>If you did something silly today—like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example—take comfort. You still did not fuck up as bad as the jobs website ZipRecruiter, which got ad time on an alt-right podcast this week, apparently by accident.
>As first noted on Reddit, the advertisement was read on Wednesday’s episode of The Daily Shoah, a podcast on the white nationalist website The Right Stuff.
>Nasty stuff! And yet, there the ad was, read out loud about 49 minutes into a recent episode of The Daily Shoah:
>As late as Thursday afternoon, the promo page was still active, displaying the message “Welcome TRS RADIO Listeners!” when visitors entered the URL. After Gizmodo contacted ZipRecruiter for this story, the page was removed.
>So how did this happen? Well, according to ZipRecruiter’s ad buyer, Ad Results Media, they didn’t mean to put ads on that TRS. The spot was supposed to air on TRS Radio, a sports podcast about triathlons.
>In a statement to Gizmodo, a partner at at Ad Results Media provided this account of the error:
>In a follow-up phone conversation, the partner said the mistake “went under the radar and we all missed it,” attributing the mistake to a “junior ad buyer” who contacted the wrong website after making a Google search. He also said The Right Stuff did not receive any payment for the ad. A ZipRecruiter representative told Gizmodo that no one signed up using the promo code.
>Asked for comment by Gizmodo, The Right Stuff made light of the incident in a series of sarcastic, anti-Semitic emails.
Meanwhile, the latest episode of the Daily Shoah explains that pajeets were the ad buyers and the above article is NOT accurate and they did make money.