>You will never work at Google™
Why is life so savage and cruel?
You will never work at Google™
That place looks pretty gay to me
The wifi nipple is crooked.
>he wants to work
>he wants to work for literal AIDS faggot company
Omg is that one GTAV mission actually true? Lolllll!
>ceiling cyberpunk as fuck
>rest of room gay as fuck
>hahaha look bro we got you a playground slide
>haha we have a cocktail bar too, lol
>are you pleased, millennial? of course you are, we gave you kid's toys
>hahaha btw if you aren't a team player and don't go out with your co-workers during your free time we're gonna kick you out
>enjoy your time here, remember, fun is mandatory for the sake of efficiency
Have you ever seen a pic of someone using those facilities? That's it.
but i do work for google..
Just make yourself a favor and kys
^ This.
Tech startups (and well-established companies like Google) spend obscene amounts of money to make their spaces look appealing to ~~millennial hipster coders~ but these spaces are awful for productivity and you'll just be spending most of your time at a cubicle anyway.
all of the gta v missions were true faggot
If you think this is the best part of working for Google, then you can work at a kindergarten.
>>You will never work at Google™
>implying I would want to work with them
no, the best part is definitely the pay. almost no one uses the theme park office attractions
Why wouldn't you want to hang with your co workers?
No. Bring back 80s cubicle.
fuck you, man
my free time is my free time
why do you enjoy working 8h a day and then being forced to associate your free time with colleagues and therefore work and in effect work even more? 8 hours is more than enough
>Remember if you do not submit to the progressive political agenda and do as you are told we will rip everything away from you and youll end up as a code monkey in a gray cubicle for the rest of your life
>ywn be a bugman corporate slave whose looks up "authentic" restaurants on Yelp so he can take his Asian gf out before going on a mindfulness retreat for the weekend
I worked as a janitor at a place with one of those slides. They are never ever cleaned. I'd never go close to one without a valid tetanus shot.
Your coworkers at Google are either Pajeets or Hackernews-reading, Soylent-slurping Berniebros.
I bet you would call their big salary gay too.
Very nice post. Next summer me and Alice will do volunteer work in India. I can't wait to find myself.
Is your name Bob?
>not being gay
Stuck in the past, user?
all true
>hipster surfboard table because "we are so cool and surfer like"
>ugly as fuck public toilet slide in the middle of the room because "look how cool and silly we can be"
>inefficient refrigerators because "It is like a store, but free"
>ugly fake plants because "we are environmental"
>poorly lit room
>no ceiling because "we are so industrial"
Why are companies trying so hard to not be professional?
Any distraction google makes is fine by me, but why are they so afraid of giving people a cool large office instead?
Greatest days in history during the new millennium wil be when companies like Microsoft and Google burn to the ground.
Thats not a slide it is used during the christening
fuck off eve, no secret messages for you
Surfing is waiting all day dong for a good wave.
Sailing is just sailing all day long.
Surfing is just slack culture.
Good, I get enough unwanted sexual attention from homos as it is just because I'm muscular but have soft facial features.
I don't want to work at an online advertising agency
>slide doesn't end in a ball pit
I work at a company with bullshit like this
no one uses these things ever. I played NBA 2k15 when the XBox first got put in but literally no one uses it now. The coffee machine is used very heavily though
This, basically.
Last place I worked at had a ping pong table, video games, bigass TV
Guess what nobody ever used because we were fucking working?
The toilets?
no man, pee pee is good, try again
Because you yourself make it so. If you want to work at Google, get on it.
Study some shit, get a resume going, participate in some projects, make a name for yourself, work other jobs for the experience, conjure up a dank ass resume, apply for the job or get headhunted, ace the interview, get turned down in favor of a diversity hire because you're not a black tranny, drown the sorrows of your wasted time in alcohol, and kill yourself.
how fucking juvenile it is
He's not Indian...
desu it seems more of a marketing strategy to attract the best people
what a meme
I am happy I will never work for them
Reminder that if you don't stop doing your job at work from time to time just to talk with your coworkers about what you're doing and how you'll be replaced by a machine in your lifetime.
And since you're there use that ping pong table or that xbox, or just take a walk if you have a campus, it's makes your head think better
>ywn be the fat guy who gets stuck in the slide
inb4 sjwhales ask for a bigger slide because they don't fit in the tube.
>slide for adults
Frankly, I find this kind of shit insulting. I'm am adult who came to work here, not to fuck around
I have read article of people that work there, they say its not bad place to work, but you're over qualified for most of the jobs there.
>that guy
I hate that guy so much, I swear he is autistic, and invites himself to anything he can, and people are too nice to say no. He has been given too much publicity then he should have.
Google is only a good place to work if you do machine learning or design large scale server systems. If you design normal web apps it a dead end job for people who just want to pull a big paycheck for doing nothing.
At least at a startup you can use your creativity to make anything you want and become very rich if it takes off.
Can I just open the fridge and take something without paying? If no then it's shit and gay, otherwise it's okay.
>ceiling cyberpunk af
Agreed. Also the skyscraper lights hngg.
>tfw you will never live an aestetic af above average life working for an american or an asian tech giant in the 21st century
>you're stuck to bunch of monkey countries instead
this whole 23rd century immaterial world is bullshit. 21st century was aesthetic af.
>sailing is sailing
pics or didn't happened
Its like working at MacDonalds and playing at the fking play pen.
Real loss
I would like to work there if it still was run by a Russian Jew. Now it's run by a shitskin pajeet, a former slave of the British Empire.
Living in second most expensive city in the world would make it close to average
>get hired by google
>office includes a slide
>deliberately use it to injure myself
>sue google for one billion american dollars
>use the money to create libre alternatives to the google botnet