Apple CEO Seeks to Infuse Tech with ‘Human Values’

>CAMBRIDGE, MA - Apple CEO Tim Cook on Friday warned graduates at MIT, a pioneer in fields like computers and robots, about technology's dehumanizing aspects and urged them to infuse its development with their own values.

>> "I’m not worried about artificial intelligence giving computers the ability to think like humans," Cooksaid in his commencement speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers, without values or compassion, without concern for consequence."

>Speaking to thousands of students and their families at MIT's Cambridge, Massachusetts, campus, Cook praised the benefits of new devices and social media. But he also cautioned that the same technologies can divide people through threats to privacy or security, and said technology must be tempered with human knowledge.

>> "Technology is capable of doing great things, but it doesn't want to do great things. It doesn't want anything," the Apple chief executive said. "That part takes all of us."

>Cook’s speech did not break new ground for him as head of the world's most valuable technology company but added some context around some of his past decisions, such as taking controversial stances to protect privacy rights and investing heavily in green technologies. Cook has criticized President Donald Trump’s policies but offered only a gentle joke at the president's expense on Friday, telling students it is obvious they have taken over Trump’s Twitter account. He said at one point he sought guidance in religion and last year met with Pope Francis, who Cook said reinforced his own sense that technology must be harnessed with strong values. He said Francis told him, “Never has humanity had such power over itself, yet nothing ensures that it will be used wisely."

cant you just like make a program called humanity.exe and put it in every intelligent robot/ai/whatever

>"I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers, without values or compassion, without concern for consequence."

So he's worried about Sup Forums?

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

- Revelation 13:4

>Human Values

>Faggot that lead a megacorp who uses slave labor taking about humans values

The beast is the one world oder

The American Government is worried about Sup Forums.


aka sucking cock

tim you morally inconsistent bastard

free software >> human values

>Human Values

That's pretty misogynistic


>"I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers, without values or compassion, without concern for consequence."

No, he's worried about capitalism
>im worried people might think without compassion or concern for consequence
>said tim who doesn't need to work for the rest of his life while kids in china were assembling phones for his company in a factory that installed rooftop suicide safety nets so the workers won't kill themselves

Coming from a gay man who is destined for Hell. He turns his back on the one true God and talks about human morals and values.

Actually he has a point. The only thing that worries me is not fearing AI. General AI will be either our best or worst decision. Depending on the outcome


General AI will never happen

>I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers, without values or compassion, without concern for consequence


I agree with him, which is why we must work to make technology free from degeneracy, starting with banning sodomite propaganda.

looks fake af

The only way this basic income fully automated NEETworld will ever be feasible is if these jerks start paying their fair share of taxes

So never

>I'm more concerned about people thinking like computers
says the man who runs a company like a computer would.

is Sup Forumsdditor

sauce? fake as fukk bruhh

>gibs me dats
Literally niggers

>start paying their fair share of taxes
There is exactly one fair rate of tax, and that is zero.

Fucking this. Who the fuck takes advice from a filthy degenerate spreading aids everywhere he goes.