/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



Wizards assemble !

Advanced users of GNU/Linux (and I mean advanced), remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution, and (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
With even the documentation licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can heal broken installs.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portgage (or ports-like) package manager? With SMGL's "sorcery" you get all that. Making new spells (packages) not found in the grimoire (repository) is easy sourcemage.org/Spell/Book

Bash hackers welcome! Come and join sourcemage.org/

I would maybe consider trying this if the whole wizard theme was dropped. Makes it look like a 14 year old dnd nerd designed it.

does it obey the gnu free distribution guidelines? I don't tolerate non-free software.

>installed Arch
>installed KDE
What do now?

>use arch for a few days
>notice nothing from the AUR works
>accidentally break Xorg while upgrading a file manager
>black screen on boot
>try to fix it but end up messing everything up
>give up
>install devuan

>fell for the Manjaro meme
>run pacman update
>get this

Th-thanks Sup Forums

Migrate from arch to parabola.

This is what you get for using anything related to Arch.

Not true. I've had parabola gnu/linux-libre for a long time without it breaking.


I understand what you mean, would like to see a "skin" for this, maybe with other aliases on the commands, but is still a great distro and the package manager is GOAT

That's what he gets for using a VM like a pussy.

>falling for the arch meme

Bleeding edge, straight out of kernel.org means no
>tfw Linus tolerates binary blobs in the kernel by default

How different from Arch is it really?
Are the repos more stable?

This also. When I try new distros I just nuke everything and run the installer. If it works, it works.

You're probably missing a thumbnailer

any good video editors? I'll take literally anything that can do anything close to this revisionfx.com/products/twixtor/

You cant blame them.
>normie x sees some cool desktop with arch logo
>thinks he needs arch in order to archive this
>installs arch, proudly posts desktop
>normie y [...]

Has anyone used BunsenLabs recently? I've been meaning to try out the newest release because it's probably what I'll install on the laptop I plan on buying soon.

Its basically arch but about 5-10 days behind and containing only 100% free software. They also have a new repository called the Parabola Community Repository which is just a bunch of libre AUR stuff.

Parabola is basically Arch wiht a neat hack: The package "your-freedom" conflicts with all nonfree packages.

Can confirm. That's how I started with Arch.

Nice. Maybe I'll try it one day. I'm happy with Devuan right now and I don't really like the bleeding edge life.

What's the command that people always use for screenshots?


It says
import-im6.q16: missing an image filename `import' @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/1287.
what do?

import -window root png:$HOME/xwz_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png
is what I use

import +repage meme.png

scrot is the easiest one.
Just map it to print screen key.

what does this do?

Unquoted variable spotted.

Use import -window root "$HOME/xwz_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S).png"
>additional package

I just subscribed to the FSFE newsletter. Should I also give them my monies?

+repage repages/aligns the image layers
compare this in gimp to see what I mean:

import meme.png
import +repage meme.png

I meant the command that shows the system specs and an ascii version of the logo of whatever distro you're using, sorry for being unclear.

:(){ :|:& };:

screenfetch or neofetch

Which one should everyone use? I must now, this is impotant.

It says t'command not found' on both.

neofetch looks nicer and has a better support of distros

>Which one should everyone use?

neofetch doesn't support Sup Forumss distro lo/g/os and has the config files autism


im installing gentoo
about an hour ago I typed

emerge --ask --verbose --oneshot portage

is it normal for it to take so long for a package to merge?

What distro are you using?

Only neofetch seems to get it right.


depends on your reddit karma
reddit: neofetch
Sup Forums: screenfetch

Forgot pic

Works on my machine.
Try screenfetch-dev.

Ubuntu, first time I have used linux.

You need to install the program first, here's how:
sudo apt install screenfetch
Then the screenfetch command will be available.

Happy hacking on GNU/Linux.

Gives me Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package screenfetch

Maybe you need to update your package list first, run this and try again:
sudo apt update

That's weird. It should be in the repos.
Do sudo apt-get update

>I'll try it one day

How can you idiots be so stupid? What do you expect from it? Remove those nonfree packages on your Debian install and you'll have the same experience. You obviously only care for it because of the free software and you can achieve that on any distribution, idiots.


You don't have to install anything. Use this

curl pastebin.com/raw/0akbv3gm

The only non-free thing on my devuan install is the intel wifi firmware.
I only use free software anyways.
I just like trying new shit.

Why not get one of these usb adapters?

How do I know they work with free drivers?
Just one piece of firmware doesn't bother me all that much tho but it sometimes stops me from trying out the fully free, FSF approved distros.

Check out these for ex.:

>install gentoo

funniest post

You might need to use the PPA if you're on an older version.

16.04 LTS here, it's in the repos.

If I want to learn one programming language and be good at it, which one should I choose?

Primarily I want to write smaller programs and tools that help me around on the system. Should I choose a scripting language like Perl or Python or should I go for something more powerful like C or C++ just in case I want to build something more complex eventually?

I dabbled in a lot of the languages during the years but never went more than the beginner/intermediate levels. So I want to pick up and learn something and learn it good.

I have a surface pro 3 with ubuntu 17 on it - the cursor seems to freeze up and needs to be left clicked on the touch pad to work again - it's like the left click is held down.
This doesn't happen on Windows. Is this a sofrware problem most likely or should I just deal with it?

You've been asking this all day long. By now you could have learned the basics of Python.
You will never do anything and you'll give up after 2 hours.

This is too real ;-;

I didn't think you'd ask this again, because it looks to me like a textbook case of asking a question for the sake of getting your thoughts in order and finding the answer yourself.

Your current goals and priorities are right there. What's keeping you is the idea that you should only learn one language and therefore you should pick one that fits goals that you don't have now but might have someday. Fuck that and start working on what makes sense now.

Tried to build github.com/Jessecar96/SteamDesktopAuthenticator but got error and dunno how to fix it. Any suggestions?
P.S. Thanks in advance and sorry for stupid question.

Does anybody use thinkfan? How exactly does the lower-bound and upper-bound work? The sample config has temps that overlap, does the next level engage when the current level's upper-bound gets crossed or the next level's lower-bound? How about when going down a level, does it switch when it hits the lower level's upper-bound or the current level's lower-bound?

(0, 0, 55)
(1, 48, 60)
(2, 50, 61)
(3, 52, 63)
(4, 56, 65)
(5, 59, 66)
(7, 63, 32767)

Python is the perfect language for people with no ambition. It does everything for you. If you start to actually care about details you can learn another language later on.

>mfw I tell others to read the documentation and then ask to be spoon-fed.
If Karma has nothing to do with it, I can gather only that fewer people on Sup Forums instalgentoo than one might expect

>Python is the perfect language for people with a job. It does all the pointless, menial bullshit for you. If you stop wanting to get shit done you can waste your time with C instead.

Pick a scripting language. Don't fall for the language as a lifestyle memers. If you need something more powerful you can use a lower level langauge - don't be limited by just one language.

Still, Python will get you far due to the number of 3rd party libraries people have written for it. I don't know much about other scripting languages (aside from using Bash as and when I need it), but I assume they all cover a broad range of uses.

An idea might be to go on Learn X in Y minutes and look through a couple of languages to see which looks the nicest to you.

Like others said, start ASAP.

What kind of things need to be automated by writing your own code?
t. user who doesn't yet know much about programming

You have 15 seconds to explain why absolutely every program you're running isn't in it's own docker container

i use docker at work, it's suited for microservices but i hate seeing people cram shit into docker and end up with 1GB images. no point to doing it at that point. It's cool but it's use-case is not nearly as general as people claim it to be.

I started using linux to extend the lifetime of my old computer not to throw resources at pointless shit.

No, I'm talking about running every single program in it's own container
>Want to open firefox?
>spin up your firefox container
>Want to use GIMP?
>spin up your GIMP container
>want to ssh onto your server?
>spin up your ssh container
You get my drift

data collection and entry
changing config files based on an event
running tools over your local network so they're accessible to all devices

the slice of dynamic length goes on...

Is there some setting I can toggle in KDE/other DE's that will make it so clicking the address bar in an Internet browser highlights the entire string, rather than just putting the cursor in the bar?

It's something that every Windows OS I've used has done, and I've yet to find any DE in Linux which has a visible toggle for it...unless I've somehow missed it every time.

how the FUCK do I mount a ntfs partition to be able to execute stuff on it? This is my line on fstab:

/dev/sda2 /fap ntfs rw,exec,auto,user,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=000,dmask=000 0 2

Yes, obviously I shouldn't have 000 masks but I have tried everything

ehh, I've seen an OS built around that premise but it doesn't seem very intuitive. Also docker has gaping security holes so it's not like you're gaining some layer of real separation from the host OS

I just installed kubuntu.
I hope this works better than windows.

Is VMWare or Virtual Box better for an iOS VM, which I need for some my work?

All you need is
/dev/sda /fap ntfs defaults 0 0

You should also look in to useing UUID instead of direct device name

Ok, so I was able to join my company's domain from Linux using PowerBroker Identity Service.

Now that I know that I can do that. The only other thing I have to do is deploy some kind of management software that can essentially image and maintain the twenty or so machines that will be running Linux.

I'm looking into Puppet right now. Is there a better software to accomplish this?

what in the actual fuck? now i feel really bad for wasting hours on this


The security issues are all minimized by having the program being run by a normal user in the docker container.

Also, the benefits isn't just for security. This allows each program to have their own version of a certain library without any conflicts at all.

There was a lot of times for me that a new program I wanted to run tries to install different versions of things like Apache

depends on what sort of learning curve you want to work on and if you have a language of preference.

Salt is extremely simple, written in yaml. some functions are lacking and the salt mine is unreliable

Chef is very nice, but upstream Ruby and Gem stuff cause it to break a lot which isn't ideal for production CICD and config management

Ansible is very nice, but I haven't used it in depth enough to know any immediate shortcomings

Puppet is pretty old and tried and tested, but I've found it's workflow cumbersome.

I guess?

I manage my libraries via my system's package manager. I never run into any conflicts at all. If i need to use a specific version of a library i could make a virtual environment, package the dependencies locally, or yeah put it in a docker image. I'd ask what sort of fly-by-night SSH implementation you're using that has custom libraries?

I just use docker to develop locally though. that program I write isn't going to just run in docker off of local host, it's destined for a CoreOS or ECS cluster somewhere to run in a stateless fashion.

How do I get my shell to highlight broken links? I just realized mine doesn't highlight.

like this?

>Free software
>pro Chavez and marxists
>visiting a city made big my trading


Thank you for the comprehensive response.

I assume all of them have the ability to manage sudoers and the standard permissions. What I need is an easy way to develop a gold image and then deploy it.

They are all gonna be running Ubuntu 16.04 bare metal. I am currently testing all their potential functionalities on a machine running Ubuntu. When I'm finished, how do I take the image and then deploy it onto all the machines?

I am making a file system. I just created the partitions with fdisk and n.

Before I format them with mkfs, what is exactly the use of fdisk and t?

What exactly are you setting with "t" and in which cases is necessary given that I am going to mkfs afterwards?


Yeah, is it some setting in bashrc or something?