Give me a full 90's computer setup, monitor, keyboard and everything

Give me a full 90's computer setup, monitor, keyboard and everything.

>full 90's computer setup

all about the boxes

Would post my pentium 1 but for what purpose

I would live my life but for what purpose?

half of those things arn't 90s, speakers being the most glaringly obvious one.


eh, the Lepai can pass,it looks 90s enough.

Also a ball mouse would be a pain in the ass to switch back to

Optical mice were available in the very late 90s. The Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer was released in 1999 according to the wiki which seems about right from my memory.


Everyone always says my battlestation is 90's looking

fug man that's ghetto/basement as fuck i love it.

Thanks. Its always good to sneak onto these threads as /bst/ is populated by snobby minial normies so for real techposters you need to sneak off.

mirin' that deck and the graphical equalizer. The CRT must be sweet, too.

the only thing turning me off about it is the clusterfuck of cables on the floor.

>clusterfuck of cables on the floor.
As they mayor of london said about bombings, It's all part and parcel m8.
Sony Widescreen-2560x1600@59Hz

All tech bar screens from carboot sales
Dual Deck-£0.50
DAT deck-£8
Sansui Cassette deck-£20

I'm getting a Iiyama CRT myself tomorrow.

Landline, Dream Catcher & Fuzz 'Stache

!!!!!!!!!!!!!GOD MODE ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good choice.
Crank it up to stupid resolutions it's what they're made for!

It's a Iiyama Vision Master Pro 17, and it only supports 1600x1200. I don't like using CRTs in those high resolutions though, the pixels become way too tiny.

Yeah I myself prefer a high refresh rate than a large resolution. Less flicker is always easier on the eyes.

I will likely mainly use it for games and watching anime really.

That gamepad is not nearly GRAVIS enough.

It is just a example

>that look of stoic pride that goes right through you

(Don't take my next lines too seriously, lol... XD)

>Le blue LED kiddy shit
yeah, more like 2003 need for speed underground tuning crap...

To bad, that this mouse in the pic isn't a IntelliMouse Explorer though. It's some Optical Basic crap.


I bought this Optical Basic Mouse back in 2005, btw. It sucked, at least my one, because it spazzed out randomly.
Playing with it (or gaming, as the kids today say), was not fun at all.