>tfw just got dual monitors
Tfw just got dual monitors
I'm getting an old Iiyuma CRT for watching animu.
>he fell for the dual meme
Enjoy your neck strain
What monitors?
two 1440p 25" Acer G257HU monitors
>he fell for the "he fell for x meme" meme
>tfw have 2 monitors at work
>tfw do all work on main, and have email client on 2nd monitor
>tfw have 1 monitor at home
yeah i mean you think you're getting more done, but it's not really an improvement. Hell, I don't even use multiple desktops
>had single 22" FHD display
>got annoyed at either having too wide a window, or having an ok window and a too small strip of desktop for a second window
>sold the FHD display and bought two 17" SXGA displays
>can now have two proper-sized maximized windows
Time to get a third. Over three is overkill for most people.
I've never used Windows™ with more than one monitor. Someone convince me otherwise.
You don't work do you? You need the extra space if you actually do shit
>implying Sup Forumsedditors work
I can't come up with anything.
unless you twitch games and u need to keep an eye on the autistic chat
>monitor #1: Sony Vegas timeline
>monitor #2: Sony Vegas preview
>monitor #3: assets folders
>monitor #1: website open in browser
>monitor #2: browser debug mode
>monitor #3: html/css/whatnot editor
>monitor #1: LCS match
>monitor #2: casual ARAM
>monitor #3: Discord chat
I could go on. Strongly recommend triple monitor setup.
>Can't be arsed to tile windows or switch windows
you fell for the monitor company's drivel hook, line, and sinker
Windows 10 has virtual desktops now.
>tfw my second monitor died
$130 for three monitors doesn't seem that much for the convenience they provide
Call me a brainlet but when I code or work otherwise, looking away distracts me way more than switching workplaces, besides, dragging and dropping stuff is hella convenient, does it work with win10 virtual desktops?
Switching virtual desktops with a keystroke would be faster and easier on my eyeballs but firstly, changing my mindset slightly while switching to a different workspace combined with looking away seems more natural, and secondly, I often sit back and take my hands off the keyboard, and still see all the workplaces.
Yet another point to add, there are often situations when I need to see multiple things AT ONCE, like when I am inspecting websites or navigating a video editor timeline while looking at the preview.
I use a dual monitor setup because it helps a lot when programming. I can have an IDE open on one monitor and have, perhaps, a text editor on the other so that I may compare code. Or maybe I would have documentation on one monitor and an IDE on the other.
Which are the best monitor arms? I don't like stands.
>tfw just got three
My battlestation is shit but having three is quite comfy. Ignore my terrible choice of OS: it's temporary.
>looking away distracts me way more than switching workplace
>changing my mindset slightly while switching to a different workspace combined with looking away seems more natural
why can't brainlets into consistent logic?