Other urls found in this thread:

>trusting cloud services
>Hi! we're closing down, you have 30 days to collect your data before we delete fucking everything
That's if you're lucky

>sign up in march
>unlimited for remainder of subscription
>180 days to migrate data after subscription
Unlimited seedbox backend until September 2018 for $60. Could be worse.

rip pedobyte porn guy

back to plebbit with you

how do you know that's from reddit?

Heh. Take a look at the filename, kiddo.

I wonder how long it took him to upload 1PB of data to the cloud.

Assuming he had a constant 50Mbps internet, and left it churning all the time, that would be 6.25MBps.

There are 1073741824MBs in a PB.

1073741824/6.25= 171798692. This is the time, in seconds, it would take. But let's get more general.

171798692/60 gives us the minutes it would take, which is 2863311.53.

2863311.53/60 gives us the hours, which would be 47721.8588 hours.

47721.8588/24 gives us the days it would take, which would be 1988.41078 days.

1988.41078/365, finally, gives us the YEARS it would take to upload all this information, which is 5.44770077 years

If this dude left his PC on and churned out exactly 1PB of information, it would take about 5.5 years to finish. That's quite a large child porn collection!

>trusting UNLIMITED cloud services
at least people now realise that its a marketing meme and look for alternatives outside Google Drive who will enforce the 1 TB limit in the future.

Also what is the cheapest cloud storage these days?
>inb4 10 Mbit Hubic

Thanks gmama

The only thing the cloud is good for is propagating your data redundancy. If you actually store data unencrypted at a single online point of failure, what the fuck are you doing?

>1TB for $60 a year
What a fucking ripoff.

what a joke I can't trust my documents in this. No way Jose

You can't trust putting your documents on any cloud service you fucking tit

Cloud services - or rightly, someone elses computer - are good for storing data you need access to everywhere or can't be arsed to sync manually. Eg. if you are a student working on several computers. Also they are a nice backup of things. Uploading sensitive information to (((the cloud))) is stupidity though.

Give me a quick rundown pls.

Jews are responsible for every world war

Retards like those guys at r/datahoarders ( pic related) abused amazon drive and now it's no longer unlimited. Amazon learned that they shouldnt use "unlimited" in their marketing points because some autist will actually make use of it fully.

it was stupid in the first place

you can't abuse an unlimited offer

/biz/ here, I'll let you in on a little secret

>siacoin will destroy amazon, google drive & dropbox

What self-hosting cloud service do you guys recommend?

Not everyone has this slow internet.
Some have 12.5Mb/s(100mbps) or even faster.

Even Apple doesn't even jew this much for iCloud.
>2TB for $10

>Some have 12.5Mb/s(100mbps) or even faster.
I ment upload speed. 12.5mb/s download is considered slow by me atleast. Heck even 25mb/s I have is now slow to me considering better I could get

not only imgur urls look like that

Actual /biz/ here who wants to help, /biz/ shill coins don't listen.

Well, you aren't wrong. You don't need to go all in on the coin to use the storage, right?

Just buy a few thousand of them for a few dollars and start renting space. No need to get 100k of them and put them on Poloniex if you're just gonna rent space with the currency.

It's the same as apple and google's

Apple and google both charge $120/year for 2tb so Amazon charging $60 for 1tb is inline with the competition. Idk why people just don't purchase a backup hard drive and make weekly backups but whatever

>implying Sup Forums has better discussion than /r/datahoarder
It's like you fags look at the front page and think Reddit is all gifs and sjws.

>Reddit is all gifs and sjws.
it is

Maybe you should checkout /r/spacedicks