Why the fuck do you people even care for HEDT CPUs? They don't even make 2% of the market

Why the fuck do you people even care for HEDT CPUs? They don't even make 2% of the market.
Their motherboard cost is ungodly.
And on top of that DRAM prices are sky high and getting 4 decent DIMMs is fucking gonna cost you more than the moterboard itself.

What the fuck

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You aren't the target group.
People who don't have to care about money and just grab the "best" they can get are.

because its high-end faggot and has all the features.

The only people who don't care are poorfags

>le poor Y U POOR

I don't remember this being the case when people recommend i5's and fucking pentiums

>RGB fusion with Digital LEDs
What are digital LEDs?

LEDs with digits

>They don't even make 2% of the market.
Because Intel made it prohibitively expensive for anyone but professionals looking to use them for paid work.

Ryzen brought 6+ cores to the masses. Now Threadripper is going to bring HEDT to the masses. Meanwhile, Intel still wants to hog all the toys. They can go fuck themselves with a cactus.

Nobody is recommending you get this you fucking kissless virgin faggot.

hello fellow ameribros
please tell where i can buy High Explosive Desk Top plese
thanks you

It's a bit pricey, but well worth it, my friend. legitreviews.com/intel-x99-motherboard-goes-up-in-smoke-for-reasons-unknown_150008

16 cores? Why do you need 12 cores for? 8 cores is just fine but 4 cores is the best for everyone and you should really consider 2 cores

thanks bro
allah be with you

"help he stole my cores!"

>reason unknown

>they know it's ANUS
>we know it's ANUS
>everyone knows it's ANUS
>nobody wants to say that ANUS BIOS are garbage

So assuming you can actually OC those Skylake-X without deliding or three rads, is anything but the 6 or 8 core gonna be worth shit?

>So assuming you can actually OC those Skylake-X without deliding or three rads
Hahaha nope. youtube.com/watch?v=kpoies2JcmI
>is anything but the 6 or 8 core gonna be worth shit?
It's still not worth shit because the PCIe lanes are gimped anyway. It's HEDT without the HEDT, but still just as expensive.

Man, those temps are fucking garbage and I'd never use watercooling, much less delid.

What a shitshow, holy shit Intel.
And he hasn't showed power draw, I can't imagine that will be much prettier, some good 270W+ ? Holy shit

304W. Overclock with AVX disabled.

Should have released this Fermi wannabe in Winter, nobody can survive summer with this thing.

Move to Alaska.

A weapon to surpass 9590.

We're far surpasses FX9590, we're in POWER8 territory

Hey at least POWER actually delivers performance. This shit is just miserable.

>Why the fuck do you people even care for HEDT CPUs?
What are you even talking about? 6 core i7s? Xeons? Do any but a small percentage of the people here care about those things?

>RGB lighting on an HEDT platform

Lol this is like the RX 480 power issue but it's real.

>What are dual Xeons

>not fucking yourself with a cactus
pleb. that's the best part of owning a high performance intel processor.

hurts less than being burned half to death in a housefire when you thought you'd spend a couple hours playing vidya

There's something beautiful about a no-compromise platform. Even aesthetically.

Gaymen mobos have only one or two armored PCI-E slots.

HEDT boards they all match.

It's the little things.

Intel CPUs overclock like none other as long as you can continue throwing power and cooling at them.

Ryzen has a hard frequency wall just over 4GHZ that even with infinite power / cooling you can't get past.

I am imagining some truly monstrous benchmarks of liquid cooled OC'ed 18-core i7.

Honestly that's really good.

My X5650 at 4.20GHZ blazes it at 220W and that's only a six core part. The new chip is only running 80W faster with an extra 800MHZ and 12 more cores.

>What is EPYC

7800 and 7820x might be decent choices for ultra 1337 h4rdc0re gaymur bros who are willing to pay out the ass for a few extra frames, but otherwise what a trainwreck.

>Ryzen has a hard frequency wall just over 4GHZ that even with infinite power / cooling you can't get past.
>you can't get past
>what is LN2

>muh PCIE lanes
>implying anyone who buys this shit chucks in multiple video and expansion cards

The 7820X looks like a steal.

Not with the DIMM/motherboard cost.

1700's can be found under $300 and can overclock on $90 motherboards with cheap air cooling.

The 7820X really has zero value when combined with $300+ motherboards and expensive cooling


sealed loop coolers are JUNk though.
they lose to high end air coolers

Custom loop is the way to go if ur overclocking a house fire like that

>Why the fuck do you people even care for HEDT CPUs

I have a server you retarded shill.

The power is necessary.

Why is it that no one "needs" HEDT CPUs now that Intel is so shit at them, yet 6 months ago the i7 was supposed to be the next minimum for shitty video games?

Fucking shill bitch, get fucked.

So that actually interests me.
I have a custom loop with 2x 480mm Rads.
I'm willing to bet I could keep that house fire below 70C.

>2x 480mm Rads.

For what purpose

He bought an i7 7700k

integrated quantization :^)

That is to say, not analog

Good goy, an Intel CPU Unlock card has been shipped to your address, please allow 5-7 weeks for delivery.

>"help my cores are locked"


>80W faster

>average Intel owner

FYI the world record for a cpu overclock belongs to a bulldozer chip.


>80W faster

HEDT is not for poorfags.

Maybe for AMD... but X299 is expected to cost

And then user woke up.

>but X299 is expected to cost