Why are you not using Solus user?

Why are you not using Solus user?

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because it's not gentoo

no games

I'm not Kevin

Because I'm very happy with my Debian setup.

Because budgie is not finished.

thats the definition actually
>if gentoo or gentoo like
>into the trash in goes
simple as that

Because Dash-to-Panel exists.

Use GNOME3 or MATE instead then
They've recently added KDE to their repos too

shit taste confirmed

because im using ubuntu mate lts on all my machines and I have no reason to switch

Enjoy your outdated software and broken PPAs


At least I have software to enjoy. Currently I'm using zero PPA's and the only third party repositories I've enabled are Node.js and Spotify.

What's wrong with eating granny though?
Would be a waste to let that good meat go

fuck off kevin

no krunner

actually it won't
old people meat is disgusting

package manager has no way to autoremove unused packages and dependencies.

fuck off, Kevin

wrong. it's nice and firm, but lean due to the aging. Definitely a unique experience. there's nothing quite like it.

Why would I use Solus when cloveros exists

because I'm planning on installing gentoo next so I can get my autism badge

what's there of it for now is breddy good tho

I am, Kevin.

meh games
my experience the only just shows you can comfortably game on, especially if your /vr/, are Arch and Ubuntu. I don't want to risk breakage and I get very angry if I run into problems so I'll probably be stuck running Ubuntu for years.
[spoiler]even though I would love to e-peen of using a "1337" distro.[/spoiler] Haven't looked in the repos but I doubt they have everything I want.

i'm fairly fond of Slackware

Never even heard of it.

Shill it to me.

Fuck off Kevin

Unity is the only good desktop environment. Hopefully after limping along for the lifetime of 16.04 or 17.04 a decent replacement will be ready.

It's not horrible but it's not ready for daily use either. Can't even use shift tab to go backwards in task list. Panel on bottom is just plain glitchy.

Mate looks old. I don't have time for fixing how it looks. Can only get halfway there anyway since there will always be a few menus that a theme doesn't fix. Gnome has its own problems but probably has the most polish. Can't tile a window to the side and resize it though which is something I do a lot.

Bloat-free, rolling release, stable, easy to use and used by actual developers.

I'm waiting for the Qt version of Budgie.

I like sailing, is this distro made for me?

Waiting for Plasma version.

You can game on any distro. Just need to install required libraries. Some do this better out of the box than others. Launching from the terminal will tell you what you are missing. Solus devs actually focus on gaming support and compatibility. Works well but I prefer Gentoo.

What makes it angled at developers? Does it do anything out-of-the-box that I can't setup in Debian, Arch, or Fedora in under 30 minutes?

>dont have time to install arc theme and paper icons

I don't think this Linux thing is for you

I used to, as in fact, it's what got me into using linux in the first place because it's so stupidly easy to use. Haven't really missed it since moving to Mint tho.

I've always been aware I could compile from source, but I like my games to be listed among my other programs and to lunch them without going into my file manager. Some ports are under heavy development like openrct2 and I would hate to have to keep downloading the source and recompiling it just to get some new features.

Are you saying there's some better way that I'm not aware of? If so I'd love to hear it because I don't really like a Ubuntu that much.

No packages

Nice meme

Not meme, literally tried solus in a VM last week and it was missing some shit I use. Immediately dropped.

you can search here to see if they have everything you need.
I was surprised to see they have packages for openxcom and openrct2 since they don't list having packages on their own websites.
Unfortunately they don't have KDE connect which I can't do without it.

Because it's developed by ONE guy and a few minor contributors. When Ikey gets bored or tired it will be dead in the water.

The Linux as we know it is going to die off within the next 10 years anyway.



>not papirus

but why is there a gap between the start and buttons? can you change the theme without the icons being shrunk to my dick size?