Theresa May wants to ban encryption in UK

She's intended to ban sites like GitHub and Sourceforge that makes it easier for people to use encryption tools in their code and wants no new or existing tech companies to have their data not accessible by the government.

Thoughts on this, UK anons?

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Anything new? Who thought that Corbyn can win? UK fags are dumb, but maybe scottish fags can be not that bad.

>She's intended to ban sites like GitHub and Sourceforge that makes it easier for people to use encryption tools in their code and wants no new or existing tech companies to have their data not accessible by the government


It's over for the U.K. Too bad that's the model every country will eventually adopt.


Decent leftist. He BTFO the (((neoliberal))) capitalists in his own party.

But unfortunately he is turning Labour into what you get if you let some ANTIFA SJWs start their own party.

What really needs to be banned is unconstitutional political ideologies like islam.

That's the root of the problem. Not the technology they abuse.

shell be thrown out by her party in weeks m8, shes got no chance of pulling any of that shit when her party want her head on a pike for fucking up a 30 point lead and nearly losing to literal communists and apologists for mao.

>ban thought

im as opposed to islam and its bullshittery as anyone, but thats not the solution.

>but thats not the solution.
It worls fine in China and Bulgaria.

They banned names like mohammed. and the muslims in bulgaria knows how to behave.
The muslims in China are dealt with flamethrowers when they run amok.

It works.

No, the root of the problem is your shitty government trying to control everyone and watch everything.

England could ban immigration from aggressive anti western nations instead, it wouldn't need to ban Islam necessarily or ban thought.

That too. But you can't ignore the political ideology that has been at war with you for 1400 years.

into the helicopter with you

this is motherfucking great britain, take your illiberal eastern bollocks and shove it.

there are two solutions to the islamist problem, either a sustained campaign of social engineering and propaganda against the salaphists and their kind to root out illiberal eastern dogma and replace it with western thought, or a final solution.

>fucking up a 30 point lead

In opinion polls.

In the real life you want one motivated voter for every three people that merely prefer your opponent.

Corbyn motivated the shit out of students and commies.

Or just put a ban on muslims from coming into the UK, maybe it'll encourage them to abandon Islam for christianity.

>a sustained campaign of social engineering and propaganda against the salaphists and their kind to root out illiberal eastern dogma and replace it with western thought
But that's what China is doing.

>a final solution
And that's what China is doing as well.

>Chinese forces 'used flamethrowers' in Xinjiang operation
You can't win, user. The Chinese are too efficient.

im not against that, but we may benefit from bringing in the dissenters from those nations to help sow the seeds of a more liberal reformation of islam, instead of the kind the salaphists want.

im a fucking student, and your bourgeoise commies are good for literally nothing besides winging about how racist the working class are. the real working class have no patience for your bullshit, hence why traditionally red northern england districts voted strongly for leave.

m8, theyre literally permitted to lie about that shit, its gonna backfire. its not a war against people were fighting, its a war against an ideology. we need the kind of tactics we use to deal with cults if anything.

>>a sustained campaign of social engineering and propaganda against the salaphists and their kind to root out illiberal eastern dogma and replace it with western thought
>But that's what China is doing.
good for them, theyre also oppressing their own citizens

>>a final solution
>And that's what China is doing as well.
and there is the problem, if we did that here we would have another generation of limp wristed pseudoliberals advocating the end to nation states after being horrified at what amounts to a soviet style ideological purge. we will not beat our enemies by becoming them.

Any thoughts? Yeah, she's fucking retarded. It's always the old fucks who know nothing about the internet who get to govern it.

>Thoughts on this, UK anons?
As long as I can still get a half-decent burger and a pint at 'spoons for dirt cheap I honestly don't even care anymore.
I'm this -->

>theyre also oppressing their own citizens
At least the oppressive state is making the country grow their middle class and building the wealth of the nation.

In the west we're oppressed by by an ideology that wants to behead us simply because we are non-muslim.

How can thread about her antifreedom intentions turn into emigration talk?
Scotland will have referendum on independence again.
She's partnered with some n. Ireland christians, anti-abortion and stuff.

Abour net freedom, yes, we should focus on cloudflare and other shit too, but she declared war on freedom as we know it for few decades. She's threat and not small, it can be example for other countries, risks are great and I don't wanna use Tor all the time just to get some news. Looks like something SSSR did for forty years. Isolating satellites and russia from thoughts and everything.

This is just sad. It was proven left and right that the way these mud slimes radicalize is rarely from internet alone. It doesn't stop the problem and it causes many more. I'm the kind of person that uses a lot of proprietary shit daily and I cannot stand this decision. I don't want this.

>It's another old politician doesn't understand technology episode

It's the immigrants that abuse the technology of the west to blow themselves up.

>At least the oppressive state is making the country grow their middle class and building the wealth of the nation.
That is debatable. There is much evidence that it's all just a big bubble. Time will tell, I guess, but the five-pointed stars on their flag should tell you what their ideology is rooted in.


Please tell me Sup Forums isn't going to defend this.

Oh, you know they are.

They already are.

If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about. If you're not a kiddy-fiddler like Podesta, a muslim terrorist like Bin Laden or a traitor that sells state secrets like Snowden, you literally don't ever need privacy. Privacy is just a convenience excuse used by criminals and enemies of the state.

Everything have its "bad" side.
Also, you would sacrifice your freedom when the same anti-freedom warmongering started it?

Spotted the tory shill.

>If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to worry about.

I've got nothing to hide, but if a police officer installs a camera in my bathroom I'm gonna ask why.

Nice pasta kid

>At least the oppressive state is making the country grow their middle class and building the wealth of the nation.
and? wealth is meaningless without liberty

>In the west we're oppressed by by an ideology that wants to behead us simply because we are non-muslim.
and if we truly wanted we could crush them at any time, but in spite of the best efforts of the short sighted, self serving elite, its starting to dawn on people that action actually has to be taken on this topic, even ordinary muslims who shy away from dealing with their own communities problems are waking up to the fact that they do in fact have to clean their own house.

first, emmigration is leaving a country, not entering. that would be immigrating.

second, the SNP just lost a fuckton of seats to all 3 of the other major parties, i seriously doubt therell be another fucking poll on leaving.

third, doesnt matter, the conservatives still have parliament.

nobody save for theresa herself is defending this, her own party want her out of office and perhaps out of the party. theres even talk of reform in the conservative party to make sure this doesnt happen again.

Enjoy the police state britcucks, this is what you asked for when you imported Muslims.

fuck off

blame blaire and his ilk, if the general populace had their way he would be tried for treason.

We will.

fuck, meant blair not blaire

>implying emigration and immigratim aren't the same fucking thing in this case
Are you retarded?

She'd better ban pajeets in England.

He's right about the difference

>leaving and joing arent the same thing with regards to a given country
i think you misunderstand

This is when you don't import thought and wisdom into ordinary brains.

Poor UK fags

>wealth is meaningless without liberty
What has this liberty given you?

You gave your young people liberty:
-They destroyed your universities.
-Evergreen students wants to ban white students
-Yale students are offended by halloween and think universitie should be "safe homes" and not intellectual spaces.
-Your youngsters think they can make careers out of being rape victims and walk around with madrases.
-Missouri university is bankrupt.
-Berkely is burning up in flames and won't let people with different opinions talk

What good is this liberty for?

Its inevitable. Sooner or later governments will find a way to control the internet. Enjoy your last 10 or 20 years of freedom user.

She is.

Get fucked brit cunts
Nobody cares about your muslim terrorist filled shithole
You guys cant even brush your teeth properly how are you gonna fix this
Lol fucking shitheads


>implying it's because liberty and not because they are simply doing what goverment wants them to do

All those are extremely recent, liberty has worked for a long time before those problems began.

The DUP will save us.They're against the censorship/police state stuff.

>thread is about the UK government spying on its citizen and banning stuffs willy nilly like they've done for decades
>i know! let's talk about mudslime immigrants instead!

How many seats do they have? 6?

Mudslime immigrants are the very reason why this ban is happening

A true British superhero.

It's because May is using the recent terror attacks to explain why this lack of privacy is a good idea.

And pakijeets.

>and? wealth is meaningless without liberty
There are several forms of liberty, many of which are mutually exclusive. One might make a case that the privilege of living in a sane, civilized society is more important than so-called "political liberty". Not saying that living in modern China is sane (I wouldn't even know), but moar democracy doesn't equate to better.

Fucking fuck fucker, how can you be this dumb? It's just what they used to legally get under the skin of cattle.

how can she alone want to do all this bad shit g

>implying that is not a direct consequence of said liberty

Think user is correct.

I bet you there are a ton of people from China who are looking at the west right now, and think we are insane.
they thin we are masochists who love to be blown up by muslims.

Yet all this is very recently, liberty cannot be blamed for this.

One doesn't need more than a very cursory glance at the history of the US to see that said "liberty" has only declined since the revolution.

liberty is dangerous, garbage in, garbage out. in spite of this there is no other way worth living, we are very keen on our just and liberal governance here.

also, what makes you think liberty is a thing you can give? liberty is inherant to man in a state of nature, lawful government is derived from these natural rights. there is no such thing as legitimate government that bestows rights, rights are bestowed onto government by the consensus of its people.

the bollocks you speak of is a product of the past illiberal acts of western nations, a reaction to what was rightly viewed as injust. this fed directly into postmodernism, which gave them the reasoning they have used to attack the very concept of liberalism itself, all in the pursuit of so called "social justice". your views are responsible for the creation of idiots like those.

>goverment manipulation is direct consequnce of said liberty
Goverment/corporate manipulation is result of liberty that's being defined by liberals, who mistake free market with freedom et cetera.

Forgot pic.

she may or she may not want...

>theres this problem we have with a government action
>why are people discussing the reasoning behind it?

I was waiting for someone to say it. Thank you, based user!

The examples you've been giving isn't liberty, but a sick corruption of liberty by those who think they're freeing themselves. Social justice is not liberty at all.

>liberty that's being defined by liberals
Agreed, but political liberty is what allows this confusion to come into existence in the first place. In the power vacuum left without a well-defined ruler, it is easy for the wicked to wedge themselves in.

fuck your order, krautcuck. the only sane, civilised society there can be is a nation derived from that reasoning given in lockes description of a commonwealth. a top down order of government only inspires dissent and rebellion, true order comes from a nation built on individualist values.

i do not disagree, social justice is indeed illiberal. that said, see above.

Theresa May has no majority, no mandate and importantly no self awareness. Hopefully she'll get the boot from the Tories, Cameron resigned for way less.

She is a control freak maniac.

They're already trying to change the narrative ITT. It's not Britain's fault that the country is basically 1984, it's the Muslim immigrants who "force" them to enact anti-privacy laws!

Absolutely agreed.

That's why minarchism of some sort is great, great thing, but only in theory, because people. Everything is bad just because of uneducated masses.

Why can't it be both things?

Do you actually believe there is only 1 problem in Britain right now?

>She's intended to ban sites like GitHub and Sourceforge
No, the assumption is that she'd have to do that to 'ban encryption'. At no point has she said anything about those sites. At most she'll make end-to-end encryption in commercial applications like WhatsApp illegal. Which will immediately get taken to court and thrown out because it goes against the convention on human rights.

It's just an excuse to seize power. I seriously doubt britain would be 100% free overnight if Muslim immigration was banned. Islam is obviously anti-freedom, but that doesn't excuse anti-freedom politicians like May either. She can rot in Hell with the terrorists.

Is it a "human right" to have encrypted electronic communication?

will the brits stop pretending they have any world relevance once no tech companies listen to them

You cant live with liberty in a multicultural country.

She's also trying to rip up certain human right laws. But there's bound to be at least one person in politics who has a brain.

Yes, but she wants out of the European Court of Human Rights.

Does this mean Sup Forums will be banned in the UK?

>a nation built on individualist values
Confirmed for oxymoron. It should be obvious from the very choice of words why this is intrinsically unworkable.

Probably not, just that Sup Forums would have to keep information about it's users for the government.

World this is what happens when you keep sucking a dry queens cunt
Her pussy gets old she does wierd things like these
Fucking shithole
Brush your teeth shitheads

Fun fact - You can tweet Teresa May right now at @theresa_may on Twitter ;)

theresa may isn't the queen you fucking retard

No it isn't.

>she wants out of the European Court of Human Rights.
That's a good thing.

In Denmark we have a gypsy who made over 20 crimes, and we are unable to exile him, just because he fucked some woman an made children a few years ago.

"Human rights" is a scam designed to cripple our nation.

China has has the right idea, they were right not to submit to some globalist jews who can control their country.

And the queen doesn't really have much power at all. Just for show.

Hey /sg/

Well dint she go suck queens cunt to implement these fucktard rules
Faggotfucker defending a shithole

> got nuttin to hide
> posting as Anonymous
really executes the cpu instructions

Just because a few cunts corrupted the idea of human rights doesn't mean they're a bad thing.

There is no "human right" on military grade encryption