/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

puff is cabal edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only
DISCORD discord.gg/9vGhGSN

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

user gets banned from Google ruTracker can't into security (sarek amirite) t. RIAA #BTN talking about pee tee gee MAM is curry confirmed /ptg/er is a plebbitor AoM and H4H are one Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for i want to die

first for inflatable nala

first for puff

Puff isn't true Cabal. No one on RED staff is. Being true Cabal means being a member on that .eu forum the faggot betrayed started. Btsomething.

RED founders are PTP staff.

what is the best release of Pink floyd's DSoTM by nwcd's standard?

MaM is about friendliness, warmth and sharing. Whoever says it's shit, go to your elite trackers and get banned for elite reasons.

Oh, and fuck cabal.


>go to your elite trackers
That's literally all sane people use MaM for.
>muh airport novel audiobooks

pretty shitty news but at least you tried.

Is puff 321c alt persona?

Which porn tracker to join for:
- onlytease and other soft erotica equivalents (only opaques, only secretaires, stmackenzies etc)
- boot/shoe/heel fetish
- femdom stuff like goddess rodea and other stuff you find on clips4sale

alright lads

someone tell me how you get EVERY oppaitime badge

fuck veritas and fuck ivilivi

send pic of your diapers to spaghetti

>mam is cabal

Just check their boxes

what did IPT mean by this?

>liberia is missing

So, does the new version of qbit fix the trackers list bug?


Does anyone know how long the empormium invite guy on pornbay takes to respond?


>UK Flag at the top 3/4 of the way from the left
I thought UK was banned?

took 5 minutes for me

If he hasn't replied to you by now, you're not getting in

How many uploads did you have?

DC Comics = DotChuh Comics ??????


it does! thanks mate.

> and now im in the OP

Is there a way to cross seed torrents in Deluge? I'm not talking about mixing trackers and peers, just treating two identical files in two different torrents as the same file.


>RED won't let me interview because i get my internet over LTE

die fascist pigs!!!!!!

what the in heck??
How do they know this? Have they looked up your ip and found your isp?

well you need to post a speedtest.net result and that shows your ISP.
They also asked and I answered LTE like an idiot.

and they don't allow this for the stupid reason that I could be not at home. What would not being home accomplish?

tfw i got in via recruitment and all i needed was a functional email

do they recruit on MAM?

I won't stand for this bullshit
Post your email and I'll send you an invite right away

are you for real? please don't toy with my emotions

[email protected]

when did i say i was on mam? reading is for nerds

i was just asking if you know if they recruit there.



Yes, but in an automated fashion. I know Vuze has it (swarm merging, goes on file size and a DHT), but that's for finding new torrents. I just want something that checks whether file A and B are identical and if so creates symlinks.

ist not nice to lie like that >:(

do a crc check, easy to automate.

CRC check requires that you have both files to compare. You don't, and there's no guarantee the piece sizes are aligned. If they have the same extension and file size they're probably the same file, if not it would be trivial to check by downloading overlapping blocks.

>some banned anons

Just making sure. Because PU+ is not a requirement on AB. At least it doesn't state it anywhere.

>Where does the thread say that it is inactive
I'm telling you right now it is.

>what's wrong with nyaa
What's wrong with the piratebay? Other than being literal nazi's (nyaa.si) the sysop is a bald man whose lies shouldn't be trusted and gives part of his revenue to advertise horriblesubs (read yify) on his site. The sysop of HS is a mentally ill faggot (read tranny)


I may or may not have figured out who the staff was and acquired IRC logs.
He was already told where the thread was.

leak it


How do I find random shit to upload? Cruise through open requests?

>be MAM staff
>PM user for invites
>ban him in panic when he tells

/ptg/ is dead again


>there doesn't seem to be anything here
nice post user

Every time I feel down, I look at 312c's post history and I'm comforted that there is someone out there that is more autistic than I am.

*teleports behind your PTP account*
heh, nothing personal, kid

What's the audio transcoding software called that What.CD used to recommend?

I'm trying to figure out if my one audio file is actually the bit rate it says it is or if it has filler in it. I remember the program What.CD recommended had a graph that you could use to figure this out.

is there a good non-cabal tracker for scene shit?

I don't think you can post until your account is 24 hours old or something.

both pedos, coincidence?

what ever happened to that leecher bug(or whatever it was) thing going on at RED?

Looks like it's fixed.

yeh i noticed the s/l ratio was back up to normal. anyone find out who/what it was?

>E is a meme

These numbers mean nothing compared to RUT

post RUT stats

I wouldn't know how to

>see nwcd recruitment thread
>recruiter hasnt logged on in weeks

I can tell they really give a shit about their tracker

pedros is a meme, nothing like being berated every time you login

I finally got into most of the trackers I wanted to be in, but now I no longer feel like watching movies/tv or listening to music.
Is this normal? Wtf happened?

You're just weak

How to stronger?

Improve yourself. Whatever you substituted with media is telling you it's time.

Damn this makes a lot of sense
Time to sort myself out
I'll keep my accounts active for whenever I feel in the mood again

my interest in the media comes and goes as well. it's completely normal for me.


>actually consuming media
>not just joining for the prestige
lol grow up

fuck ipt

puff used to be nostre.am staff

I'm not interested in media either, I just have fun setting up servers and tinkering with hardware. Also fuck the MPAA and RIAA.

>setting up servers

you mean using mommys credit card to pay for a managed seedbox?


server ip for proof then

confirmed managed seedbox user

got any more of this staff


feet pics are on oppaitime's sysop forums

welp that's impossible for me to get into

google spectral analysis, user. iirc spek or spekky or some shit like that

i cant get enough of this

if a private tracker has this rule:
>It is not recommended to download the same torrent from different computers/IP's since this will make you appear in the snatch-list multiple times. As a result this could lead to us disabling your account because we mistakingly think that you have shared a torrent file.

what do they check? where the file from the website was downloaded from or where the torrent was actually downloaded from?

i setup a deluge web-ui and its running at home obviously, so it would download from my home ip which i usually download from but i'd get the file from their website via my work ip

Ask the staff.

>not enough into music to play the APL/RED ratio economy games
>still want to download some music every once in a while but can't dl individual songs so have to play the ratio economy to get albums
>on the other hand, living the fucking comfy life on PTP and BTN
why are the music trackers like this?