Hey Sup Forums, can i do this?

Hey Sup Forums, can i do this?
If not, why not?

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So you made a new thread just to tell everyone you're retarded?

I don't know what you're talking about, i'm genuinely asking since i'm getting different answers from the internet.

You can do anything if you put your mind, your heart, your soul and your anus to it.

I've done this on gentoo

no unless disable sli

>getting different answers from the internet

Consider using only the non-retarded portions of the Internet.

don't think so, the slave card renders only what the master tells it to render
just plug the second dvi cable into the second dvi port on the master, assuming this is your issue, the connector for the circled dvi port is compatible with the not circled one

The problem is, i dont know if both ports are dual link.

ugh... can't you come up with something less offensive?


no, not in sli. nv drivers 2017 are garbage

but dp->dvi adapters are cheap

You are part of the problem

You can't do this, but what you can do is off your self.

Oh snap don't cut yourself with all that original edge user!

Okay.. Owner and Nigger.

I agree, it's completely insensitive.
Can't you fucking retarded nigger cunts come up with a terminology that isn't so problematic?

Prole and Big Brother

how about vagina and penis instead?

How about man and woman?

Cucker and cucked

If anyone doesn't know: github.com/django/django/pull/2692

They are, the circled one just doesn't have analogue.

Well im never using django again.


Rails is so much more comfy anyway. Does everything for you, let's you take over when you want to.

>leader' and 'follower'

Yes if you want half the screen on each monitor to be rendered.

If you've got real questions. Ask reddit. not Sup Forums.
Only come to Sup Forums if you want meme and purposely misleading answers

You want both monitors on the primary video card if possible.
If you play a game where SLI is disabled, the second monitor won't work if you output through the second GPU

hello reddo

White and black

>not using DisplayPort in the current year

This desu senpai

This whole thread is very triggering, I'm literally shaking right now

with passthrough you could

Hey Sup Forums
Sup Forums is laughing at us right now (with the same topic)

Use DisplayPort.

How about bull and cuck?

How is slavery offensive you nigger?

if you have anything against mein fuhrer you can right the fuck off

You know where you need to go back to.

uhm sweetie ... the times of slaves and masters are long numbered you racist stonecave bigot, every card can render whatever it wants. now you know

fuck off nigger

>alex merged 1 commit into django:master
>merged into master

What are you in high school? Master and Slave is common terminology. Grow up.

Let me guess, you also get offended at male and female plugs?

This has to be a bait thread

Now that you think real hard, master and slave card does sound wrong

The classic reply to self bait
nice try :^)

You can't do this in CF either. Or at least you couldn't when I had my CF cards.

Now we know who were the scumbags that shitposts and derail threads, nice, go back and fucking die

> DVI-I ports

who even makes cards with these nowadays?
I have a very nice old CRT and literally no options for a DP -> VGA dongle that can do 200 Hz v-sync/130 kHz h-sync.

Use a motherboard with an SLI soft switch