/wdg/ Web Development General

Have you escaped NEETdom yet? Edition

>old thread
>Discord / IRC
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Getting started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Everything you learn will have these as their base.
The Mozilla Developer Network offers a good intro (no matter your browser choice)

>Online courses

>Further reading/viewing

>Code challenges

>Useful resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for HTML, CSS & JavaScript
libraries.io/ - Discover and keep track of open source libraries, modules and frameworks
stackoverflow.com/ - Developers asking questions and helping each other
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

>Useful Youtube channels
youtube.com/learncodeacademy - codecademy
youtube.com/channel/UCO1cgjhGzsSYb1rsB4bFe4Q - funfunfunction
youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb - Traversy Media
youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ - freeCodeCamp
youtube.com/user/shiffman - coding train

>cheap VPS hosting in most western locations

an in-depth comparison of hosts

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Wordpress.

Sass > Less


Friendly reminder to not fall for the Vue/Angular meme

What's the best introduction to jquery?

dont start with libraries and frameworks, learn how to actually program with a base language first

pretty sure you don't need to specifically learn "jQuery" unlike other proper frameworks.
If you know how to do things with vanilla JS, then the shortcuts jQuery offers should become self explanatory. Sry if this doesn't sound as helpful as you would like.

I would recomend you to start learning about the DOM api.


Everything else will come from stack overflow.

Slack or Hipchat? Can I use Slack with Bitbucket? Do most projects bother with Github or Bitbucket or do they host their repos themselves?

I like GitLab, since they have a much saner team behind it and also give you free private repos.

Nonetheless using GitHub atm, since it's the defacto standard in the "industry".

is the discord gone?

What's the best resource to learn javascript from? I've searched through some from the link below, but the ones I've searched through either don't specify which standard they're using, or cover the new features of (for example) ES6 without going over the core bit of the language.

I am already familiar with core programming concepts and C-style language syntax, but I'd really like a comprehensive guide.

The link I mentioned: github.com/EbookFoundation/free-programming-books/blob/master/free-programming-books.md#javascript

Is eloquent javascript 2nd edition still viable to get into jswebdev?

Which text editor is better: Sublime Text, Atom or Brackets?


quick crashcourse of the syntax

(+ the other links on the left side)

But nothing will beat actually writing something and learning from that, though I guess you know that.

VS Code

shoo poo in loos!

can someone answer this

please take your shitty memes elsewhere

first take your M$ shilling elsewhere

it doesnt damn matter - you can use notepad

knowing how to program is what matters

vscode is objectively the best code editor available today. I was just answering the question, not shilling. I don't even use any other product from microsoft

My dude!

Is it bad that I actually want a job working with WordPress?

Would someone mind giving me an outline of what I need to study for that?

PHP? Laravel? Sage? Start making themes? What do I do?

>implying you would need laravel to learn wordpress

the fact that you said "code editor" now i know yore a shill

pls go

That's why I was asking, I'll take that as a no?

I said "code editor" because I use nvim to edit text. unless the text is code, then I use vscode (or intellij).

I want to create a website that acts as a hub for my 'professional' accounts. This way I can hopefully improve my job prospects. I already created a LinkedIn acocunt, bought and configured a domain and set up an NGINX server.
So next up is creating a website. My idea is to create a simple single page website that displays an icon for each account as well as an email icon. However, I can't design for shit. My current idea is pic related. Each icon is black and sits in a colored circle. The color scheme is stolen from the base16 theme. If the user clicks the circle, a new tab is opened redirecting the user to the website of the account.
Do you have any suggestions on making the website look more attractive? Is it safe to put my email on the website as a "mailto:myname.tld"?

Fuck, I forgot the pic. Replace each pepper with the icon of the account (LinkedIn, GitHub etc.).

I worked for a company that had devs working with WP. 95% of the time they just customized the template

I can set up the entire page for you if you can spare $20.

If you like the book-learning style, then it is probably alright, since it is mentioned quite regularly.
Since its a proper book though it's really drawn out and you could likely learn faster from other resources.
But if books are your go-to, then give it a try I guess.

>you can use notepad
that's some stellar meme-advice user... at least use an editor with syntax highlighting

Do you actually like Wordpress or just want to get into it because of the the job opportunities?

I can build the website myself using HTML and CSS. I just lack the skills to design one.

>This way I can hopefully improve my job prospects
I guess your job is webdev related since your posting in the general.
In that case, why wouldn't you invest time to get good and make something visually appealing.
People will judge you by your portfolio/contact page, so put in some effort, even if you have to use a CSS framework to make it look neat.

Even for backend I would probably do that and definitely list your skills.

>it's really drawn out and you could likely learn faster from other resources
this doesnt really bother me, ill skim read and skip what i already know.

after reading the book though, should i be able to make shit like sliders and interactive navbars?

Anyone else here that does mostly front-end?
I'm pretty beat. I want to do more than just design pages. I'm pretty good at it but I want to make something that's actually functional, something that involves crud operations, etc. Don't think I can do front-end long term.

no idea
From skimming over it, it seems to offer a lot of theoretical knowledge.
In any case you will need other resources as well like the MDN to look things up as you go.

>interactive navbars
like hover menus?
That rather sounds like a job for CSS

>I guess your job is webdev related since your posting in the general.
No, my current occupation is Android developer and I'm looking for a job in the Java enterprise world. I thought a personal website looks neat on my CV. It also gives me the opportunity to learn about DNS records, NGINX and refresh my knowledge on HTML and CSS. I don't want to invest time in learning JavaScript frameworks. I've maintainted JavaScript applications running on Chromecast devices, but I don't find it very interesting. I'd rather spend my time writing real applications (no offense). So I'm looking for a simple portal/hub website I can build in a weekend.
Do you have any feedback on my mockup? What about putting your email address in a mailto?

Checkout O'reilly Javascript. The Definitive Guide.

This plus the mdn did it for me.

Icon color could be same as the background gray. Avoid pure black.
Would add some minimal other content for basic SEO.

basically a column with:
>your name
>your skills
>a row with your link circles to linkedin, github and so on
>then email, phone contact below

no idea about mailto, but I would show it in a way, that visitors can easily select it for copy/paste

I just got a job as web dev :^)

I am so happy Sup Forums this will be my first tech job. Thanks for the help lads I learned everything I know about web development from Sup Forums which means I do not know much but I'm getting on the job training

Is there anything to watch out for when using these properties in a div selector to accomplish the goal of achieving center align for child divs?
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

Unironically happy for you senpai
Do you know what are your first assignments?

glad to here it, friend-o. Tell us about you and the job, just to give us some hope. What stack are you using? What will you be doing, back, front, full? Salary? Where you at? How long were you studying and how long were you looking for a job? Favorite anime?

Thanks for the advice. I'll color the icons similar to the background and add a header with personal information.
Do you like the circles or should I make them square like Windows does?

Freelancers, how often are you shipping automated tests? Is it something that you only do when requested, always or what? How do you explain to customers the cost/benefits

To the user who was shilling Pluralsight in the last thread, how do I get the 3 month trial? All I see is a 10-day trial, I don't wanna have to make a new account every 10 days. Pls halp.


I saw some of their courses pirated in private trackers.

>ctrl+f typescript
>0 of 0

Fucking retards

which ones? I'm on a few, but none that have video. But I could try to join, I guess.

Is he /ourguy/?

>can't keep track of types without hand holding
>calls other people retards

wtf why was I banned from discord? Is it cause I posted this picture?

grow a pair you fucking pussy

thanks guys

I do not know the stack, but I got to see the work when I went in for my interview. I will be editing existing css and xml files to update the site. As I am still an undergrad this is a summer gig and they told me after this project is done I can be assigned to a different project. It pays $16.50/hr starting. I study electrical engineering which is a far cry from front-end web development but I don't really care I like this sort of work.

Honestly the guy who showed me what I would be doing was editing all of the files manually and I was just sitting there thinking about how I can write a quick python script to edit all of the files in one go. What he was doing seemed very repetitive.

some kode kamp instructor is probably the mod

i banned you go fuck yourself posting onion links

that gif will never not make me cum

A little bit of both I suppose. Long story short: when I was going through school I took a PHP course and of all the languages that I tried throughout school PHP clicked with me the most. Couple that with the huge amount of companies that use PHP and I thought I would start traveling down that path. WordPress seems to be the logical step for someone starting out that wants to focus on PHP right?

My limited exposure with vanilla WordPress is that it seems like a really cool platform. I do enjoy working with it so far, it's very easy to change something big so it's obviously very powerful.

Though it is kind of frustrating how slow it can be when you are trying to get something pixel perfect and then you have to wait 15 seconds to save/reload the damn page isn't fun.

I'm actually kind of worried about the job opportunities for it desu. I'm worried that if someone sees a lot of WordPress experience on my portfolio/resume that they may look down on me as being unskilled or reliant on something like WP. I also don't know the current state of WP in the industry or how many positions are around for that. Jobs are always a factor of course because even if I do enjoy it, it would be nice to get paid as well right?

When you use templates or Sage (roots) does it get much faster?

So focus on building templates or working off templates??

pic unrelated

Learn Javascript first you monkey. Jquery is just a library of functions for javascript. There's nothing "to learn" about it other than what the functions take in arguments and return in values.

VS Code.

>you have to wait 15 seconds to save/reload the damn page

I don't think that's WordPress's fault; I'm working with it now, and I see changes pretty quickly.

Are you pushing changes to a remote server every time you change something? Because running Apache and MySQL locally, even on my laptop is pretty fast.

>So focus on building templates or working off templates??

afaik they didn't build the template from zero but had several templates and then adapted those to the UI design


I just set up typescript for my project today. I first used it with Angular and fell in love.

You're a moron.

>onion links
Wait lmao why the fuck would they be banned?

Yeah you're probably right, I've only worked with it twice though and I was really digging it. When I worked with it most recently it was for a potential employer that wanted to see if I could make something. So I loaded it onto a web server and started from there, it also used the avada theme so it could be the theme as well?

I would imagine this probably what most WP dev work is right? I guess I could go grab different templates and try to adapt various webpages from those for practice or is there a better method someone knows of?

Hey there. I'm one of the mods, what was your tag?

Did you post anything NSFW?

I'd imagine it's mostly the remote server; everything is interpreted, so it shouldn't take long to load something, even with a larger theme.

But I can't be sure about that, since I'm writing a theme myself. I have basically no experience with PHP or WordPress, so I'm sort of learning both as I go. So far PHP isn't too bad a language, but I'm getting fed up with WordPress bullshit.

Do you listen to music while you are coding /wdg/? I find it too distracting, myself.

Yes. Trance, EDM, or metal. I never listen to trance outside of programming even, or well extremely rarely.

Only eletronic music.

>using angular

Angular is v nice

I know the basics of javascript. I want to learn node js. how should i tackle this?

Just do it. Node isn't very hard.

>google "nodejs tutorial"
>do the tutorial
>think of thing you want to do
>download library or ten from npm that does thing you want to do
>put then in nodejs server you made from tutorial

Like 50% of all webdev right there, the other 50% is re-using shit you already made from tutorials before.

do what?



that covers pretty much all the functionality of node.js if you already know javascript. nodejs is just v8 + those apis

Most html escapers/sanitizers convert both < and > to their respective html entities. Is there any reason why I couldn't just convert

what happens if you have and I set my name to be l33thacker"> ? you need to strip both.

as for your problem, your markdown library should have the ability to turn off inline html.

Lately it's been podcasts for me, I've not listened to music in a long time. So now I don't know where to find good music.

Tried to go to Sup Forums but hooooly shit I've never seen a more pretentious group of people in my life and fuck me are they hipster/contrarian scum. I think it's not a stretch to say that might be the worst board on Sup Forums.

>as for your problem, your markdown library should have the ability to turn off inline html.
Doesn't look like it does


I'm not familiar with perl but I'd look for a library that does have that option available or use something like this xav.com/perl/site/lib/HTML/Entities.html to do your html encoding

woops meant this metacpan.org/pod/HTML::Entities

Yeah I'm already using that. Thanks though

lol why the hell you doing perl dude

Learning JavaScript right now and just finally got out of the console log and into the DOM where it looks like JS will start to be fun.

When did JS become fun for you?

Once I get a good basic understanding of JS I'm gonna go over and check out jQuery (apparently jQuery doesn't take long to learn at all) and then move onto learning PHP while building my portfolio up with HTML/CSS/JS sites and apps and start applying..

I also need to learn git. I have a GitHub but learning the commands and shit are just too much for me right now while I'm.trying to learn JS. Front end web development in 2017 seems like so much. You gotta know html,CSS,js and a JS framework along with a fucking backend language too it seems to break into the field..

>When did JS become fun for you?
I was already proficient in C# so it was easy as hell picking up JS. It was fun right away, but I just enjoy programming.

>into the DOM where it looks like JS will start to be fun.
>When did JS become fun for you?
you know it's just a gateway to an API to render hypertext in a browser right ? no magic here

Google WatchandCode practical JavaScript. That really helped me as an introduction to JavaScript. You build a to-do list but your build it from the ground up learning the very basics of JS and slowly advancing more and more. The guy is a great teacher who used to work for Google. I'm.confident if you finish that course (it's free) you'll have enough base knowledge to start playing with JS on your own or begin a more intermidiate course without feeling lost.

It seems that my local newly started pizzera place doesnt have a website. Should i offer to make one for them? Though they do have a facebook page which they might think is enough. Maybe i need to convince them to get a website first.

I have the knowledge to make a basic static site that fit their needs, but i have no knowledge on how to deliver the product to them. Do i just setup a vps and give them the account or are there services that are better for this?

You should learn C or ASM, seriously.

No, he shouldn't. Fuck off /dpt/

How did you get your job? What site did you use? What languages did you learn?

tag was wolter... I may have thought I was in a different server and shitposted, my bad.

Please unb&

>character encodings
beyond always using UTF-8, what else is there to consider?