Daily reminder that Linux has no place on the desktop and never is going to be relevant at it

Daily reminder that Linux has no place on the desktop and never is going to be relevant at it.

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works on my desktop :^)

Genuinely interested in motivation behind these threads...

angry Sup Forumstards that feel genuinely offended when someone uses something other than Windows

(((They))) want you to use (((Windows)))


pretty much this
nobody who has a job in tech unironically defends Windows
maybe OSX, but never Windows

has place on my desktop tbqh

People always say that Linux is for servers and Windows is for desktops but I think it's the opposite. Active Directory together with Windows is fantastic for offices. But for a PERSONAL computer, Linux wins.

truer words have never been spoken

Shills have jobs in tech

woops, fogot to add this kind of baits to my filters, thx for the reminder

(((Active Directory)))
shoo shoo shlomo

I'm not the one who has to pay for it.

>Filtering opinions you don't like
nice safe space SNOWFLAK!!! think u cn hide form the real warold, then spewing you're hate and oinions on the rest of the world. So sick! Shameful! Cowardly! I don't like it...

>tfw even a fucking hackintosh is more stable than lunix

>tfw can't into technology

if windows users had actual arguments there would be no reason to filter you

>uptime for months or even years without restarting
>meanwhile, windows crashes all the time

>Linux does not have place on the desktop
It does on mines.

Now fuck off Microsoft.

>>uptime for months or even years without restarting
so you willingly run outdated kernels with vulnerabilities, good job faggot

haha, what a faggot.

what you gonna go about it



uh... what an imbecile...

do you really think the servers that host sites you visit are restarting all the time?

What is live patching?

I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.

nice safe space SNOWFLAK!!! think u cn hide form the real warold, then spewing you're hate and oinions on the rest of the world. So sick! Shameful! Cowardly! I don't like it...

see for my reply.

>going to be relevant at it
nice english pajeet. keep it up and you might be promoted

I don't like it...

Windows server wtf

Windows wins in both. This isn't really news.

FTFY. nice try (((MS)))

And I don't like the constant Sup Forums shitposting, so...

you're mom faggot, games are good and your gay

What you mean by 'desktop' is being a cog in corporate machine. Surely Linux has no chance among dumbfucks.

I agree to a point. It seems to me like windows and OSX are best for normies and workstations, Linux lis best for enthusiasts and developers (OSX gets praise from some developers as well, since it's BSD based i guess that makes sense), Windows servers are best for office environments, but linux is better for large scale infrastructure, content delivery, virtualization, and most things more involved than the networking and management of workstations and networked resources.

>waaah, why won't everyone acknowledge that my broken OS should get enough of an underdog handicap that it wins?

>broken OS
sounds like Windows, kek

>restarting constantly for updates
>restarting constantly to install a program
>restarting constantly to apply settings changes

>look ma, if I give my broken OS enough of an underdog handicap, it wins!

Try again.

fake and gay

>mfw trying to get small office to adapt to GNU/Linux

Real question. What can Windows do that Linux can't?

drag and drop save images from browser

>muh gaymes
not much of a tradeoff for me, since I rarely play games. I'd rather have a DRM-free OS that doesn't BSOD all the time.

don't need it, and neither does anyone else whose job is not in graphic design.

is this true? or is this just DE-specific, where some DEs allow this and others don't?

personally I find it tedious to open a browser and drag the image when you can just right-click and save

>open a browser
open the file viewer, I mean

The only good game is Dwarf Fortress, fact.

It does, there is a reason corporations and governments use it for servers and often custom distros.

It's quicker to drag and drop if you are saving images into specific folders

TuxMasterRacer OS is superior to Pajeet OS and Faggot OS.

Huh, odd.

Seems like most issues around vidya have been worked out. PS is fair but if I am not mistaking there are work arounds.

>Seems like most issues around vidya have been worked out
yeah not quite. I like the Linux library on Steam, but getting Windows games running through WINE is still more trouble than it's worth for a lot of them, although some work flawlessly.

That's fair. All the games I play work fine but I am also that asshole who has a GTX1080 and plays games from the 90's.