/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux

CloverOS GNU/Linux It's Finally Out After 4 Years Edition

Official homepage: cloveros.ga
Current LiveCD: cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20170614.iso
Github: github.com/chiru-no/cloveros
Package count: 1815 cloveros.ga/s/packages.html
Official IRC channel: #cloveros on Rizon
License: WTFPL
CloverOS install script: cloveros.ga/s/installscript.sh
Current CFLAGS: CFLAGS="-Ofast -pipe -flto=8 -funroll-loops -floop-block -floop-interchange -floop-strip-mine -ftree-loop-distribution"

Previous threads:
Legacy threads: warosu.org/g/?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=cloveros&search_subject=&search_username=&search_tripcode=&search_email=&search_filename=&search_datefrom=&search_dateto=&search_op=op&search_del=dontcare&search_int=dontcare&search_ord=old&search_capcode=all&search_res=post

Other urls found in this thread:


who gives a fuck



I am still unable to install CloverOS on a virtual box with the install script. It installs but never gives me a desktop.

>writes an install script
>calls it an operating system
if you're gonna make a distro, make a real fucking distro, not just another pointless derivative


The packages aren't a derivative.

how so?
if you have your own repo, why not just use that repo in vanilla gentoo?

It's similar to Crunchbang, which was the goal of CloverOS.

Crunchbang was also pointless.
The only real thing they were selling were some configs.
Anyone could install openbox on debian and download a config from github.

>Crunchbang was also pointless.
>"you should waste your time fix your personal wm configs"

/i\ `\V#######V/´ /i\
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/ó###########ò\ ,X, /ó###########ò\

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/ó#######ò\ `\V/´ /ó#######ò\
/ó###########ò\ ,X, /ó###########ò\

>apt install xf86-video-intel alsa-utils xorg-server openbox xorg-xterm feh compton
>git clone github.com/faggot/configs.git
>mv configs/{openbox,compton.conf} ~/.config/
>mv configs/.{xinitrc,Xresources,bashrc} ~/
wow that was so hard
better waste weeks on writing install scripts, website development and maintenance and money on hosting instead of letting people waste a couple of dozens of seconds downloading some configs I could've uploaded on github

What a waste of fucking time

desu i thought the logo for lo/g/os was much better

fuck this gay ass project




Why you're using aggressive flags? Is there any specific reason?








>Everything has to have a purpose
People do things for fun you know.







how many keyloggers and botnets does it have?

nice meme


As many jews who died in the holocaust

>Current LiveCD: cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20170614.iso

so does it run live from USB?


Designed by weebs for weebs

So, none.



Did you forget to start x?

What's the micro-penis of distros?

windows and macos



Arch. There's a correlation between body mass and penis size.

Literally any proprietary Linux distro


Better ISO out, half the size.


Komachi breasthu


How hard would it be to install gnome?

comment out PORTAGE_BINHOST="cloveros.ga" in make.conf and emerge gnome-base/gnome.

This requires systemd. CloverOS has mate, xfce, lxde and will have kde. I'm figuring out a way to do Gnome without systemd.

Oh and remove -G from /etc/portage/make.conf's EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS


Why are so many faggots shitting up the thread with

>stop having fun and freedumbs

Is it autism?

This is godtier

I think they're the reason why it failed in the past, too many people shitting up the threads and being counter-productive.

Creating a distro is also a lot of hands-on work. You need one guy dedicated to doing it.

For those who are incredibly lazy


Solution is to make a discord and to add the serious people to good text chat and have the unwashed uncleansed tards be in #general.


Okay, well, what would you suggest? I thought all the Sup Forumsangsters used Discord.

Nothing. Just do it yourself and use Sup Forums for advice and the occasional pull request.

I'm not OP.

Sup Forums projects are like any other school group project, gotta find the sucker to do it

I'm installing cloverOS. I'll let you know how it turns out for upboats

Having a discord is a bad idea. It usually devolves into a new discord every week when instead you can have a general.

>mfw this guy must have been in the commonwealth discord



Jesus is that you bro?

The what discord?

This desktop environment is very strange.

Yea that's twm. It's supposed to be really minimal. You can install a DM and some other WMs/DEs with emerge, and the installer will be updated with more as well I hear

twm only uses 3MB ram though. Feel free to emerge something else and replace the twm& in .bash_profile

>It's finally out after four years edition

Hello it's me, the OG Clover OS guy, fridaynightfeels. Glad to see this is revived.

I was 14 years old four years ago lmao.






Need more CloverOS wallpapers with maki
Need more 1440p CloverOS wallpapers
Neofetch isn't in the repo

Firefox doesn't launch:
>default value of option force_s3tc_enable overridden by environment.
>zsh: segmentation fault firefox

It does that in Virtualbox because Firefox requires opengl for some reason, I'm looking into it.

Neofetch added

I'm getting this error installed to real hardware with the default nouveau bullshit loaded. Will probably be fixed installing prop. drivers. RIP freedom.

I think media-libs/mesa needs to be build without bindist. I'll test it now.

iso mirror github.com/chiru-no/cloveros/releases/download/20170614/CloverOS-x86_64-20170614.iso

tfw you're actually fridaynightfeels but nobody remembers

Magnet link: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:GJH7T576TQFK7T5MWXWNKAHDGR63DHSP

i blinked twice when i saw WM: Not Found

>what is this wizardry ?

shouldnt it say twm ???


Just kidding, this is the magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:TFEYTRDCZQXAUT3M2XNW5PCUC2X4GH5P

pls seed

going to be seeding