Japanese file sharing:

Japanese file sharing:
>files can never reach 0 seeds
>completely anonymous, not even IP is exposed
>no centralized sites whatsoever
>no censorship
>search directly in client via DHT
>completely impossible to block/censor

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't believe your claims

They kinda have to since knowingly downloading pirated stuff is illegal and enforced.

Which one?


What software?
Is there English alternatives?
How are files uploaded? Is there crypto way to prove the uploader is who they say? (eg. YIFY, to avoid nasty downloads)
Why can it never read 0 seeders?
No IP exposed but also no centralized site? How do clients find each other? and what is hiding one clients IP from another's?
Going to need some links

It's closed source. Hilarious they actually trust it.

>completely anonymous, not even IP is exposed
>completely impossible to block/censor

>Perfect Dark
>Kaichō (会長, "The Chairman")
Wow just like my hacking cartoon

you forgot

Perfect dark.
There's an English translation.
To the network. Yes, they are cryptographically signed.
Every node needs to maintain a 40gb cache. It doesn't know the contents. As long as someone requests the file once in a while it will be in the cache of at least one node. So rather than going from 0 to 1 the file slowly becomes more obscure until it's faded away completely, which is much much slower than with bittorrent and can be reversed by fetching it.
IP is exposed, but not directly coupled to the download as in bittorrent (it's clear you're participating in the network but not if you're downloading anything)
Nothing, they just can't do anything with it.
>closed source
Technically yes, but this is only security through obscurity. It's not made by a corporation.
Yes, the same principle as Freenet which is secure enough for CP.

Misleading. It's developed by an user on 2ch and it's mostly for security through obscurity. If it gets reverse engineered the source will be released.

kill yourself

I named my movies+games drive STANDALONE and my music drive COMPLEX. Am I a superclass A hacker yet?

Depends on your desktop background


Completely anonymous does not exist, and "impossible to block/censor" can apply to almost any P2P system.
1/5 work on your pitch

>The author believes that initially, a layer of obscurity due to the closed-source nature of the program will frustrate attempted attacks on its anonymity, as well as deter "free riders" and junk files degrading the network. However, the author has stated that it may become open-source in the future should an acceptable solution to these problems be found.
>it may become open-source in the future should an acceptable solution to these problems be found.
What's the issue here exactly?

It's anonymous in the sense that you can't identify a downloader of a file in the same manner as bittorrent, not anonymous in the sense of all nodes are anonymous. Plausible deniability.
Bittorrent needs centralized indexes and trackers. P2P search (azureus/vuze swarm queries) and tracker (DHT) is complete trash.

DHT isn't trash

did Sup Forums give up on gnunet already?

Perfect Dark is a meme
t. half american who lives in jap

DHT is slower for getting seeders than trackers proper.

>A Perfect Dark user was arrested for the first time on 27 January 2010. The user had been uploading and sharing an episode of the Japanese animation TV series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood with Perfect Dark and was charged with breach of copyright law.
>On 10 June 2010, a second user, a 43-year-old man, was arrested on the suspicion of uploading roughly one thousand copyrighted files including the Big Windup! anime series.
>On 8 October 2010, a 42-year-old woman was arrested for uploading the Mitsudomoe anime television series.

>completely anonymous, not even IP is exposed
pick one

>DHT slower than trackers
that's a given. It's purpose is to provide a functioning network if no tracker is available

Dude wtf? How can people pirate in Japan? Punishments are too fucking hard on them

>wants issues to be solved before going open source
>can't actually solve them until you can see the code

catch-22, he never intended to release the code as open source at all. It's just an excuse.

Security through obscurity isn't.

Lack of source hinders the good guys (Academic crypto researchers, people who send patches and bug reports, etc) more than it hinders the bad guys (Copyright mafia, governments). Lack of source makes examining the program into tedious grunt work with a debugger. It doesn't make it impossible, not at all, just annoying. This turns off the good guys, but only slows down the bad guys, since the bad guys are being paid to do this work, while the good guys are motivated by interesting problems.

>files can never reach 0 seeds
That sounds amazing. I'm on the hunt for chunks of 00s Swedish internet culture that was only spread through Bittorrent.

Link for English version?

>42-year-old woman was arrested for uploading the Mitsudomoe anime
A real human bean

I know japanese, so i seed raw japanese stuff very often.
See JP ip peers most of the times. Not even vpn and shit.
They don't give a fuck.

Also, this thing uses DHT for lookup so it doesn't bring anything new to the table in that regard

>It's not made by a corporation.
how the fuck would you know that if its closed source

Sounds like the "people arrested for use of Tor", not the actual network failing them but rather poor opsec.
No, you can conceive a solution for a problem without implementing it.
But the intention was to slow them down, not stop them.
You fucked up searching with Vuze, it depends on your neighboring nodes. Try getting better neighbors.
It uses a better DHT and a functioning DHT search engine. In addition, it forces seeding more efficiently.
It's made by an user on 2ch.

>>But the intention was to slow them down, not stop them.
It accomplishes that intent. But that intent is mistaken, it does not serve the goal of making users of the software more secure. It slows down bad guys while stopping all good guys except the developer cold. By trying to slow them down, it's actually making sure they're able to keep up.

It's basically freenet but shittier.
Also closed source and the dev gets mad whenever someone tries to analyze it.
Probably full of exploits and security holes.

You can solve the problems on a theoretical level without implementing the solutions by yourself.

I live in Japan and use torrent on a vpn like everybody from the civilized world.
Those japanese chinks can't code anything these days, not even games :(

>It uses a better DHT and a functioning DHT search engine
What do you mean by "better DHT"?

Posting this cause this looks like plain shit. Just imagine japanedr coding a souless OS makes me nervous. We saw the result with the OS from Nintendo

That doesn't make it non-proprietary, and security through obscurity is a surefire way to recognize a moron.

It has both English and Japanese UI.

>Try getting better neighbors.
How the fuck do you do that?

1. Download PD


2. Forward a TCP port.

3. Add initial nodes. perfectdark.benri-tool.net/node/nodes.txt

4. Done. Enjoy your lolis and shit.

Too bad it's complete shit

better implementation

using the search i'm finding fuck all.

>search vidja games
>search anime
well nothing with english subs
>search movie

why fucking bother?

I used to use it to get old porn games
Too bad I can't forward my ports anymore
Go try amoeba as well
you need to use japanese terms

Nips can't into piracy

>security through obscurity

I'm just not sure what benefits this would have over using a VPN and torrenting as per usual.

You shouldn't.

People have been arrested in Japan for sharing stuff on Perfect Dark.

Add torrents related to the torrents you want, vuze will add peers automatically. You can also search for strings instead of file size.

>Completely anonymous.

People have been arrested in connection with Tor, doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

>>files can never reach 0 seeds
if all computers with seeds go offline, then the amount of seeds in the swarm is effectively 0
>>completely anonymous, not even IP is exposed
someone does not know how to networking
>>no centralized sites whatsoever
>>no censorship
What do this even means? You cannot control what gets uploaded? This was something that regular p2p already had. Hell, even DDL has it.
>>search directly in client via DHT
>>completely impossible to block/censor
Block? any decent firewall can effectively block its protocol.

>tfw gnunet 0.10.2 was suppose to be released a year ago.
It's not dead yet, right guys?

But does it have military grade encryption?

Yes, but this won't happen in practice due to the design.
Only the fact that the node is participating in the network is exposed.

Regular P2P needs a centralized index.

No, randomized port and encryption.

What's wrong with the OS on Nintendo systems?

their problem was posting the hash and name of their released stuff on the 2ch warez boards
the ボード function very obviously links you/your IP to a certain release if you shout it to the world.

I haven't used PD in some years, but the node count had really gone down and I'm guessing it's no better now.
no better place (except for winny) if you're looking for old manga raws.

Source code, to verify these claims?

So, closed-source Freenet for anime.

Why the hell people don't use it more?

Its interesting af.


>not on GNU/Linux

Gonna try it out. Thanks

>>completely anonymous, not even IP is exposed
>>no centralized sites whatsoever
I believe these two statements are contradictory.

IP in combination with downloaded file is not exposed. You can only see that IP X is a member of the network, not that it's downloading file X.

If you're doing ANY sort of network transfer, your IP address is going to visible to someone somewhere.
>You can only see that IP X is a member of the network, not that it's downloading file X.
You can if you're the one serving that file.

No, nobody is serving a file in the same manner as BitTorrent. The pieces (by bittorrent analogy) are encrypted and stored in many Unity stores. The operator of a store doesn't know what's inside. Fetching a piece is done indirectly, so there's no way for node C to know if node B is fetching the file for themselves or for node A. This is also what makes it so hard for files to disappear, since they will be cached on all the hops between the requesting node and providing node.

>hur dur 40gb child porn cache
>only anime and chilp porn

That's only a function of what it's used for.

>search directly in client via DHT
This is a really nice thing, and although it's not at all as good, it's the reason I'm still using Direct Connect to some extent. Is there a similar feature for BitTorrent that has any traction?

Vuze has one, but it's quite bad. There's btdb.in, which is a centralized index but indexes literally everything (60m torrents).

If a Japanese program has been doing since since 10 years, why is BT lagging so horribly behind?

No it isn't. I live here. Most people aren't clueless

>closed source
yes gaijin it works and is secure just trust me

You can find tons of weeb music if you search if for EAC.

So like freenet but popular?

Cons: nothing worthy to download.
Maybe when ISPs start completely block torrents.

>Japanese file sharing:
>files can never reach 0 seeds
Tell that to my torrent client trying to download Argento Soma. Fake and ghey

what makes this different from bittorrent?
is there a specification of the protocol somewhere

Torrent doesn't have really illegal stuff.

Because BitTorrent was developed with technology available in late 90's and then DHT and PEX were tacked on.
Yes, and not written in Java.
Did you even read the post?

> tfw can't use this because my Internet is shit and my upload is 50 kb/s and the required is 100

no, gnunet is the future

this guy gets it

In theory, yes. But in practice it works well. While copyright agencies might be able to pay to have it reverse engineered, it hinders the development of parasitic clients such as BitThief and cancerous clients which prioritize their own kind when seeding.

So they are 30 years behind us huh? kek

I want to watch Game of Thrones with Japanese audio. Will this software be able to achieve my purpose?

>Security through obscurity isn't.
I hate this type of sentence construction so much. Fuck you.

Rev up that IPFS

There's also digbt.org

They are fucking bad.
Everything is wrong.

Think of it as saying that STO doesn't exist (i.e. it isn't).

>files can never reach 0 seeds

>search directly in client via DHT
you need to bootstrap to some hardcoded nodes for dht to work. so your argument it shite

Application does not open for me