Who win and why ?
Apt-get vs aptitude
Other urls found in this thread:
wget && make install
pacman -S
apt-get and the other assorted utilities like apt-whatever and dpkg.
Aptitude is a front-end. I just avoid it and I have tons of experience with Debian/Ubuntu.
fuk the police, dnf life
whenever i update my repos i never not want to know if there are any updates so aptitude
aptitude is just an ncurses apt-get/dpkg interface you dumbass
apt update && apt upgrade && apt autoremove
why do you faggots complicate everything
just apt
apt-get is a dpkg frontend, aptitude is an apt-get frontend. KISS.
make install
>not git clone
shit taste
Not everyone has such new and advanced technology.
This but apt update; apt dist-upgrade -y.
apt is Ubuntu thing, right? Sound like another useless invention.
It's on debian as well.
slackpkg install
>no distro
>no version distro
>no version of softwares
"APT" is just for simple things.
Aptitude is front-end to apt. The best option for a everyday use.
"apt" is a complex front-end to dpkg. Just use if you know how to use it.
This isn't a humor thread, user
The OP did a stupid question so deserve a stupid answer.
wget github.com
unzip git.zip
cd git-*
make configure
./configure --prefix=/usr
make all doc info
sudo make install install-doc install-html install-info
and then to incest things up you can update git by using the source from the git repository you downloaded using git
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git
Apt is a Debian thing and was one of the most useful inventions in Linux history.
Fucking Christ, why do they let 16 year olds post here?
if you use && instead of ; the second argument executes only if the first one succeeded. wouldnt that be better?
Yes, almost always
It does not really matter. Typing ; is faster than typing && so there's that.
what if your program doesnt have a git repository?
What if you're a faggot?
get into aliases please
alias sysupdate='sudo sh -c "apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y "'
To this day I'm not sure what the core difference is supposed to be, but sometimes one can resolve some tricky situation that the other can't, so I sometimes try aptitude when apt-get doesn't get something right.
why is a seperate shell necessary here?
What retarded packages are you niggers downloading so as to completely break your system on an upgrade?
I prefer pkgtools. Really transparent in how they work, you can use tar, ash and vi instead and they're written in quality POSIX sh.
Aptitude's interface makes no sense to me idk
calling sudo twice sucks