Pp is asking me for the emails with my customers. I do erotic art so they will ban me. I need to fake the discussions I had with my clients. What chat service should I use? One that is fairly popular, would be nice if the date wasn't show below each message, like in Hangouts. I want the recreate the discussions with my clients
Pp is asking me for the emails with my customers. I do erotic art so they will ban me...
Use discord ya dingus
You're not allowed to get paid for erotic art on Paypal?
yeah, how fucked up is that? is paypal run by a prude christian sect? I though this was America.
Yeah, this honestly seems like bullshit.
Cp maybe
Serves you right for emulating degeneracy on a canvas, good luck when they find out and youre forced to use shitcoins as a form of payment for the artsy fartsy blowjobs you'll be giving from now on.
Anything related to adult stuff isnt allowed, not even dildos.
Discord you say hmm. What if I say I don t have written emails? Skype?? Think it is a believable lie?
notepad you retarded fuck, why the fuck do you do you need to use a shitty flashy chat program?
notepad best messenger 2017
>i need to fake discussions
>no requirements
>implying just typing shit in notepad isnt the best
>just copypaste that shit and send to kikepal
Look it needs to be something a normal human would, ease of access all that shit. Think in terms like "it just works"
So far Skype and Discord (this one seems too gaming related)
see everyone already has notepad, and you just type shit in it.
>Me: ok that will be six gorillion shekels
why the fuck are you complicating things
just copy-paste the fucking emails from your customers, change what you need, and send it to paypal
Just make dummy gmail accounts and send mail to the same one associated with your PayPal account.
You said yourself they are asking for emails....
Yeah. Tons of people do that.
Wish it was that simple
What if they specifically ask me to forward the emails? The dates dont match, I have to attach the fake files too
Then how come you can pay with paypal on Chaturbate?
emails are in plain text you massive fucking retard, you can edit everything before you click send.
fuck this retarded shit im out
>only opposed by Christian sects
you wish degenerate
its more a practical thing, paypal has to operate internationally and (try) to adhere to all local laws. so they'll avoid anything that has massively variable local regulation - porn would be near top of the list.
you didnt answer the trips
no it sounds like you're a bitch. just fucking forward the emails with changed text body
stop being retarded
It's not a good idea to break Paypal's terms. You will likely get found out eventually. Better just get used to a different payment service that allows it.
yeah this. i wonder what popular website OP could use instead.... HMMMMMMMMMM
She's probably not doing charity atm.
I clicked on print all, copied everything. So do I send the txt doc ? I see no way I could forward with edited text and dates
But that s a donation system. Or do they accept instant pay too?
are you legit mentally challenged? the post you replied to is an edited forward
no idea i dont use it. if they can input a message for the donation it can work.
desu i dont know why the fuck paypal is even asking op for information in the first place, as if they somehow found his porn site and he was dumb enough to have his fucking paypal posted there or using the same mail on the site so they could link it to his paypal.
>Anything related to adult stuff isnt allowed, not even dildos.
And yet thousands of adult stores have the option of using paypal.
I call bullshit on op.
abandon /thread
I think I got it now! Im just stressed and tired from this
Thanks bro
you're still fucking retarded because paypal accepts thousants of porn transactions every day
kill yourself
Well, inspect element like a 1337 hax0r
What do you mean?
Will they see old shit if they use inspect?
>inspect element when you can just edit the FW draft
top fucking kek you're beyond retarded just fucking stop posting
Bullshit. You can buy sex toys on ebay all day long.
You edit the HTML page by using inspect element