>microsoft makes ugly hardwa-
Microsoft makes ugly hardwa-
>microsoft hardware
Not worth it.
>microsoft is innova-
>leaking outside of Sup Forums
Fucking Hiro make a video game hardware discussion board already you lazy fuck
Surface Line
Lumia 950
They all look fucking amazing.
That's ugly, while a PS2 still looks fucking beautiful.
Every fucking spic that I met owns a goddamn ps2.
So Myskinsosoft is now following the Intel meme by slapping an 'X' on their newest product?
>It's literally a black plastic box
Truly innovative. How will Microsoft recover the billions they spent on its design?
You may be joking, but they probably DID spend billions on its design.
Xbox One X or XBOX
Not billions but I would bet good money on it being north of 10 million.
>Xbox One X
Microsoft paid someone to come up with this name. They probably had focus groups for it.
Lol holy shit that's so bad.
xbox ONE usb port XD
Back to Sup Forums you pleb
>microsoft makes hardware
eh that's actually kind of ugly. Surface or whatever that laptop thing they make is called actually looks nice.
>optical drive in the year of (curent year) + 2
its literally just there because of the movie studios death throes.... shoulda binned it and given consumers a discount on the hardware
someone is working on a windows 10 fix right guys it wont be so bad when we all have to downgrade to it right
>buying (((digital copies)))
So I can own physical games and sell them when I'm done with them
>"if i could turn back time" starts playing
A Blu-ray reader costs not even $30 and Microsoft is buying them in bulk so they're even cheaper
The Xbox Live store will keep a game at full price forever, where as you can walk into a physical store or even go on Amazon and it's $10 cheaper than at release
Not everyone has the internet speeds to be constantly downloading games
You can't sell a digital download without selling your entire account
Face it, optical drives are BETTER for consumers
Perma banned
Mr. user, we will just revoke those licenses for the games since they are of no use to you. Also you agreed to this in the terms and conditions :^).
Honestly no problem with this console,
The problem is games aren't advancing like they used to. No games are good enough to compell me to want to play them in 4k
Honestly all I see on the horizon that's big is star citizen
Did Microsoft hire someone from HTC's marketing department in 2012?
>only 1 front USB port
that black box is unlike anyother black boxes theyve made
What PC GPU does the Xbone compare to?
It's 2017 bro just use the cloud :)
Vega 11 :^)
GTX 610 Ti SLI founders edition
>Every fucking spic that I met owns a goddamn ps2.
It has a lot of great games tbph.
it's just a ps4 with downs
Its 2017, everybody has like 5 usb hubs now