Whats the best Linux and why

whats the best Linux and why


The distro that meets your needs.

The best Linux is Mac OSX

i hope your joking

If you want Unix-like OS, then OSX is the best. No problem with drivers, nice responsive UI, support for Photoshop and other professional software.


I think you mean GNU/Linux. The best is centOS.

I believe its fedora

Pic related

The only right answer


Doesn't matter just use one


Cкoлькo ты yжe тyт?

The one that Sup Forums hates the most

They are all the same.

Debian Stretch

Хoчeшь cocaть мoй члeн?

True that

Windows 10 with Linux Subsystem.

Arch/Gentoo for full customization and minimum packages, Debian/Ubuntu for everything else


windows 3.0