Rate my home screen? Post yours as well

Rate my home screen? Post yours as well.

Russian shill.

Can one get more normie than you?


fuck off with your data gathering threads nsa

Also fuck Chicagoland, 217 best area

Hi Russian friend
I like your wallpaper
What icons?
Go back.

Yes I drive a porsche. Its 30 years old and only worth about $5k but I had to put it out there so that some faggot wont call me a loser for having a porsche badge as my wallpaper when I don't own one. Someday I will have a 911.

And yes, I use AOL as my primary email.

what interesting discussion could possibly result from this, phoneshitters fuck off

Couldn't stomach the Doritos, thank god for Nova.

Gs6 fresh with nougat about a month ago. Gave new life. Thank God for the ending so the system menus aren't all a blinding white.

You are quite large

What weather widget are you running there friendo?


Weather timeline, very worth

oh wow sick phones!


Thanks Sup Forumsent

>tfw you fell for the 2 clock meme

Why are you labeling your folders like they are boards

I am a boring person.

thats a generic as fuck screen m8
>no weeboo shit in the thread
this isnt the Sup Forums i remember

Always happy to help

Suggestions on improving the aesthetics ?

As normal as it gets I'm not gonna spend more than 10 seconds to customize my ui



Is Yalp Store working for you? Recently it refuses to connect with the Yalp account for me

Still needs some work.

I would get a black and white icon pack to combine it with that wallpaper


new launcher
new icons
new wall
new phone

Very chaotic. Busy wallpapers don't really work with typical homescreens with a lot of icons and widgets

I hate that some icons aren't covered in this pack, but I like it enough to use it.

Am I on the path of redemption now?

Revolution when?

kys yourself as asap as possible


m m m-ind to share pape user?

Yoga tab 3 plus

please post wallpaper


>all the stock in this thread


Thanks :3




RT "News"!

are you all underage?


RT is fairly competent news.



hahaha where do you get your news at?

NYT, can be left at times but overall fairly close to Centre. Better than thinly veiled Kremlin announcements posted as news.

Good luck with that.

I don't need it but thanks anyway.

because you're a conceited fool?

Functional without too much crap




there you go






Fuck off Rich from Review Tech USA.


>(((RAM optimizer)))

Rate mine

Its some samsung standard shit on this phone


I miss Fortune.

Update Play Store. On the other hand, I love you for your Motorola phone. What model is it?

it's fucking gay

That browser icon... Hideous.

Now that's an ugly icon pack.

Rate pls.

The icons... Meh.



Still using android 5.0.2, for some reason it always crashes when I try to install a new update

Wallpaper please?


My phone

Nova launcher, Zooper, Whicon/flat white icon packs, Wave live wallpaper

States pretty comfy, but it could use a better implementation of replying, it's hard to reply to multiple people.

comfy chink phone

alpha af

Basic/10. Install T-UI.

This is the only acceptable answer.

Except it's not.

I like it a lot. It's beautiful.


What launcher do you nighas recommend?
I'm into minimalistic style but not so much that is gay

These are all horrible. Get an iPhone like a real person, you fucking cucks

I don't really care for the looks anymore, but i have to use a icon pack since i don't like asymmetric icons

Nova or KISS

What the hell is going on here?

i can never get my widget to the perfect size so i set it full screen and set it to be behind the icons

>calls people cucks
>using iphone
