Cracked game NFO says to support the developers

>cracked game NFO says to support the developers

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yes, you should support them by playing their game

What's wrong with buying a game you enjoy after playing it?

99% of pirates are jewish 13 year olds who aren't gonna buy shit after 'testing the game'

>pirate game
>like their games a lot
>start recommending their game to people
>i'll end up buying their next game when it comes out

Piracy leads to sales from people who would never have bothered otherwise.

>developer adds denuvo to their game
>people pirate it because they claim they "don't like denuvo"

>game developer decides to not add denuvo
>cracked in 2 hours
>same people pirate game

yeah, ok.

you cant beat piracy in any form, you have to acknowledge it exists and work from there

>cracked in 2 hours
That's what they get for using DRM

What if said developers put the game on Steam. Steam is a form of DRM, but a lot of people tolerate it.
Games still get cracked in a day or less.

But people still buy it.
What are you so angry about?
Most games on steam get purchased during sales and these end up unactivated in people's steam accounts and they never get played, ever.
At best, they get used like social currency when people on Sup Forums start giving each other games in exchange for trap pics or ERP on cam.
This happens a lot.
Also, if you actually looked at achievement listings, most people never play more than an hour of any game they buy.
Do you wanna know why that is?
Most games are trash, and it's especially true now more than ever.

Does anyone legitimately, unironically enjoy ````````````````gaming''''''''''''''''?

>say that i pirate but i always buy the game i really like
>when in reality i pirate everything and never support the delveopers

because most pirates have a twisted morale/logic. If you pirate the game to try before you buy, whatever, but don't say you actually do that when you don't.

Sup shill

I do, yes. Titanfall 2 is great.

I like retro games. Basically anything before 2007, but mostly pre-2000 games.

Games used to be fun, now they're just tiring and nobody tries anything new ever.
You never see mid-budget hidden gems because now there are only 2 kinds of games:
Safe AAA untested unoptimized garbage that has a community shelf life of 3 months and requires 100 million dollars to produce, OR, some zero budget indie game made by a numale cuck that costs $10 and looks like shit and is a ripoff of an older game and gets unwarranted praise for ripping off an older game.

I used to think I was growing out of gaming, but then I bought a PS2 and started collecting PS2 titles, including many games and genres I never played when I was a kid, it's not a nostalgia thing.
Games used to be much more cohesive experiences, every game was a self-contained affair, you didn't have to rely on on user generated content and their online community to derive fun from a game.
If you wanted multiplayer, you'd huddle up in front of the TV.
Do games even have splitscreen anymore?

fuck off you 30 year old virgins

i'm sure that you are using those cracks for ""research"" purposes


There's nothing wrong with any of that.
Their community is entirely self-serving and you're just feeding off the scraps they shit out.

They most likely wouldn't have bought the game anyway if it wasn't cracked so they're irrelevant. At best, they might get someone to buy it by recommending the game.

nice projection

why is he typing like a retard?


This is a pic showing all the games in my Steam library that I pirated first and bought later (the highlighted ones). Granted, I got almost all of them on sale or through bundles, but there you go. I can't be the only one who does this.

I crack games if I'm unsure about it.
But I'll only play it for a short amount of time.

Playing pirated games just isn't a good experience if I want to invest time into it I'll pay a measly $50 for the real deal.

Cracking wouldn't be a huge thing if they provided demos without any paywalls.

Your absolutely right, I used to have an origin access account and you get 10 hrs demo. This demo led me to buy the latest Need for Speed. But origin access isnt really worth it.

Whats stupid is releasing beta's, I probably would have brought For Honor if the beta wasn't lame.

what if you do this, instead of buying the game or pirating it, just don't play games in the first place.

Games are a waste of time and are contributing to a decline in society:

Games are believed to have caused a decline in the employment and marriage rates of males in their 20s

>releasing beta's
And it's becoming the norm. Why do people pay for an incomplete product and do the devs'work of bugtesting?

Also with digital distribution being the norm, it would be hard to release demos for a game seeing as it eliminated the need for physical media and the logistics needed for it.

it's a distraction.

>Mike Matei secretly drugged your tea

only children play games

Because they think they're kewl h4xx0rz. Being into hacking and/or cracking is a pretty solid sign of immaturity.

>games are for kids

Get updated grandpa.