How do I buy oblivion for linux?

How do I buy oblivion for linux?

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install wine

also stop playing shit games

the last good TES game...

>buying singleplayer games that are easily 100% pirateable

why would anyone do this? why not just flush that cash down the toilet so you can feel good knowing some homeless man living in the sewer will find it?

oblivion is the best game I've ever played except fallout 3. Daggerfall

fallout 3 is garbage
your opinion is garbage

In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
Was looked on as something shocking.
But now, God knows,
Anything goes.

are you seriously trying to use lyrics from a licensed song from the soundtrack to try to argue that that piece of crap is a good game?

Fallout New Vegas was the good one.

the only good fallout game...

Good authors too who once knew better words
Now only use four-letter words
Writing prose.
Anything goes.

You are gonna buy my game, right?

That's not how you spell Morrowind.

No Todd.

Install Windows you gigantic faggot.

Stop trying to make Linux work.

Is wine a good way to game on linux? Gaming is the only thing stopping me from moving over to a linux distro



I have already bought oblivion on the xbox 360 and on the pc but it wont work on ubuntu. I put in the cd and I cant get it to play. I have even bought shivvering aisles on the console and the pc.

I bout Knights of the Knine but lets be honest that was the shittiest expansion bethesda ever made.

GoG just released DRM free version

see it only works on windows

Use Wine idgit

A friend of mine plays to Skyrim with wine.

how do I do it

Not with those hitboxes it isn't.

WINEPREFIX=/media/HDD7/wine_oblivion wine /media/HDD7/wine_oblivion/drive_c/Oblivion/Oblivion.exe or whatever. Check the winedb page. You'll prolly need to winetricks quartz or something.

I don't understand

My man, oblivion was actually the last game I played before I made the switch to nix. That was a year ago lmao.
I've played through that game so many fucking times, but this most recent time I installed like 3 different fucking overhaul mods. It was like a new game and I had way too much fun.
I also lowkey credit wryebash for giving me the patience to go through and actually use nix as my bare metal OS.
Good times.

people say that every game. when TES VI comes out suddenly skyrim will be the last good one.