
Send images of things you want to see or be able to do in the future.

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Post all the images you have, funny ones get bonus points



I want to be certain in the future the posters who would want the future like the quoted one are all exterminated from the face of the earth.


If I die, I win.

that's about it

or just one more thing besides that: an adblocker with AI image recognition so I can block frogposters







Dis Multipurpose Biochamber pls.

>inb4 Bacta Tank Ripoff

How are they so relaxed.

>> That name
Is it supposed to pass as a flashlight or what?



related: Boston Dynamics was sold to the japanese SoftBank (that also bought ARM).


Android waifus soon.

Can't argue with that.
The user posting got owned.

You actually want a gf?
I though most people here had a relationship history and finally decided it's time to call quits because living free is much comfier.

they are dead


Holographic tables please, I want to play some kickass strategy games

For Fuck Sake...

You might also want pic. related.

Fuck my girl self


holograms as you know them from movies are impossible

How come? I wouldn't mind if it required AR glasses either.


Optics don't work that way. You need to modify air by adding smoke or turning it into a plasma. Turning air into a plasma makes air pollution, requires dangerous lasers, and lots of power. AR glasses would work though.

couldn't you make photon hit each each other mid air ?

Brain uploading to simulated universes.

catgirls (male)




How does it get the materials to make more of itself?

not a retarded fat comic shill, but a metal exosuit with flying capabilities seems pretty cool

We can't even make a 3D printer to make itself. It was just a possibility. More like sci-fi.

They're already working on it desu

Pic not related.