So Sup Forums, I found a Win98SE laptop in the basement that somehow still works. It has a 500mhz CPU and a trident cyberblade i7 grapics chip. Any suggestion as to what to do with it? Could I run any older games on this thing?
Found this in my basement
Install some old DOS games (doom, duke nukem 3d).
first step is opening and cleaning the fuck out of it to make sure nothing is leaking
second step is seeing if you can find old parts being sold online that will upgrade it.
third step is to enjoy. You can try super light linux distros like bunsenlabs if you want it to be usable online, or just install software of the time and have a cute time machine.
The last time this thing was turned on was in 2006, I doubt there's anything on it, haha.
Thanks for the suggestions user, but with 128mb ram and a 5gb hard disk I don't think it can run any modern linux distro so I guess I'll just keep it as it is.
There are some distros that consume 70mb of ram
Bitcoin existed then, idiot.
that probably has a bunch of interesting things in its' browser cache
>replace Windows 98 with shitnux
No thanks nigger
It was published in 2008, dumbass.
there are a shitload of DOS/Win98 classics that will run on it. I'd go ahead and download an ISO, do a fresh install. Then download some Warcraft 2 and Command&Conquer
it does whatever it did when it was new, it's probably fine for a ton of older games as well as your standard slew of offline productivity software and whatever weird niche shit you can pull off of winworld/vetusware/simtel/whatever, you can also always use it as a terminal too
it's always an option but linux is just such a fucking boring thing to do with old hardware
any site that exceeds the capabilities of a browser that runs on 9x already is going to run like unusable shit on that thing anyway
congrats on your new LucasArts machine
OP that looks comfy as fuck.
maybe backup its drivers and find a windows 98 iso for it to make it like new
>changing 98 for muh autism
Literally worse than Jehova's Witnesses at this point
How come threads like this are accepted while retro threads get shitposted to oblivion
Because retro threads are about hipsters showing off what they found while dumpster diving
Put some vintage AOL on that bitch.
Pls install a proper browser (Firefox 2.x, some Opera (10.x I believe)). IE6 can also work but I think you already have that, but FF (2008) and Opera are way newer.
No, that's /vr/ and only an occasional faggot on /retro/ who gets ignored anyways
OP here is a pretty good example of a hipster too
>hurr found some old shit, people will dig me if I show it off
>dos games
>first to come to mind are modern fps
>not stuff like cyberdogs, jungle strike, caesar 2, prehistorik etc