IPhone or Android

What do you choose?

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iPhone, of course.

Android is for pajeets, chinks and africans. It's literally a throwaway phone that gets no updates.


Iphone of course.

Rather not getting updates than my phone getting useless after some of them
>what is manually installing them

Android is garbage.
Apple is expensive garbage.

I wish there was a decent alternative.

>getting useless after some of them
kek... I'm still on 5S. it's still fast even after iOS11 betadev. stay cucked.

Wait a bit more
Don't forget to buy the next gen one!

>more secure
>better apps
>looks better in general
>tends to have higher build quality
>not made by jews or sjws
>gets updates, unlike iPhones
>not made for closet homosexuals

I got more out of it than you will ever with you androshit phone. I'm getting iPhone 8 in Oct anyway. stay mad and keep on using that botnet shit. you overpaid for fucking nothing.

I'm with you, 5s still really fast and smooth.

>get more out of iOS than Android
>I overpaid
>he bought iOS but I overpaid
>he's even buying 8

Anyways, enjoy your Facebook pocket machine


I wouldn't touch iOS with a 10 foot barge pole.

Nigga, you just describes iOS lol

>more secure

>>more secure
>>better apps
>>looks better in general
>>tends to have higher build quality
What? the phone or the software?
>>not made by jews or sjws
Google, not jew or sjw? good one
>>gets updates, unlike iPhones
>>not made for closet homosexuals
He is openly gay m8


>more secure
Sure, but be careful not to forget your email/cloud pin/forget your first pet's name if you don't want a bricked device
>better apps
>looks better
Yeah, changing that wallpaper must be a delight
>tends to have higher build quality
[citation needed]
>not made by jews or sjws
>gets updates, unlike iPhones

The differences between these two operating systems in 2017 is so minor that you'd have to be a complete autist to really care.

That being said, one of them costs 4X as much and comes in a locked down, ass fucking package.

>one of them costs 4X as much
only pajeet phones are that cheap
all real androids cost the same if not more than a iphone

Android just for the fact that its cheaper.

would definitely be going back to apple in a heartbeat if I had the disposable income to justify it.

plus I spent a couple of $$ on an Android application back in the day (nova launcher) so I feel locked in lel

iPhone = Mac OS
Android = Windows

you tell me

my face when I have a better homescreen than every iphone owner.

Hey iphone users can you show me your customization option?

Modded Android, possibly the new Essential phone?

>Facebook pocket machine
Since Android has no good apps, isn't Android just a glorified FB and Twitter posting machine?

At least on iOS, you have all the MS, Adobe and all the other business apps.

iOS, after all, is the #1 enterprise OS. Android's a fucking joke and an OS for poor people.

I've used both iOS and Android and prefer Android by a huge margin. Got a secondhand iPad and used that as my main tablet for a few years and hated how little customization it had.

>get updates
>still has less functions than Android 2.3
what's the point

Trips never lie

Use Pac-Rom, friend.


Buy the diamond encrusted iphone then you fucking cunt
>mah pajeet poorfag meme

>Android has no good apps
[citation needed]

get an iShit for free every other upgrade cycle
they're nice enough devices with great integration of applications, services and tyrone-proofing so I will probably keep using them in the future

all smartphones are toys though no matter what toy operating system they run, so I don't really care that much about being partisan about them in the first place

android, i'm poor.

Depends on needs:

Android phones are for people who need:
>best bang for the buck
>useful features and long battery life
>the best privacy and encryption

iPhones are for people who need:
>to pretend they're rich
>don't mind having to deal with horrible battery life, constant spying, and no real encryption

Which proprietary OS is made by a literal advertising company again?

iOS of course, they're literally selling user "encrypted" data right now.


Android ui looks terrible, your wallpaper is disgusting as well

Android looks inconsistent and ugly.

Which model?
>SE or mid Android (iphone 7 or any samsung / lg

>iphone 4s or good chink

>iphone 6 or high-end sony

Not a fanboy :^)

Android isn't necessarily cheaper.

The beauty is that it has freedom of choice. Low end Android phones are dirt cheap, but you can also spend more than an iPhone and get much better hardware, if you have the disposable income.


>Don't forget to buy the next gen one!
>5S was release in 2013
>4 years and still working at decent / acceptable level
Don't see any problem about getting a new phone every 5 years. Guess you wish say the same about your lagdroid, kek

>"I can't have thing"
>"Therefore thing is bad"

iToddlers everybody

Causation vs correlation

>Of the 22 suspects, 20 were employees of an Apple “domestic direct sales company and outsourcing company”.
They're not even Apple employees, they're shitbag contractors working for some equally shitbag company with terrible security policies that allows them to steal customer information from calls, this shit happens all the time in call centers.

>paying iPhone price for an Android

Yep, special kind of dumb

Now show us the graph of how many users aren't gay.

Also, you know homosexuality = eternity in hell, right?

Both are shit made by SJW faggots

Android is just an OS.

You can get whatever hardware suits your needs.

smart phones are government garbage tier tech. so just get a shitty android or windows for $50.

>"The suspects allegedly used an internal company computer system to gather users’ names, phone numbers, Apple IDs, and other data, which they sold as part of a scam worth more than 50 million yuan (US$7.36 million)."

All this data was "encrypted©®™" by Apple ©®™.

Yeah, because the customers fucking called them and gave them the information which they then recorded and sold, it wasn't snooped directly off of their phones at random. You're a fucking dipshit.
Now stop dodging the question, Raj, and again remind me which proprietary operating system is made by a company that literally derives the bulk of their profits from explicitly and knowingly monetizing user data. Apple still cooperates with the NSA and it's perfectly okay to call out smartphone toys for the tracking devices they are, but give credit where credit is due.
And quit it with the Reddit spacing, too, you're making it painfully obvious how much of a dumbshit and/or shill you are.

>"other data"
Can't you fucking read? Or has all the cumshots filled with aids your boyfriend gave you directly on your eyes made you go blind?

Apple is literally the last place you go to if you want privacy and actual encryption.

I'll say it again, iOS. Apple literally mines and sells your data. The data was not retrieved with phone calls. They directly accessed the "encrypted©®™" user data on computers from apple servers.

Finally remind us which company is now infested to the brim with panjeets to the point where half of the apple engineers have a designated shitting street?


Android :^)

This. It's not that iPhone users get laid more often.
It's just that people who hate sex prefer Android for some reason.

>>more secure
seen the CIA leaks? there were ZERO 0-days for iOS and 20+ for Androshit.

Stay retarded.

You literally just regurgitated the same bullshit we just got finished thinking critically about with a little more frustration and ad hominems thrown in.

Fuck off and report back to your supervisor for more training, because this is just pathetic. No wonder you rely on ad revenue to drive profits because every other department sucks shit at their job.

yeas, email that's requested by courts.

not iMessage and not encrypted data.

stay stupid.

itoddlers everybody


Yet iPhones can easily be ddosed with some fucking emojis in a text. Pathetic.

>If you have enabled iCloud Backup on your Apple devices, the copies of all your messages, photographs and every important data stored on your device, are encrypted on iCloud using a key controlled by the company, and not you.
Dipshits who put their shit on the Cloud™ shouldn't expect absolute security
More news at 11

Are you too dumb to flip a switch?

the only reason i have an iphone atm is that i found an iphone 6s that did not have a passcode and was not linked to icloud

> the gods smiled upon me that day
> phones language was arabic
> damn right i fucking kept it

t. white male australian

>Thinking google cant/doesn't do the exact same shit

Good one senpai

give it back tyrone

>6s 64 space grey
>xperia xz black, soon to be keyone

>Are you too dumb to flip a switch?
That's implying the switch does anything. iOS is closed sourced last time I checked. That switch could cause even more aggressive data mining and collection, we don't know that.

Are you suddenly gonna trust apple just because tim cock promised they don't spy on you despite unlocking "encryoted" iPhones for the feds dozens of times already?

android, but i only really like the pixel because of how fast/smooth it feels

the only reason i would ever get an iphone is because literally everyone has one so i'd actually have compatibility with them

Android is open source and many phones are compatible with lineage OS if you're that paranoid. You can't get anymore real privacy and real encryption oriented than a phone with lineage OS.


>the only reason i would ever get an iphone is because literally everyone has one so i'd actually have compatibility with them
Why does your state/country have so many faggots?

It's just personal preference


>Applel is for "muh sjw status and muh expensive status"

You're just grasping at straws at this point to deflect because you're a shill or a dipshit who treats his contrarianism like a religion. Any faggot hired off the street into a support job has access to this kind of information and the reality of a bunch of random, unsolicited full iCloud backups being performed on signed-in devices would have been leaked long ago if that were the case.

But hey, keep on grasping, I mean they targeted a whole eighty persons of interest of billions of customers with law enforcement pressure, that's totally the same thing as using a literal tracking device running a proprietary operating system designed, built and maintained by an advertising megacorporation who will proudly proclaim that you are the product.

Iphone. my gadget are all apple product so far performance is outstanding. but you know iphone is expensive

>It's literally a throwaway phone that gets no updates

I'm literally running Nougat on my OnePlus One and it's flawless. Just because you won't get infinite official updates doesn't mean you can't just unlock your bootloader and get just as good unofficial ones.

i mean like my friend circles, who are, yes, all faggots

I had an iPhone 5, got a free upgrade to the 5s, and am now enjoying the 7.
I like them a lot but I'm sure Android isn't too bad either. I just don't like the way the OS looks compared to iOS.

if i could jailbreak on newest ios, iPhone maybe.

if not then Android.

Jailbroken iPhones look fun to mess with. I don't see much of them on here though idk y.

jb iphones 6 are ultimate

i waited 6 months when i got my 6s for the 9.1.2 jailbreak

its pretty rare for someone who isnt a Sup Forumsuy to have the latest hardware and not to have stupidly upgraded to OS and be in that rare window to jump on the jb when it breaks...

just like torrents i am pretty sure JB wont be around much in the future - which fucking terrible - its means (((They))) won

Never used an iPhone seriously, but I've lost 4 Android phones to bootloops in the past 4 years now.
So I dunno.

*fires up IMSI-catcher*

This. At last a sane techy comment among the consumerist shite.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>"only a few reported people had their data mined/unlocked so iOS is still safe!!!111oneone"
>took time to actually write all that
Could you be any more of a butthurt faggot?

Depends if you wanna deal with iTunes that will make you want to hang yourself.

Doesn't give you full control and limits download upload speed to like 1MB/s.

I'm done with iPhones, I'm selling my iPhone 5s and getting an S5 active.

Android. Better OS, more phone variety.

Pros for using an Android device:
>cheaper (actually they cost between $50-$16'000 so it's very relative)
>doesn't have overpriced accessories
>3.5mm + mini-USB universally accepted on them
>better camera on most devices
>better battery life on most phones
>some devices have wireless charging
>back button
>can be used as a flash drive, without having to use LagTunes (so it can also be a Bootable Media)
>can share files with other devices over BT/WiFi
>deletable default/system apps
>superior rooting
>great variety of phones
>adjustable interface
>superior operating system overall
>better apps
>better multitasking
>file manager (even dumbphones have this)
>can download and install software outside a single app store
>can download certain files without 3rd party apps
>can download over 100MB at once
>can torrent, become a tiny server, overclock/underclock, and more
>AdAway, XPrivacy, AFWall+, Lucky Patcher, additional security and privacy apps, custom ROMs, system tweaks, easy recovery, more features and apps
>more useful apps for tech competent people
>even if you jailbreak an iPhone to get a few additional features, a rooted Android device still has 10x features, it even has more features when it's not rooted
>is an actual smartphone, instead of being an overpriced dumbphone
>pretty much a computer in your pocket

iPhones are made for consumers only, those who will just use social media and nothing else. They're just an expensive hobby, popular because mindless consumers worship brands. Android is made for everyone, including consumers, and can do almost anything a desktop OS can do, plus whatever iOS can do. Lower end Android devices may be slower, but they come at 1/8 price of an iPhone and still can do much more. You can almost always fix an Android phone yourself instead of paying a pajeet $100 to check what's wrong and another $200 to fix it. You can't turn an iPhone into a useful tool and you're very limited when using it.

> unlock your bootloader
> get just as good unofficial ones
> flawless

smaller bezels.

Hey it could be worse, at least he doesn't get iOS updates that gimps old hardware to make you buy the latest iTurd.

Apple actually got a lawsuit for that shit recently btw.

And this matters why? On android you can either
a) block ads system-wide
b) install LineageOS if you're paranoid
Since 80% of apps on both, Google's and Apple's app stores have ads you're cucked by ads on either OS. The difference is android lets you block them.
So android > iOS.

>whoring is good
Nigger detected

Why would you use an iPhone in 2017? They cost 3 times as much as they should. The OS is stuck in 2005 and doesn't give any features a 10yo dumbphone wouldn't. If you need just a phone then there are plenty of good non-iPhone dumbphones.

This. Meanwhile the speed and optimization difference between android versions is amazing.
t. guy who hasn't updated from 4.4 for a year (because reasons) and then went to 6.0.1 in a day on the same device. Battery life is much better and there's no spontaneous lag.

Sometimes you just need to understand normies.

Correlation does not imply causation.

What the fuck are you talking about? My 5S lags so much on ios 10 it's worse than my s3 on kitkat

I'm pretty sure that got patched. Oh, but what about your stagefright, my dude?

Well right now I'm using Android but I'm having a case of greener grass. I'm kind of wondering what it's like to use an iPhone + MacBook rather than an Android phone and a Windows laptop. I'm considering switching, just to see what it's like. I've never used an Apple product in my life, though.

>more secure
>better apps
In my experience, iOS has always had snappier, smoother applications. But I guess it depends on what Android device you're using.
>looks better in general
No. I love Android to death, but Android lacks consistent design. Material Design is a trainwreck and the guidelines aren't very clear.
>tends to have higher build quality
I guess this, again, depends on what devices you're using.
>not made by jews or sjws
>gets updates, unlike iPhones
Is that a joke?
The iPhone 4S is still being updated to this day. My Galaxy S4 stopped being supported at Lollipop, after like 2 updates.
>not made for closet homosexuals
another meme

Shut up fag, I tested the beta dev on an 6 and it is virtually unsuable

Don't you have any normie friends with an apple product?

I have no friends at all.