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smartphone is already dead, next up is VR

>it's an iPhone 7 clone
>it'll be better and cheaper than the real thing

what i really like is there were some people who said "i'd buy iphone if they put android with it" and that move came from Oneplus instead of Apple. Neat. I might buy it but how will they get rid of Apple suing them?

>>it'll be better and cheaper than the real thing

Better how when it doesn't run iOS, that being, the thing you actually interface with? How do you define better?

>support dropped after 4 months
>needs desktop amounts of ram to counter shitty developers
>worse camera

Dunno I mean the one before beat it

Applel niggers rekt

iphones don't even have the best smartphone cams anyway

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Raj 06/09/17(Fri)10:05:24 No.60820838 ME LIKE ANDROID


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I haven't upgraded since SD801

What do you mean 'beat it', what did it beat it in that would make someone switch?

where do i put my dick in it

good question, does it have a 3.5mm jack?

Frankly phones look so much alike these days I don't think they have a case.

ON every single facet, did you not see the video i saw or are you fucking blind and stupid

Sounds like Itoddler is angry that this company will ofer a superior package at a much lower price than Crapple does.

>"Hurr it's not overpriced, quick call them Indians, that will teach them!"

That alone will make it better since you won't have to deal with ITunes when adding music/photos/videos

why does android need so much fucking ram?

Because it actualy keeps programs running in the ram instead of just a screenshot of the program like in the case of IOS

Exactly, iOS is a garbage fire. An OS written in Java is better than that piece of shit. You're tethered to a shitty app that'll try to sell you music every time you try to transfer pictures. You have to jailbreak to get stuff like a file explorer or a home screen widget. See All of the OnePlus phones have Lineage OS support. It doesn't include any Google services.

Of course he didn't, iTurds can't play webms.

>never settle

>fuck you no water proofing and only one size
>no expansion sluts either

literally no difference between this shit and an iphone

oh wait, even applel has water protection now and lelnovo dropped it on motorola and went full retard with thin phones, produding camera and shit mods
also one size because reasons

fuck this gay earth

When an application goes to the background on iOS it halts aside from portions that are assigned to the provided background iOS tasks.
This means that your application does nothing in the background realtime, it gets handled whenever the iOS task gives it time.

Android applications have more freedom, they can continue to run in the background, run their own services, etc

You can see examples of this when they do those stopwatch application opening tests, when the iPhone gets back to the stopwatch it does it as it was when the window was minimized for a moment before updating while the Android phone is immediately current.

>You can see examples of this when they do those stopwatch application opening tests, when the iPhone gets back to the stopwatch it does it as it was when the window was minimized for a moment before updating while the Android phone is immediately current

Wew well I gotta say iphones BTFO butthurt crapple fans will defend this


>Of course he didn't, iTurds can't play webms.

>8gb ram

>Of course he didn't, iTurds can't play webms.


Why do people act as if iOS is better than Android when it hasn't been the case for the last 2 years?

>I ask in what way the new iPhone 7 clone could be better than the iPhone 7
>you post a webm of a dirty pajeet on YouTube tapping icons doing some normie 'app start' test for 12 year olds
>this somehow equates to Android beating iOS on all facets of operation and usability

Are you mentally fucking retarded or just a pajeet yourself?

>this somehow equates to Android beating iOS on all facets of operation and usability

He's right though?

Sorry I don't speak Hindi. How is a shitskin tapping icons simultaneously on both phones indicative of how a phone's user experience and feel is, or of how it functions or what its like to use daily?

Explain why iOS is better and I will counter.

Good, why do you need a 4K screen to drain your battery on a small display like that? Can't wait to see the SOT.

tfw i dont want the highend phones because shit battery life
but they have the other features i want

like .. an S7/ s8 with the 660, or whatever the new mid range chip replacing the 650 is going to be named would be niiiice

my brother uses it extensively

hes considering going android next though

his boyfriend, not so much, hes a diehard apple fanboy

It's called the Samsung Galaxy A5.

Good thing I got that Sony. Applel on suicide watch.

I should have added, I do want to run LineageOS on it

I think i might have autism

Galaxy A5

>his boyfriend
>diehard apple fan
makes sense, he's a faggot aftera all

I hope this meme is taking off.

Pretty much all modern high end smartphones look like the HTC M7 these days. HTC managed to set a pretty significant design trend, to the point where even apple fell in line with the iPhone 6. Apple gets way too much credit as usual.

Yea, but hes a nice guy tho.

also, the A5 is too big

If i could get the A3 with LineageOS on it and if it had NFC - id buy two.

to add to this

id get a mottorolla X Pray if it had 1; a fucking front Notification LED
2: water proofing

fuck lelnovo

You won't counter anything, because its a personal preference. It just so happens that most people's personal preferences shift vastly towards iOS. The numbers don't lie. Nor do Apple's earnings.

Implying this is a good thing

>android launch app 1 nanosecond faster

It is, because when I'm running the app for my radar detector/lidar jammer, Spotify, and Waze while driving, on iOS when I get a call it decides to close one of those three to free up RAM for the dialer, whereas on my Galaxy S8 everything continues running when I get as call (although music pauses and resumes once the call ends).

60824191 (you)

maybe you should focus solely on driving because humans have been shown a complete inability to multitask

Think about it. Do you even need a phone better than what has released 3-4 years ago? Has battery life substantially increased? No. Do you need more than 2gb of ram and higher than fhd? No. [email protected] is already like 400 PPI that's insane.

I hope they realize they should work on the software rather than the hardware.

>Way better specs
>Less than half the price
>Faster at launching apps because glorious UFS 2.0
>Unlocked bootloader

>wow we ditched animations so now our phone looks faster than the iphone
>6 months later it's 50x slower due to lagdroid and substandard hardware

The A10 chip and NVMe ssd make the iPhone 7 by far the fastest phone in the world

>apple fanboy

This fucking writes itself

Nexus 5 2013 here, thing is getting old, battery seems to be at about 1700-1800 mAh.
Taking the normiebench approach it scores 850 single thread, if in 2018 I can get a phone with 2400 + 3.5-4k mAh battery I might upgrade.

Xperia X Compact is what you're looking for

>Calling a phone's flash memory SSD
The OP3T is actually that fast though, it's not just faster animations, I've tried speeding up the animations on my phone myself, most transition animations that should run fluently just end up waiting at the last frame for the thing to actually load. And OxygenOS is not some generic gook ROM, it surely won't become slower any time soon.

>buy a smashed up S5 for £70
>never crashes on me
>browses the web and plays my anime smoothly
Any post 2014 flagship is a meme and you daft consumerist cunts are being ripped off

Oops. Flash storage is just as fast or faster though.
iPhone could ditch the animations and it'd be just as fast as the OP3T, or even faster. If that test did anything stressful for the phone such as rendering the iPhone would run circles around the OP3T. In fact that's what these reputable home screen tests do, where the iPhone always wins.

this, this, this.. OnePlus One still looks nice, feels nice and is smooth as butter doing most tasks like shitposting on Sup Forums for when I don't want to use my laptop

it's because OnePlus uses the F2FS file system