Hurr durr look at me guys post anime
Hurr durr im so arent i guys
Hurr durr anime is so rad
Hurr durr anime is cool because im a fat ugly neckbeard weeb thats 30 years old that has no life and spends all pretending he knows so much about computers hurr durr
Hurr durr im a fat faggot lelxDddD lelelz guys look i posted anime it's so cute lulz

Hurr durr anime website
Hurr durr mommy bought me a Sup Forums pass with her credit card
Hurr durr i suck mods dick
Hurr durr go bck to Reddit XDD lelz

Kill yourselves you fucking obese pieces of shit. Look at yourself in a mirror. Just end with a knife or gun.
Anime is not technology
Fuck the mods. You're all a bunch of niggers. Ban me you fucking anime weeb shit cuck virgins.


anime website

anime website

back to /r/anime

But it's not.

Kill yourselves

But it is.

Kill yourself you fat ugly weeb

Honestly I don't care if there's blue board anime pics with tech posts. As long as the tech content box is checked why do you care? Off topic is a separate issue from what you're posting about. I hope this is bait and you're not actually trying to fix people on the internet.

But it's not. Neck yourself.

Seek help you mentally ill moron

Right after you kill yourself lard ass.

Fuck off



You fuck off nigger weeb

Nice projection, I bet you're a 200 pound landwhale though, and you're hiding your insecurity by complaining about anime on Sup Forums of all places,

whoa, where did you find this pic of me?

That's what we needed. Another thread about horrible human beings insulting each other over some degenerate cartoon format.

I like anime but I'm not fat.

Says the fat nasty weeb

If anime triggers you so much why do you post on a site where it's everywhere?

Every animeposter has been here longer than you. People who get triggered by anime are newfag redditors who don't belong here, guaranteed.

>getting this upset over drawings


Fucking pathetic, just hang yourself already

Ok so? You want a fucking cookie because you've been here longer on some shit website. Congrats weeb.

>People who don't know wat Sup Forums means and get trigger by animu

Reddit you gotta go back

This is now a Megumin thread

It doesn't trigger me at all, get some reading comprehension.

Get a gun and shoot yourself in the head.


Animeposters keep the normies away. Help keep Sup Forums tidy, post anime.


>newfag busts in and starts demanding that people already using the site change their behavior so as to not offend his delicate sensibilities
>wonders why nobody takes him seriously and tells him to fuck off where he came from
Seriously just go back, someone as dumb as you could never contribute to a technology board



>migrate to website
>users of said website post anime girls
>demand site changes to cater to me
You're retarded. If you don't like it, go back where you came from.


>Seriously just go back, someone as dumb as you could never contribute to a technology board

>wanting to contribute to a shit website and it's tech board

I wish there was a mod to shut down this OT shitshow


Nah ill stay and make fun of you easy triggered fags