What operating system does Chad use as his daily driver?
What operating system does Chad use as his daily driver?
He just gets your girlfriend to shitpost for him
Windows 10 signed into a Microsoft account, using Edge or Chrome.
This if Chad is a "computer guy" who plays video games.
some Sup Forums tier console
Temple os. Because he's not a fucking nigger.
What's so bad about Chrome? This is a serious question.
did he say that anything about chrome is bad? chad just uses whatever is installed
>Zerocool on steroids
Definitely OSX
kit kat
I see this thread is full of idjits.
Chad is not a normie. Chad is alpha. He uses Gentoo with a custom kernel.
his rig has Windows 10 and he shitposts from his girlfriend's macbook pro
First answer, best answer.
iOS, followed by Windows 10, which was installed automatically on his mid range laptop (which he only uses sometimes, grudgingly).
If he's a bit more tech savvy (he knows what an OS is) he uses a 2011 Macbook.
His actual PC is a laptop from 2008 running Vista and gathering dust on the obscure part of his shelf. His main gadget is his iPhone.
This. iPhone 7+ and a $300 Windows 10 laptop from Wal-Mart.
Fuck this is too accurate. I have a Chad friend who is exactly like this.
Sometimes I wonder why I make such a big deal out of the abuse I see on Sup Forums. For all the smug bullying people here dish out, in real life they'll get cucked by Chad.
Why are we all mean to each other here? So what if a guy doesn't know all the languages or uses an OS you don't approve? It's such trivial stuff to make start a fight over.
choice of os is the only thing a lot of people here really have
Because a lot of people on here were abused by Chad growing up due to lack of social development or full blown autism
Everyone is an asshole on here because this is the only place they can be an asshole. They'll get cucked by Chad like you said.
tl;dr a bunch of autists were abused and bullied as a child and now take out their pain and anger on each other anonymously through the internet because it's the only way
t. Chad
>it's the only way
Yes it is. Stop being this buttmad.
People somehow mistake alpha with complete beta sucking corporate/goverment cock.
Pretty much this.
>American problems
>Claims to be friends with Chad
Windows 8
He got a new PC pretty recently but is to stupid to do anything with it
Penetrating cd ring doesn't change a thing about it.
>actually having a chad/normie friend
That's way worse than pretending to have one.
Which antivirus do you use?
Brainac 2018.
TFW Chad is actually a good guy.
I think it is because it is so common for people who are good at sports to get a free education, it creates a value in being good at sports.
Here, everyone gets a free education so the same hierarchy does not apply.
Sports people does not interact with real students so the bullying trope in American entertainment is not existing.
The only time where sports people interact with real students is when they are very young and when everyone has the same schedule.
During this age I it is possible they can be bullies, but the stereotype is not as wide spread.
I was one who bullied others. Now I bully all who are brave enough to talk to me.
True chad is so rich he simply dont give a shit about anything. If he buys something online, he pick
>order by price
and buy the most expensive thing aka apple shit.
I would have bullied you
>browses Sup Forums
Sure ya would pal
chads in >current year are actually pretty nice desu. nobody likes bullies, they're a 90s stereotype
Windows 10.
I see him sometimes on campus, and sometimes he has his laptop open, just sitting there with the update screen "please wait while we complete changes" or whatever with the spinning circle.
Every time. Chad is constantly updating Windows 10. I have never seen him do work.
They were like that in the 90s too, you were just too busy being alone in your room, playing videogames, masturbating and listening to Linking Park to notice.
Last time I checked chads were too ignorant and selfimportant to use a computer.
I was born in 99' :^)
>Chad is constantly updating Windows 10.
Chad is a good guy who properly takes care of his computer.
But I though the whole point of windows is updating shit all the time? It's not like I play any nerd videogames, and I also don't need Facebook to massage my ego or porn when there are at least half a dozen dick hungry bitches wanting to fuck me at any given time.
MacOS if he actually owns a computer
Literally OSX
we use ios and windows 10
some of my buddies use mac but we give them shit for using a girl's operating system haha
>Implying I'm not Chad hiding his power level
you're not a Chad
isn't ios a girl's OS?
he runs reverse compiled anti-gentoo on a computer that runs in reverse.
tis a chad/stacy OS
the chinese use it too