Twenty seventeen

>Twenty seventeen
>Not using a tablet with a small form factor mechanical keyboard instead of a laptop
What's your excuse?

Looks pretty comfy actually

How do I use it away from my desk?

The type cover is good enough

>Not using phablet

You pick it up and put it in your bag, then take it out again when you're going to use it

I've never used the 2-in-1 shit like Surfaces before. How do their weird keyboards compare to say a standard rubber-dome keyboard you can get for $5?

Vastly superior. It's better than most laptop keyboards because of the angle and travel, Thinkpads (T, X, P) are better but my SP4 keyboard comes at a close second.

Kickstand is an issue for lap use, if you're average to high height, it should be fine. Not if you're a manlet though unfortunately.

The same if not better than most laptop keyboards

>Thinking a 5.5 inch 16:9 aspect ratio device is comparable to 10 inches or more 3:2 or 4:3

Wanna know how I know you're a NEET?

What's your excuse for using it instead of a laptop?

i don't wanna ruin my posture even more

What tablet?

Because it's a hundred times more flexible and I can use a keyboard that isn't dogshit?

I prefer a full sized desktop, but with my laptop it's usually fir gaming when I'm away

>Why use a laptop, which is all one piece and can be modified, when you can use a separate keyboard and screen which cannot attach in any way, is full of binary blobs and other unmodifiable firmware, an always on camera and microphone, that comes by default with a jailed OS instead?

This is what Sup Forumstards actually believe.

>which is all one piece
Why is that supposed to be a positive? Do you want to carry two separate devices if you want to do something as basic as reading a PDF file in portrait orientation?

The post is in support of laptops, user.

>too poor to afford the surface pro keyboard

you suck, OP.

Yes, I know, and I'm saying that tablets are more flexible. There's no reason to own a laptop over a 2 in 1 unless you absolutely need a dedicated GPU.

I work in IT for a living, and not do it as a hobby while not at construction work.

>Too poor
What, I own two mechanical keyboards that cost more than the Surface Pro keyboard. If you think $130 is a lot of money for a keyboard then you're probably the broke boy.

People who don't like Surface Pros are people who doesn't have it.

>using either a tablet or a laptop instead of a desktop
What's your excuse?

bluetooth keyboard?

Curious where you propose to get 4:3 hardware these days. I'm have to shop around at used-equipment sites whenever I need a new monitor.

Says the man without the surface keyboard.

Why do you even bother getting a surface and not the fucking type-cover which is basically mandatory? By lugging around external keyboards then you're basically taking away one of the main reasons to get a surface which is it's compactness.

You're a fucking moron, to be honest.

Not being a NEET?

How is a tablet MORE FLEXIBLE than a laptop?

I've never seen a single person in my life practically use a tablet as anything other than a facebook machine.

Desktops are for NEETs.

u series cpus are vastly superior to atomshit and there arent any 2in1s that provide decent battery life for u series.

>using a machine that is for actually getting stuff done rather than a dedicated fagbook and content consumption device
>accused of being a neet

Bluetooth mechanical keyboards exist, my man

Because I use it as a tablet more than I use it as a laptop? I only need to use it with a keyboard when I need to type stuff, the rest of the time I use it as a tablet and with the stylus. Why the fuck would I get a laptop and not have the choice of using it as a laptop or a tablet?

best combination coming through
>Powerful desktop PC for resource intensive jobs
>Linux HTPC Server for media (plex) and automatic torrenting (sickrage/couchpotato + deluge daemon)
>Surface pro for "on the go" shit and general browsing

If you disagree then you are a pleb.

The iPad Pro with Retina Display™ doesn't have this problem.

I work in IT as a cloud consultant and I do everything on a surface pro 3 (with surface pro 4 keyboard attached). It's way more flexible than your average laptop due to basically being a smaller but still powerful laptop with detachable keyboard.

It also doesn't make you look like an autist but actually makes you look "up to date" which (believe it or not) helps a lot when you're out helping customers with their infrastructure.

>How is a machine that can be used both as a tablet and a laptop more flexible than one that can only be used as a laptop?
Gee whiz, you tell me

>Not using the Apple™ iPad™ Pro™ with a chip that shits on Intels mobile CPUs

>Thinking laptops are "a dedicated fagbook and content consumption device"
Thanks for confirming you're a NEET

you're the dumbest person in this thread

fucking moron

SaaSS should burn in hell.

Thanks for confirming I never want to use a tablet even further.

>mfw even crapple uses superior 4:3 displays while pc equipment manufacturers refuse to even consider making non-retard-mode ones

Completely subjective you bellend, and being more flexible doesn't make it inherently better

I'm not saying you should get a laptop, I'm saying you're retarded for lugging around external keyboards instead of just getting the type cover.

Carrying around a Bluetooth 60% keyboard is a small inconvenience relative to how much superior it is to type on than the Surface keyboard and I can use it with any mobile device I want.

Also do general infrastructure, not just software.

You mad that us cloudboiz get all the puss whilst you're stuck in your little code-cubicle all day?

Might as well get a fucking laptop if you're lugging around your fucking mechanical keyboard everywhere, but it's your choice I guess.

>SaaS should burn in hell
says the angry sys-admin who's getting phased out.

Honestly, just go join a consulting company. Not only will you make more, but you won't be stuck talking to the same 3 people every day for the rest of your life.

Looks autistic as fuck, I like it.

Can't play decent porn games on a tablet.

>You should get a laptop if you use your 2 in 1 more as a tablet than a laptop

Why get a surface if you're not gonna use keyboard? There are way better options out there if you're gonna be autistic.

Do you actually prefer lugging around a mouse+keyboard everywhere? or are you joking? I legitimately can't tell.

how do I use this while taking a dump OP?

Is there a decent 7 or 8 inch tablet coming any time soon?

Nexus 7 2013 was great, and I don't want to carry a fucking tower shield.

put it on a leg, it balances just fine.

As a 6'4 man it has never been a problem. I've only ever heard short manlets complain about it.

>implying he talks to people

Hold it in your hand like a tablet

By use it like a tablet?

I use an iPad Pro 9.7 with a Smart Keyboard and it's very comfy

i dunno, seems fragile and prone to falling, especially balancing both keyboard and tablet, that coupled with glass screen and tiled areas in toilets...

I got it specifically so I can use my mechanical keyboards without having to lug around a laptop with a keyboard permanently attached to it, and yes, I prefer using good peripherals over bad peripherals.

If you can't "endure" the surface keyboard (which is one of the better keyboards out there) for the short amount of time (which you yourself claim) where you have to use a keyboard, then something is very wrong with you and I would recommend a doctor.



>uses the surface pro 3 keyboard and not the surface pro 4 keyboard.

>he fell for the tablet meme AND the mechanical keyboard meme

>Mechanical keyboard meme
Oh no, poor me, I fell for a objectively superior device

>can't use either in bed or on the toilet

How long do you spend on the shitter if you're going to type so much text that you need a keyboard

I once bought a laptop. I still have it actually. It had all the bells and whistles. It was a thinkpad helix to be exact. It cost a pretty penny. I used to lug it to work everyday.
Turns out I was too scared to ever take it out of it's bag. I'm scared that if people see it they might get ideas about making it their own. I hardly ever use it. Heck I'm too busy at work. Most of the time I just wait 'till I get home and then do all my computer related stuff on my sweet desktop PC.
tl;dr. Fuck laptops. They' re slow and uncomfortable to work with. Invest in a good dedktop PC.

If I'm lying in bed programming and I feel the need to go to the toilet, it's nice to be able to bring the laptop with me.

>tablet as laptop replacement
Do you guys actually work with computers or just read emails and browse Sup Forums?

Exactly what can you do on a laptop that you can't do on a tablet with a desktop OS?

>Surface Pro 4
>16 gigs of DDR3 (lol)
>Intel i7 (LOL)

I have an iPad™ Pro™, I just got that picture from Google

>current year
>shilling locked bootloaders and wintrash

Yeah at least we can do shit with it.

He obviously means "how do I use this without a flat surface?" not "how do I transport two obviously portable things?" Jesus....

>Glossy Screen

Because I can't put Gentoo on that botnet machine, but I can put Gentoo on my laptop.

Has anyone tried Surface Pro for design? Is it able to compete with other laptops when running Adobe apps etc?

Not OP, but when I was in university it was cheaper, lighter, and smaller than a laptop to carry around, and it was less intrusive than a laptop would be so it distracted other students less.

IMO the battery life on tablets is a little better than laptops too(and you can use small portable phone chargers as well), so having to find an outlet plug wasn't a problem.

The tradeoff was it was only good for books, document editing, browsing, etc. But then again, for the most part that's all I need to accomplish in those kinds of settings.

>What's your excuse?
Though for OP's question, Because I have a laptop that works.