GPU Passthrough

Enlight me on GPU passthrough Sup Forums.
I have a GTX 660 Ti, can I run a windows VM on Linux and have performance almost as good as running natively?
If yes, how to do it?

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Gee, sounds difficult to Google it

Nvidia locks users out of this on their consumer cards. If you want to do passthrough get a AMD card.

Source? That is some fucking bullshit

It's true but you can fool the nvidia drivers.

GPU pass through is a real pain. The GPU card has to be set to effectively belong to the virtual machine. This means you have to have a monitor connected to motherboard 's video output for the Linux machine and a second monitor connected to the graphics card's output when the VM is running.

Also if you want to play twitch fps you may notice a small input delay from the mouse having to be processed by the host and sent to the vm. You can give the vm hardware access to a USB group but then you need two separate mice for the host and vm, and you lose some USB slots in Linux.

Not massive problems but I wasn't aware of them going in.

Also make sure vt-x and vt-d are enabled in your motherboard's BIOS first.

You don't need two monitors, just get a $5 HDMI switch

Fake news. NVidia cards are fine.

Nvidia has stopped trying to fuck over people doing pci passthrough for now with consumer cards. Still you have to trick you driver to prevent blacklisting. They do that to prevent companies from buying cheaper consumer cards for computation clusters using a hypervisor.

Sounds like voodoo to me. I had no trouble black listing my card.

you need two GPUs, the iGPU on your likely intel CPU for linux, the gtx660ti for the VM

a modern voodoo gpu would never have problems with gpu passthrough
fuck nvidia

>Nvidia locks users out of this on their consumer cards.
No. On ESXi it is easy to get the drivers to load, just add hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = false to the VMX file.

>They do that to prevent companies from buying cheaper consumer cards for computation clusters using a hypervisor.
No it is because it is buggy and they dont want to support it, for instance SLI is horribly broken in a virtualized environment. Anyone doing computations will run running Quadros/Teslas anyways just because of the ECC memory.

So, to do the GPU passtrought i need to blacklist my GPU? i cant use the same GPU for VM and normal desktop on linux? what the shit, what a hassle

Yes. You need autsim to pull it off though.
t. autist that pulled it off.

I really dont think this is something normies can do.

You can passthough the usb host address in kvm with " -usbdevice host:0000:0000", just get the host id with lsusb.
I do this and dont notice any mouse lag.

If your monitor has another input then you can just run a cable from your vm's gpu to the monitor and switch inputs when you are ready to use the vm.

Its true and fuck you misinformation spreaders.
Nvidia tries to detect if the drivers are being run in a virtual machine, and if they are they blacklist themselves from running.
Theres workarounds for it that are easy though.

Why do you come on the internet and try to talk about stuff that you know nothing about? What a fucking goof. I bet people in real life hate you too.

>No. On ESXi it is easy to get the drivers to load, just add hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = false to the VMX file.
Thats called a bypass. You are hiding a vm signature.
By HAVING to do this, you are admitting that they DO infact BLOCK their shit from running in a vm.

buy more graphics cards goy!
You are right though, it is a pain in the ass to have to switch back and forth, the biggest inconvenience is having to reboot the computer or restart X.
Im looking forward to the day that this is nolonger required.

>running Quadros/Teslas anyways just because of the ECC memory.

no GPU actually has real ECC memory, they just emulate it in software with data structure padding etc.

Passthrough a USB controller and use a KVM switch.

>If you want to do passthrough get a AMD card.
>no, you can do passthrough with an nvidia card
>well yes you can with an easy workaround, but your wrong you can't do passthrough with nvidia
i would tell you to kill yourself but let's face it you're probably too retarded to even figure out how to do that

Not him but I got an amd card just steer clear of potential shutdowns from nvidia.
I can't be doin' with a company which is actively trying to handicap me with drivers.

you're the fucknut that cant even read.
Nowhere did I say to buy amd or using nvidia in a passthough setup was wrong. So how about you go drink that bleach instead.