora
Fedorafags are moralfags. Learn your script.
>Fedorafags are moralfags
They are though.
>muh fair lady ain't giving me attention as I am a just and moral good man
>and only gives attention to douchebags
>*slips fedora*
Kill yourself.
I think there are different species of fedoraman. Feel free to disagree.
Fedoraman all the same
>muh religions are the source of evil
>only atheism is the truly moral and peaceful way because one doesn't need books for morals
>*slips fedora*
Kill yourself.
Some go on about evolution and
>weak should die that's how it's in nature
Fedorafags are the weak ones, so they can't argue for themselves.
>muh katana of justice and honor, protecting the weak while teleporting behind my enemies
Kill yourself.
>Fedorafags are the weak ones
yes, hypocrisy is a thing
Go back to watching Naruto fedorafag.
You're not making any sense.
>only one person was smart enough to bring a macintosh apple
why am I not surprised
You're a fedorafag, you don't understand sense.
You only understand katanas, naruto, friendship is magic, and moralfaggotry.
>You're a fedorafag
What makes you think so?
Why does Sup Forums seem to have an influx of SJWs/redditfags as of late? When did the decline start?
Ah, the classic "no u" argument
It functions in the same way religion does.
Rather than a god figured "Identity" is their god.
With that said they have a compulsive need to get everyone to agree with it for confirmation bias to avoid cognitive dissonance as-much as possible.
They just jump around from place to place pushing it and if they can get a foot hold they stay, if they cant they leave.
More like, when cells in the human body attack other cells. You know what they call that? Cancer.
You are cancer.
nah, it's because millenials were raised by hippies and now they're all adults that took over the workforce and thus influence most markets and media