Just saw a thread on "essential Android apps" but it was almost at bump limit so I decided to make a new list/thread as a privacy fetishist.
>ADirStat It's the WinDirStat for Android. Also get WinDirStat for Windows. It shows all files on your system wether hidden or not >Android Firewall Set it to WHITE LIST(Allow selected) and white list the 3 non-app things I have to make sure everything works. Seriously, I'm running a custom ROM (XtreStoLite on the S6 Edge) with Gapps and these 3 are all you need to receive Emails and WhatsApp messages the second they're supposed to arrive: The "1000:" thing (I believe optional). "10007" to receive WhatsApp messages instantly, it contains the push service I believe. And "Media Storage, Download Manager" otherwise you can't download from the Play Store. The list you see with check marks is literally everything allowed to connect to the internet. I have dozens of other apps that don't need to so shouldn't.
OOOOH before I forget. Get GlassWire. For Windows as well. It shows you which program (tried) to make a connection to the internet. It will warn you about every new connection from a program with a certain build name. If an application updates it will show again. It's a brilliant program.
I used to use AFWall but it wasn't blocking anymore even though it fucking used Linux' IP tables. Just like programs in W10 completely ignores the Host file.
>Brave Browser/Firefox Not satisfied with Firefox because it keeps cookies even though I specifically tell it not to. Brave could do better as well
>CyberGhost This is BY FAR the best free VPN provider. On Android no problem but a 3 hour time out. On Windows a fake "in queue" message that takes a few minutes but I've got a 200 mbit connection and I get fucking 200 mbit of VPN service for free, you just have to re queue (on Windows) every 3 hours. And you can't torrent on the free IP's. >Uninstall Lets you uninstall everything. Though nothing is actually installed on Android. The Dalvik runtime just compiles everything in folders when you open it. (I was a CyanogenMod programmer), so it just deletes the folders but be careful. If there's a call from another app to that folder you will get a minor error.
Last but not least: >Wickr Me AFAIK the safest messenger. The woman who developed it got approached by an FBI agent after a speech and he tries to make her include a backdoor and she gave him the fucking middle finger. She ranted about free speech.
Brandon Harris
just lmao and you idiots wonder why everyone uses iPhone...
Luke Long
this is fucking gold...
Thomas Martin
Because they're obedient little goyim that do whatever they're told to? And pay 5/7* what the hardware is actually worth?
Yeah they do well.
Jaxon Carter
Wow, probably the best android thread I've seen on Sup Forums
Adam Diaz
iPhone cucks are the stoopidest fucking people on the planet as we speak
Jayden Wilson
A good thread on Sup Forums. I'm impressed.
Jason Torres
i must agree -.-'
Caleb Cruz
Your daily reminder that brave is literally adware. >Thinking that a free vpn won't sell your data. It costs like 1 euro a month to get a vps server and put Openvpn on it. >Uninstall Unnecessary, as Titanium backup and Lucky patcher are essential, and can accomplish the same thing.
Julian Carter
Brave, just like Firefox do need their revenue
This isn't a truly free VPN, but unlimited trial. And no they don't keep logs
Those are some fucking jewish looking apps you posted there newfriend!
Well at least you see Google for what it really is.
But Play Services is just a temporarily service to me, I can uninstall and block at any time. Nothing here is on my name though so I'm good. Just sit back and learn
Jordan Price
>shaming privacy kys
John Ortiz
>can't access most porn sites Ahahaha, oh wow. Also host file adblock still works for me >Brave,just like firefox do need their revenue Except firefox doesnt inject ads into whatever website you are visiting. Also what is jewish looking about the apps i posted?
Cameron Cruz
>Well at least you see Google for what it really is. What should that mean?
You have your phone number in your account, and it's only related to you
Asher Hall
Androids are cheaper because Google takes all you're data and sells it to advertisers.
Ryder Morgan
Except that it isn't. See I live in a first world country (Netherlands) where you don't have to provide ID to vote the most powerful man into office but you do need to leave a stool, blood and sperm sample to buy a fucking Apple laptop so they can SELL YOUR DATA you brain dead spastic monkey
And you blindly trust Apple with your data? They work together you fucking mongoloid. Why do you think you're forced to create an account to even be able to use that shitbox and I can freely USB connect my phone to my PC and do whatever the fuck I want it it?
Right, because you're a bunch of inbred, indoctrinated slaves.
Noah Bell
Wow, you're lucky then. Good for you.
Josiah Davis
>I was a CyanogenMod programmer Explains why it was so shit