Drones are technology. Pic related, my DJI Mavic flying over a local river.
What drones do you have and how do you use them?
Drones are technology. Pic related, my DJI Mavic flying over a local river.
What drones do you have and how do you use them?
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Here's mine.
I use it to kill brown people.
>install gentoo
>bring free as in freedom software to the world
>can't understand why everyone is exploding and dying horribly
>"Made in United States"
Yes it is, and because you paid a retarded amount of money on a mem instead of building one yourself, you also just happen to be on the right board! Welcome to /consumer whore general/
Where do you live? Looks nice
I want a mavic but damn they're still too expensive to justify. Hoping a newer model next year will bring the old one down.
thank you for your service
not an owner but I'm interested. How's the prices for these things nowadays? Any trends pointing at much lower prices in a couple years? I wouldn't pay more than like 100$ for it and they seem to break easily but that's me.
i bought a cx-10a for $14, a prop guard for $1, 5 battery pack with charger for $12 and some extra props for $2, all with free shipping from ebay/china. a single jumper solder job gives it 20-25 minutes of flight time so it's perfect for learning. i like it, but flying is much harder than it looks.
i'll probably get a cx-10 fpv and battery mod it once i figure out how to fly circles with this current one. anyone have any tips on becoming a better pilot?
Why should I pay extra money for a drone with camera if I can just glue my older phone to it?
Does your old phone have a good camera?
i used to have a dji phantom 4, was rad as fuck
>mfw i crashed it while sloshed
Get some cheap FPV drones on Ali
Looks like aus
It's a very different story flying cheap drones compared to the fancier ones with auto-stabilizing features of all kinds.
I have a cheap $15 one without any assists and I can hardly keep it in the air.
Just built a Y4 at the weekend for shits & giggles, using an old quad I hadn't flown in maybe 9 months. Pretty fun.
Looks cool
if you're just interested in the photos you're taking, take it to /p/. if you want to talk about the consumer electronics of drones and shit then maybe focus it more on that.
stop treating Sup Forums like it's your local bar where you think everybody is interested in the fringe aspects of your life. if you want a feeling of community, go to a forum where you register a username and have a persistent identity. otherwise adhere to the board topics and go lurk other boards if your interests shift and grow over time.
If I see one of these fuckers above my house I'm shooting it down. I'm not find to let some asshole record my home and what's in my windows. Drones are the death of privacy as we know it. Someone will argue they're very loud and you can hear them just you wait till the silent ones in the future come out.
i don't dislike drones and i'm not mad. don't make a strawman to console yourself for feeling bad.
i'm just pointing out that this board isn't for enthusiast drone photographers. if you want to talk about drones, make it about drones. if you want to talk about drone photography, go to /p/. they have threads that are basically "photos taken with X" (e.g. a smartphone, medium format body, etc...) going on *right now*.
>Drones are the death of privacy as we know it
not advertising corporations like google, facebook, etc...?
drones are totally harmless by comparison. you can see a drone. you can shoot a drone down. it doesn't break your experience of the world to "block" them from your existence. removing google, facebook, et al substantially changes your experience of the web (in before "no not me, i'm a NEET and my life is [insert modifier] without it!", not realizing that this is represents a substantial change)
Why do you need that small propeller in the front when you have that big propeller in the back? Is it so the big propeller wouldn't feel lonely or is it so that the small propeller would feel safe?
Till someone tried to make it illegal to shoot a drone down, it'll be much harder to defend in court shooting a drone down than blocking google ad services.
enjoy your massive fine because the FAA considers it shooting down an aircraft
drones dont have a narrow field of view,, you can usually not see anything in great detail from their cameras.
Go choke on a thinkpad you netbearded fuck
Fucking fascists at the FAA, glad trump is getting rid of them. Cameras on drones will improve over time, I'm not going to idly sit by and just passively let some government fuck in his van or a prick neighbour monitor around my home or even inside of it if possible.
I assume your against buildings with windows, in case people can see you out of them? What about binoculars & telescopes?
Good thing we invented curtains, plus you can't use a telescope to see what's directly over my home from the comfort of your FBI van. The military is working on drones the sizes of flies, really fucking tiny and can hide anywhere. They worked on other projects like internet and GPS as military projects before it become a public thing, expect micro drones in the future.
That's a camera housing in the front, not a propeller
>The military is working on drones the sizes of flies, really fucking tiny and can hide anywhere
Okay, you're a retard. Did you get that from Weekly World News?
Build the following:
>Robocat 270
All of them have GPS and barometric hodl, ultrasonic ranging and 433mhz telemetry
The Q380 even has a camera gimbal.
Trick is to look around for ludicrously cheap chinese parts, buy extra and do your own QA.
The 380 only cost like 80 dollars, gimbal included.
And this is just the prototype
I fucked up, forgot the s500, the s500 features the gimbal.
Oh my fuck you're stupid. That's just a fucking concept.
Is that a drone on the tail of the helicopter?
What FC did you use in the ZMR for GPS functionality? INAV or something proper (Ardupilot/Naza etc.)?
yes, and the smaller one is more fun.
Where have you been in the last 5 years?
>It came from a website I don't approve of so it can't be real.
>Implying the military isn't working on drones to make them cheaper and to speed up development.
>Implying they don't want drones being used by everyone so their usage will be more acceptable.
I just used the cheapest naze32 and cc3d I could find on ebay.
I'd like to see it launched while "big bro" is in air.
Lil wingman.
>tfw using a jammer and taking drones down
i love to see those faggots faces when they see their $2k toy slam into the ground
Fucking old guy over here
>topic doesn't hold interest to me
>op must be made to understand why he just ONLY make thread I like!
>the topics here are suited to MY needs
You sir, you have a nice day in that damp basement you got there.
The Daily Mail is even more of a joke than Fox News. And simply not being dumb as fuck and actually having a grasp of the current state of technologies like batteries tells you it's not real.
>Doesn't know my drones have a return to home function
it sure does buddy, shame the jammer fucks with the gps coordinates too.
I hope you love to see your DJI dissapear and crash into a building!
You do realise that any $2k drone will have intelligent failsafe behaviour (eg returning to launch site if it has GPS, or descending and landing using other sensors if GPS is blocked)?
>implying it doesn't do a soft landing in case of faulty GPS
it ruins the wifi and gps signal :^)
if its a chip drone it just turns it off
Do you have any proof it isn't real or are you going to pull ad hominem? This isn't like an attack on trump that can be argued against. There is definitely going to be a push for commercial drones bringing them from 2K to significantly cheaper.
>if its a chip drone it just turns it off
This thread is full of complete fucktards. But go on, I'll humor you, please link me to some details and demonstrations of this magical jammer of yours.
>Do you have any proof it isn't real
Do you have any proof it is? And no, a cartoon rendering doesn't count.
Burden of proof lies on you that it isn't real.
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Even if you're right, dailymail is a retard website for gullible fags. They just make shit up all the time. Ever wonder why you can never find any other website reporting on the same things? Ever realize they consistently have the most outrageous headlines?
Your logic is astounding.
Low altitude GPS and radio jammers are standard tech; not even military, they're used to try to DoS GPS reliant timing systems all of the time (e.g. to introduce delays in trade timestamping).
Sure, but neither of those will 'turn off a chip drone' and make it fall out the sky.
Projection. I'm not the other user, I'm just saying that technology to deny communications to a low-altitude drone is mature and commercially available. Perhaps slightly less so in the US due to ITAR restrictions.
What it makes the drone do is a matter of the failsafes, but I wouldn't count on it being able to return to launch location unless the range was tiny. Terrestrial navigation is very inaccurate.
I get that 2.4/5.8G, 433/915M, and GPS jamming is widely available. My gripe was more specifically with user's claim that his magic device can 'turn off' a drone to the extent that it can't even descend wherever it happens to be on barometer and ultrasonics.
Here's another website you're going to disregard the source for.
>while the team has shown that the project works in principle, it may take a further 10-15 years of research
Did you even read it yourself?
Yeah that doesn't happen, it's not some magic EM gun that fries the drone. What you can do is try to spoof the GPS signal and induce collision through false information, but that wouldn't be a hand-held device. It would require some static infrastructure most likely, so you could deny navigation in an area, whilst guiding automated systems around it giving the illusion of having crossed it.
Again, not something that would be available to the independent user, or really outside of the theatre.
what flight software do you use Sup Forums?
BetaFlight on CC3D is comfy
inb4 commercial drones with proprietary software
Betaflight on FPV stuff, Arducopter on my 650. Oh & my tricopter has an old version of Cleanflight on it (from before they adopted the Betaflight codebase) because of all the Triflight improvements. But now that I check github it seems like there's a new Triflight release based on recent Betaflight... Sweet.
>Constant Nonsense Network
hahahha oh wow
i think my 215mm quad runs betaflight, its nice and smooth and required minimal tuning. I just wish i had more confidence to fly it more aggressively
So that means it's going to happen soon, my argument it's happening is still true.
>10-15 years
The past 10 years went by in the blink of an eye.
Maybe you should spend less time shitposting on Sup Forums then.
What is a good resource if I want to get into building a drone with all the neat features (stabilization, gps, FPV) etc?
Where do I start as someone who has only watched flite test videos?
and am I better off just getting a mavic, or can it be much cheaper to build something?
You seriously can't read can you? The OP literally says
>Drones are technology. Pic related, my DJI Mavic flying over a local river.
Drones are technology and this what drone I have
>What drones do you have and how do you use them?
Do you have a drone? If so why
Literally nothing about photography and it is about drones you fucking tard
in my opinion drones are like pc's
in that any normie can go buy one, fly one, and post on Sup Forums about
but anybody who knows there stuff is going to build it from parts, carefully selected components to meet your specific needs
its going to be more expensive than your average prebuilt, but perform much better. dji is like the apple of drones, you can absolutely build a better one for less $$$
Wouldn't it hit props?
aim to crash the drones on people for maximum lulz
Did you faggots get banned from Sup Forums or is summer hitting really hard
it's significantly cheaper to build drones yourself assuming you aren't buying the no warranty type chinesium drone
the downsides are the huge (usually) investment of time, high prerequisit knowledge and skills (and sometimes tools)
the benefits of overpriced drones like dji is they just work out of the box and have a decent warranty, you're not expected to do hours and hours of research, hours of building the thing (may include trial and error) and hours of tweaking the thing to your liking etc
How hard is it to build your own drone lads?
I'm willing to put in number of hours
Should I ask /diy/?
I want to know this as well. I can solder, use a multimeter, and am good mechanically. (Fixed ATMs for years, converted an old car from auto to 5speed).
Is it mostly down to picking parts and setting everything up?
Coming from somebody who has built many drones (from micro brushed quads, through freestyle 210s all the way up to a 650 with Pixhawk, separate telemetry radio, gimbal, etc.) & having worked commercially with DJI kit, I have to disagree & say that DJI represents unbeatable features & performance for the price.
If you spend £1k on a Mavic, you get something small enough to fit in a Peli Storm im2100, that flies perfectly tuned out the box & for nearly half an hour per pack, shoots good 4k with great HD digital downlink & camera controls, has ultrasonic & vision sensors for landing/obstacle avoidance & an extremely powerful API & ecosystem of ground control apps.
If you spend £1k trying to build something similar, you'll fail. No matter how experienced you are or how much time you have, you'll never get anything even half as good. Just buying a similar performance camera & HD downlink would take up most of your budget.
Don't get me wrong, I love building drones. But if I wanted a flying camera, I would buy DJI.
Do you own the following:
>Computer (for firmware uploading and tweaking)
>Soldering station
>A couple of hex keys
>Cable ties
>Usb to serial or an arduino
> Plenty of time for a decent hobby
Buy the following:
>A frame, look at ebay auctions from china
>Four ESCs (five or six is better, Amperage depends on the size of your drone small 15, medium 20-25 and big ones 30 and more)
>Four Brushless motors (Low Kv for bigger quads, higher for smaller, look for the size that fits your frame)
>A flight controller, pick a flip32, or naze32 (6DOF or 10DOF depending on your budget)
>A battery, 3s or 4s depends on your ESCs, mAh depends on the size of your quad
>A radio transmitter/receiver (try not to go cheap on this one)
>Props, depends on the kv of your motors, size of your quad and what you're going to do with it.
> Optional FPV gear (Camera, OSD, video transmitter, video recever, screen)
> Optional WS2812B leds
> Optional low battery alarm
> If it's big enough 380 or more you can consider a camera gimbal
There's an old bloke on youtube who has a giant list of vids on how to build your own.
>A flight controller, pick a flip32, or naze32 (6DOF or 10DOF depending on your budget)
>recommending f1 boards for new builds in 2017
>they're so old betaflight/cleanflight have even announced end of support
I still fly the ones I already have, but dude, don't tell people to buy them today. Unless you're on such a tight budget you literally can't afford £15 for a f3 & even then you should probably just save up.
But they're cheap as chips, just got a naze32 10dof for 4 dollars.
drones are stupid as fuck.
>But if I wanted a flying camera, I would buy DJI
That's pretty much what I want. I don't plan on racing, just something I can fly around and look around with in FPV.
Sakura (fuck you tripfag) is correct. Having also built a number of drones, I'd agree that if you want your airframe to do something exciting, like fly long range, cloud surfing, proximity, freestyle, racing, w/e, build it yourself. That way you learn how to repair it, can spec it to exactly match the application, and get a lot of high performance for your buck.
But if you want to make promotional videos or some other commercial aerial photography application, you're better off with a DJI despite the initial investment. Incorporate and write it off as a business expense. Even people pushing the limits of freestyle and mountain proximity with their DIY stuff still just use DJI platforms for aerial photography.
That said, if you "just want to look around in FPV", you don't need a DJI. All the software, telemetry, and 4k video on a gimbal will be useless and a waste of your money.
There are much cheaper ready-to-fly quads out there for just casual FPV "touring". Also, you're gonna crash it and ruin everything quite often, so rather than lose a couple thousand each time you "land" in a lake, just lose a hundred or so ten times.
>"""accidentally""" kill US citizens
>I don't plan on racing, just something I can fly around and look around with in FPV.
Take a look at some of Hubsan's brushless offerings if you want something to do that without spending too much.
That will let you fly around with a live video feed, record passable video & has GPS to help you fly & will try to come home itself if you screw up. Lots of decent reviews of these on YouTube (though be aware that some of them will have been gifted the drone for free by banggood/gearbest).
Just don't crash the drone into yourself. Here's my drone injury
good to hear, cool setup there
trim the PIDs and go for it man :)
Were you that guy on Reddit?
I'm trying to start a discourse you double faggot
How retarded do you have to be?
They're not that hard to fly.
ive got some