
Why is Manjaro so high on Distrowatch (currently #3)? I don't get it.

BRs skewing results

Be glad that ubuntu isn't first, although I don't get why is debian second.


Linux for people too stupid to install Arch

read: people who actually have to be more productive than a basement dwelling nigger

Very nice UI out of the box and feels fresh. Most people don't actually care if it's ubuntu or arch as long as it just works.
Make a distro with the best UI and which is user friendly both while in front of it and the forums etc and it will be the most popular.

>Fun fact: you're still a basement dwelling nigger for using a glorified install script

Manjaro is one of the few noob-distro's that (possibly) comes with OpenRC out of the box.

i remember a notice on their older forum to not click them on distrowatch or something
what does that tell you

takes 15 minutes to follow the instructional wiki, retard. it's one fucking page of instructions lol

the manjaro devs can't even properly maintain it, so new bugs are released with each update and the install script itself is buggy. If you want a just werks distro use Debian or something.

if you want Arch for retards; use Antergos.

Still supports 32 Bit.

Maybe a new release coming soon?
>Page hit ranking (first click per visit once a day)

Who is that girl, I want to marry her

what are you doing on distrowatch and do you have to bring this shit ratings here? are you retard?

Because you can't visit their website as they don't renew their certificates, so people go to distrowatch to learn about it.

>not liking people using glorified install script for arch
>using a glorified install script for

why use arch at all? i don't see the appeal. debian for everyday use, gentoo or freebsd for being a control freak.

why not just use archbang

Joke is on you. Tons of Manjaro users came from Arch, me included. Sometimes you want a stable OS with saner not so autistic devs.

because it makes obongofags feel like theyre running arch

read: antegros. just because """"""you dont have time"""""" doesnt mean you have to use the worst of everything
also read: dont be pretentious faggot

>you want a stable OS with saner not so autistic devs.
so you went to a distro with even more insane devs with weaponized autism instead?

Ubuntu has not been first on Distrowatch in a LONG time. Debian is likely in second place due to its latest release.

That is an actress. That actress plays in Game of Thrones.

literally the Sup Forums distro

I'm actually really curious about this myself. I use fedora extensively as a workstation. It's pretty close to ideal. But I got bored and decided to give manjaro a try.

Honestly, last time I tried arch, it struck me as amateurish. Manjaro is like that, but 100x worse. Everything about it feels like babbys first distro. I honestly wonder if people are actually using it, or if the distrowatch rankings are way off.

its arch for noobs. it's good that is exists, and the turbo-autists can use arch if they want.

Anyone else hate that bitches face? That fucking mouth is horrifying.

are we supposed to be amazed by that?

Fedora master race.
Although I'm considering trying SUSE or Debian when my Thinkpad arrives.
What's your experience with other distros my fedora bro?