Just bought myself this lovely 1440p monitor second hand and this happened on the way home... Needless to say I'm devastated, is there anything that can be done for this monstrosity?
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Peel off the polarizer film and buy a new one.
For real, I can just do that? That little cluster of white pixels will work again?
It's not polarized that's why it's all white
i wish you the best of luck putting the new film on clean without any air bubbles.
that sounds almost impossible to me
Holy shit OP from that spot is coming the very high level of radiation! You should dispose of that monitor immediately! Send it to me, I'll do it for free.
Thank god, I thought it was totally fucked. How tricky is it to put on a new film?
Fuck... Is polarizing film replacement even a job people regularly take or is it only for the insane?
Latter. It is not insane, it is difficult to do it well: it should be sticky and it should not have dirt under it.
Here's one where he remove's the film , but doesn't show how to replace it though.
>inb4 linus shill tips
Fucker u need to use space in the tags
Yeah, can't be bothered deleting my post for a typo tho.
hnnnngg well thanks guys wish me luck with no an hero
How does something like that even happen? Are you a literal retard with zero knowledge of securing cargo?
you jizzed on it?
Yeah dude
My sperm is like acid or some shit like
did you buy it on a credit card op?
many credit cards have free accidental damage coverage on new purchases up to $1,000 for 90 or 120 days
used it a bunch of times with my amex
Does it count if you "withdrew cash from that card"? D:
Nope :-(
I tied it to the back of my motorbike and the strap from my bag repeatedly whacked it in the wind. Either that or a stone hit it or something.
>cash advances
Even women and black people are better at personal finance.
That's what you get from buying off craigslist and things like that.
Where would you even get a polarizing filter that fits?
My bad i used such websites
>new purchases
he said he bought it second hand, dummy
i've never seen anyone replace the polarizer on an lcd screen
and i even know someone who refurbishes lcd displays
it's in the "not impossible by literally nobody does it" territory
that said, it's fucked otherwise, so you might as well have a crack at it
Cut a rectangle and just replace the little piece. That'll always look shit but better than bubbles everywhere.
Don't stick it on.. just have it attached at the edges. It' snot a touchscreen, doesn't have to be stuck on
that's true, though not sticking it on proper might degrade the image quality a little
he could always try the former then the latter if it fails
THIS. I am planning on doing this to my HP toasterbook.
[spoiler] Freak people out when I use a computer that shows "nothing" on the screen. [/spoiler]
Depending on how much you paid and the monitor's value, you might just want to replace the LCD panel. Finding a replacement panel might be difficult, but the results would be much better than replacing the polarizer.
Take this as a life lesson: always protect goods from possible damage while in transit. In this case you could have wrapped it in bubblewrap, or put in a box.
Can you actually do what's in the picture there?
There are no spoilers in this board you fucking Sup Forums newfags.
Sometimes I forget what board I am posting on, Faggot.
At least I don't stoop to the level of calling people newfags. Why would you use this term on Sup Forums? Go back to Sup Forums like the scum you are.
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or dust.
BTW, the polarizer is the single most expensive part of an LCD. Even more expensive than the matrix.
So... like... good luck!
[good ones are anyway. Cheap ones have bad contrast and introduce color shift that changes with viewing angle. A cheap polarizer is a great way to turn an IPS screen into 'might as well be TN']