/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

The end times are upon us edition.

Previous thread News
>Best Blutopia avatar
>Pajeet scores sweet ride
>/ptg/ begs for return of legendary memer
>RIP Cabal

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for shitposting, by recognizing top keks through news headlines and by advancing the interests of its members.

Have a question?
>FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
>WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for 321c is a cuck pedo who been arrested

first for daily reminder that O***T*** and Blutopia™ are the new cabal now

PTP is kill. Press F to pay respects

Where can I get an invite to B******a™?

Who is pic related?

>tfw you couldnt get into ptp but you will get into its successor


AB IRC down?

The cabal is dying fampai. Go to irc.p2p-network.net #endtimes for salvation.

>irc normal
Though this is coming from the site that says their website is offline but I can access it just fine
>mfw a legit happening

Is RED going down with the cabal?

@****** whole datacenter is being hit with massive ddos
@****** and their routers are dying
+****** well that will do it
@****** its not directed at us
@****** more at provider we use
@****** or datacenter they host ar
@****** at*

if ptp goes down i'm gonna have to get laid

hmm datacenter gets hit by ddos, all cabal sites go down ... SACEM showing up at their doorsteps...

If the question is HOW is pic related, that's LB06, leader of the Cabal. He's going to jail. It is the end of all things.

It's only RED tho.
PTP's problems are unrelated.

Maybe 312c will be his bunkmate...

RED is back up for now....

By the time LB06 gets out of prison his asshole will be bigger than sarek's ego.

I've been away for a while, what's this talk about LB?

get back under your rock


pls send invite to currystirrer (aht) proh ton mail dot chuh

How quickly does RUT usually update their whitelist?

Takes forever.

what the hell kind of curry tracker is soitgoes?

it's not a tracker
links to ddl

fuck me

that's pretty fucking big user, sarek's ego is expanding faster than the universe and is set to overtake it by 2020

even worse than curry trackers

Anyone know what's going on with RED interview channel?

Consider IPT

new freeleach of the week on thegeekz niggers

gib 312c back pls b0ss

Path to AHD and TTG, please.

Path to RUT, please

time machine

Why do download/upload speeds appear so bursty in Deluge? rtorrent usually keeps them consistent, but they appear to rapidly spike in Deluge and then progressively drop down. Is this a rendering issue in webUI or how connections are actually treated?

Path to Time Machine, please

How the fuck do I join PTP's IRC? The bot seems to be up but nothing happens when I identify.


I joined as the bot to collect passwords. All of the permissions were fucked up.

Captain Jean Luc van der Cuck will have your head by tomorrow morning, shitstain.

>* Message of the day file is missing.
>server changed IPs while auto reconnecting
you better be joking

You have been /marked/ say goodbye to your account sir

>[ puff - disabled ] :: [ User ] :: [ Uploaded: 4.97 GB | Bonus: 6,446 | Lumens: 10 ] :: [ broadcasthe.net/user.php?id=1521218 ]

solution to cloudflare cabal crisis(?)/meme :

stop hosting poster child public trackers like TPB to lay off heat from copyright trolls

How about cloudflare shouldn't be fined for being neutral?

fake news

fuck you
* Bitey has kicked puff from #BTN (nou)

I'm just messing you weirdo.
Also /marked/.

directed to the guy who posted me on /ptg/*
sorry if that was unclear

RIP puff. Mentioning /ptg/ is autocabalban.

Cloudflare "crisis" is a non-issue for cabal trackers.

p*ff is untouchable

not youre not puff

puff is the master of shitposting. He shitposts on several forums and ircs and ptg

puff just mentioned the place that has been memeing the leader of the cabal, captain jean luk van der cuck

he is a dead man for sure

don't drag my good friend's name though the mud

Keep your garbage off Sup Forums you dumb cancerous faggots. Stay in your own filth here like a little bitch.

fuck off puff

p*ff is above lb06

friendly reminder that Blutopia™ is now cabal

ptp 100% btfo

With ptp down where do you go for blu-ray high quality rips? This sucks, might as well cancel my seedbox now.


>two of six services are offline


>cancel my seedbox now

>using a seedbox



stop samefagging this "ptp is ded" shit, gayboi

PTP is fine! Do NOT delete your torrents!

Well fuck I don't ever post in these threads but that is all I read when ctrl+Fing ptp.

Only an idiot uses their residential internet connection to seed TB's of fucking data.

yea, everyone knows that, we just playin'

>Only an idiot uses their residential internet connection to seed TB's of fucking data.

you just want to hoard ratio like a jew, don't lie

link thread hothead, i wanna shitpost


The entire concept of private trackers is they actually watch your ratio, no reason to let shit sit on my home IPs when I can just SFTP is down.

Good job being poor though.

One of PTP's Assistant Directors just posted on BtN's Tracker Down thread, coming back soon.

confirmed ratio jew

yes it's dead
no, it won't be coming back
now stop asking


fuck off ya old pedo

How come the tracker is still up?


>actually believing what people write on /ptg/

chillax nig

How long will the tracker be up?
24h-36h, enough time for everybody to finish downloading

Private trackers only have like 5 years left.
It would be good time to start building a personal collection of content for the future, especially if you're into, heh, BETTER stuff.

why do you say they will perish?

>PtP will be back up shortly, nothing to worry about just yet.

>PtP will be back up shortly, nothing to worry about just yet.


holy shit, i reported you to btn admins and they said they're looking into it

but now you're marked too!

i used a burner account

> I am gay lmao xd
> Yes, I will be handing out complementary invites to all /ptg/ users

is there a tracker with music siterips?

Is there a relatively easy way to build buffer on BiB? I've uploaded several dozen books with no uploads at all and I'd like to work up to Elite.

red has bandcamp

Encroachment of anti-filesharing laws, increased monitoring of the Internet, homogenization of websites, normies going for cheap subscription services instead.

>there is no such thing as a perfect trac-