Battlestation thread /bst/

Post battlestations, have others R8 your battlestations.

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neat rock

poor but comfy

look, look, mine has cool rocks too

Nice Fallout cup
Is that a sexy model M I see in the distance?
Thinkpads are always comfy, nice man

I guess you meant my amp.

I need to find my pet rock. I love the lighting in your room.

Comfy room. Still love that tv.

Comfy is what matters. In the end, as long as it meets your needs, that is all that is important.

Love the keyboard. Whole setup is very clean and sharp. It's also neato that you use a power mac for everything.


do you burn your eyes out every time you turn on that light? well, what do I know, mine might be just as bad

Different sort of battling tonight. Having two desks is great~

Nice build man, what do you think of the monitors? Was considering getting a pair myself. Any chance you know what that mousepad's called?

Judge me please

Nice and tidy. Does that fan/heater/ac not dry your eyes up being right there?
I like the lighting. Nice light room. Got a night shot? Spec on TV?
Model/Spec on laptop? You can get T9800 for most of them older ones, and with an SSD they fly. Did that with my own SL510. Glorious laptop.
Looks real clean. Any plans for multi-screen? Got the room for it.
Pretty messy. Is that monitor and such running / standing on another laptop?
I don't know how you people have a split monitor setup, but with the join right in the center. Does it not bother you always having to look either left or right for a primary screen?

Mousepad - Stratagem Control Zone Customs Designed XL Microfiber Gaming Deskpads

The monitors are great, the right is a 144hz asus and the left is a matching 60hz. Works great. I have another matching 60hz and had a 4 monitor stand but didn't like it and switched to two.

>>see monitor is raised with books
>>zoom in
>>where the sidewalk ends
>>nostalgic tear cinematically drips down cheek

oh yeah, and nice keyboard... I see you like shrooms, do ya?

20g ram
q2000m gpu
250g ssd
500g hdd

it turns heads when I take it out of my bag at class, and even more when it goes full harley mode under load, but I wouldn't trade it for anything, love the thing

How is the quality on your beamer, is it used for watching movies/tv? Nice lounge.


1080p 60hz (with 3d). Viewsonic jobby. Absolutely stunning. The image on the white chimney breast is exactly 82" which is a lovely size without taking the piss. Movies, games, anything. It's cabled into a HDMI in the roof, which channels down to just behind my computer. So I run it as a 7th monitor. Quality is very very good.

sounds awesome

I have too many speakers that they are piling up now. Moving in a month and can't wait

I had a triple monitor setup before this, but I switched back to single 5k. If I need more real estate I'll get a 40 inch 4k tv and use that.

I like having multiple screens for jobs. Easy to just maximize, and multitask. Games in the middle and not on a fucking massive single screen. Works best for me.

It's obvious you just like the cheapest, shittiest meme tier junk ever. Ridiculous case. God knows what the fuck that xbox is. Shit mouse, mis-matched colours all over the place. user mask top kek. Just ridiculous. It's like you're cosplaying as the fat guy from southpark in wow


poor guy, his country's so poor they don't have colored cameras yet

> God knows what the fuck that xbox is.
pretty sure it's an xbox

>is comfy

Surprisingly, no. It's a pretty dim light and the room has no ceiling lights, so that's all I've got.

Yeah, I need to clean up a little. The monitors are hooked up to an eGPU in the toolbox under the lamp and that in turn is plugged into the T430 docked under the monitor. Then the X200 is there for whatever. Just now trying out Fedora.

It's Hole Technology

pls tell me this is ironic



in the mail

1080 Ti FTW3
Seasonic 650 W Titanium
2 AF120 fans
50" 4K Samsung TV (for my bedroom & gamestream)

Did I do good? I'm also getting a new window without scratches somewhen. Still have money and could go for a 960 EVO, but it would take me one month to redownload my games.

What's the name of the movie for the poster on the right? It reminds me of a movie I saw quite a while ago that was really low key comfy.

It's real

what speakers? any good?

I like plants in general, not just mushrooms. And I get a lot of criticism for those books because
>Da joooz

Nice outdoor living

Need more on walls and not more star wars posters. Nice clean room. Well done.

You're doing the best with what ya have. No shame bud.
5.25/10 (.25 added for rocks)

Clean. Nice audio. Meme chair...



Not a fan of that keyboard but I really really like what you've put in your wall. Is some of that artwork yours? Are the buttflies real?

Nice tall ceilings, nice projection. I like a red accent wall as well.

Unique desk

I like your desk. What brand chair?

too lazy to take another picture

Just finished moving!

nice case and setup

user what are you doing

Currently looking for a bracket to mount all of them. Until then I just don't walk into them.

>06/10/17(Sat)22:22:35 No.60848840▶
Nice setup, but cable management could be improved. When nothing is under your desk, it's essential to manage your cables. Use a cable management box to fix this problem! I rate it a 5.75/10! With proper cable management, you could get a 7/10!

Thanks user, I'll look into getting one!

All you need is a real curtain.

What's wrong with the curtain?

r8 plz

c beau mon gars

I want to move out and build my own battle station.
Some posters and whiteboard paint to decorate the walls, a couple of monitors and a nice desk. Heck, I could just try and pull that off in my bedroom in a couple of months but without the whiteboard and posters; I don't want my parents to discover the extent of my autism, even if I pick subtle stuff.

>Shitty music production equiptment perfect for the shitty beats you make with it
>FiiO E10k with meme tear audio technicas
>dildo mics
How have you not killed yourself yet?

Are you talking shit about the e10k?

nice :)

idk bruh, love buying memes for some reasons

It's old boy. And the movie is the fartherest from being a comfy movie. It's fucking violent and weird as shit.

Old Boy is great.

I imagine you're watching vertical phone videos on that huge white spot on your wall.

>inb4 this is the future.

I know.

E10k is overpriced chink shit. FiiO makes a decent DAP (X1) but everything else they poop out is awful. For the price you could get a nice PCIe sound card, and if you still need an amp after that, build a CMOY for $5. In all reality, if your device has high enough of a noise ceiling that you need an external DAC, you should just be replacing that device.

can't tell if serious or summer vacation





guys i need the picture of a old computer in a VERY small room that has like a cop hat in a part the room is small and only the computer and small desk is what has

what do you produce with those high end mics?

are you actually in greenland?

whats up with all the displays? do you day trade?

i got the same midi keyboard. kind of regret not going for a 49key.

It's a $30 condenser mic. Neewer 700. And that's $30 for the mic, stand, and filter. That said, I mostly just use it as a voice chat mic and occasionally record stuff I'll probably never share.

by high end i mean like semi pro tier

Poorfag setup, what other board do you think I visit besides the obvious?


W..why would you think that?


that dirty glass is bothering me
could be worse
ummmffffffffff that F107


not bad a little messy
thats a tiny dog
i dont know why people say there is a sag but i cant see it
blue af
a tad cluttered
nice, but id love to see it without the filter if that would be possible

lgbt or r9k

cute birb, what species is he/she?

Can I live with you?

I've wanted to get a drone to fly and shit in the park ever since watching that racing video. What's the cheapest way to get into this hobby?


Do you get boners for Jordan Peterson?

OG real nigga shit. I see you passin' by, brotha 8/10

I appreciate the use of books, do the switches for that keyboard feel nice? nothing like an mx brown.

god damn got the driver steering wheel and pedals and got it all sprawled out, probably haven't used it in over a month.

but I do see you with the lava lamp and the floor mat for the chair, these are good things. the vertical monitor is always an interesting touch.

this is honestly comfy

this is comfy as fuck, and too well positioned. what does the other side of your room look?

that case is wonderful, and pairing an old ibm keyboard with those loud ass switches is still in good taste.

your use of the rgb behind your monitor is well placed and used appropriately. too many people over-do it.

vert is best


lmao never thought of it before. I have a second projector which is a short--through. Could easily do it, or have a second picture below the top one for some gimped LAN usage?

I really like the keuboard my dude. 8/10
You're the kind of kid i used to bully in high school. 2/10
Looks super comfy my dude. 7/10

>What brand chair?
It's a ikea markus

E3 edition.

Whoever was asking, the TV is a vizio d series 40 inch
1080p not smart but it works nice and has rca audio outputs which is all I wanted

I pulled the trigger on a 1080p 144hz 27 inch viotek curved monitor, seems OK but I'll see when it gets here

Also got a new cpu cooler but idk if it'll fit in my case so I might have to get a new case too


The absolute cheapest way to get into the hobby is to spend $15 on a little 'toy' quad with a crappy little controller which you can fly around your house. Don't underestimate how much fun this can be!

If it's specifically racing/FPV that you're interested in, you should then buy a half decent radio ('controller') with a USB port which will let you get the hang of the controls in a simulator. For FPV flying you don't use auto-level, which makes the controls feel completely different to that little toy quad linked above & it's a lot easier to learn in a simulator where you can reset immediately after a crash rather than having to spend hours repairing an actual quad after every 10 seconds of flying. The Turnigy Evolution is a good choice here, or the Taranis QX7 for a little more money.

Once you feel confident enough, you can think about buying/building a proper 5" outdoor racing/freestyle quad, which can be done for ~$100 plus another ~$100 for the other parts you'll need (batteries, charger, goggles). I recommended the UAVFutures channel to somebody on Sup Forums before & a couple months later he found me in a RC generals thread on /diy/ & let me know how much fun he'd been having;

Take things slow, be careful (always remove propellers when working/testing), triple check your failsafe (so your brand new quad doesn't disappear into the sky never to be seen again when it looses connection) & don't get disheartened when you have bad days & break things.

Rate my buyer's remorse
Bought this LG bluetooth monitor
1:Does not fit my desk
2:Can not use It because my rx 580 will arrive next year [ty coinminers,hope your 50nitro cards will burn your house down]
3:It is freesyns so I can not just grab nvidia card

I got rekt like never before.

PS: Linus tech tips are best and not paid shills at all.

The artwork is mine, butterflies are real
The keyboard is a filco majestouch with mx blues


God tier game library user :)

does all that really fit in a DELL case?

what is that mini monitor called?

>bluetooth monitor
Why does your monitor have bluetooth? Audio?

how did your cum cocktail taste like?