Employment Recruiting website accidentally buy ad on White Nationalist podcast: hilarity ensues

>If you did something silly today—like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example—take comfort. You still did not fuck up as bad as the jobs website ZipRecruiter, which got ad time on an alt-right podcast this week, apparently by accident.

>As first noted on Reddit, the advertisement was read on Wednesday’s episode of The Daily Shoah, a podcast on the white nationalist website The Right Stuff.

>Nasty stuff! And yet, there the ad was, read out loud about 49 minutes into a recent episode of The Daily Shoah:

>As late as Thursday afternoon, the promo page was still active, displaying the message “Welcome TRS RADIO Listeners!” when visitors entered the URL. After Gizmodo contacted ZipRecruiter for this story, the page was removed.

>So how did this happen? Well, according to ZipRecruiter’s ad buyer, Ad Results Media, they didn’t mean to put ads on that TRS. The spot was supposed to air on TRS Radio, a sports podcast about triathlons.

>In a statement to Gizmodo, a partner at at Ad Results Media provided this account of the error:

>In a follow-up phone conversation, the partner said the mistake “went under the radar and we all missed it,” attributing the mistake to a “junior ad buyer” who contacted the wrong website after making a Google search. He also said The Right Stuff did not receive any payment for the ad. A ZipRecruiter representative told Gizmodo that no one signed up using the promo code.

>Asked for comment by Gizmodo, The Right Stuff made light of the incident in a series of sarcastic, anti-Semitic emails.


Meanwhile, the latest episode of the Daily Shoah explains that pajeets were the ad buyers and the above article is NOT accurate and they did make money.


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>muh raycism

>all that green text

Must be nice to have so much free time you can camp out on sites that utter $WRONGSPEAK waiting for something like this. Makes me feel like a sucker for having a real job.

Great stuff.

If you guys listen to that podcast link in the OP they explain how pajeets approached them to buy ads because they had no idea what they were doing and then they ended up going through with a contract and now that company has to fulfill the terms of the contract because pajeets bought them ads on their podcast. Shits hilarious.

>apologizing for advertising to the wrong people

That's capitalism for you.

>"This man clearly can't flip burgers if he hates black people!"

Go look at the top staff at zipcrecruiter

whites standing up for their own interests is evil, goy

I'll be fucking glad when marketing and the ad industry goes belly up after they run out of videos to place revenue on.
Youtube has like 5 super broad categories of "offensive" content and videos are getting de-monetized because you said "fuck" or showed blood or said anything political that's not super left wing.
And as it turns out, this precludes most popular videos from being monetized.

Shhh, don't say that, Chaim!

I was laughing my ass off when they did the ad on last week's episode, I didn't know why it happened until I read this article.

Was it "alt-right" or a white nationalist podcast? Which is it? Why are they listening to this podcast anyhow?

I've never listened, but it's TRS, so it's Sup Forums jokes to us and ebil nazis to normalfags.

It's the most popular "alt-right" podcast and alt-right is white nationalism.
>why do they listen to it
All the cool kids listen to it.

tds is somewhere in between

The alt right is white nationalist though.

there's massive overlap between the alt-right and white nationalists, my dude. TRS is both.

That is so dumb. You can be a white nationalist and lean left.

So... a literal nazi?

>and alt-right is white nationalism.
As much as Feminism is white nationalism since it glorifies white women.

The alt right is the name of a movement that is explicitly white nationalist

No it isn't. alt right is some dumb faggot term for /r/the_donald posters. You know nothing of white nationalism.

Does the daily shoah still do chateau autiste?

What if I identify strongly with (and am welcome in) the movement known as the alt-right but without holding or sympathizing with white nationist ideals?

Weak bait mang

Zip recruiter is probably the worst job board I've ever had the displeasure of using. The left should really be cheering this on because it's just going to waste people's time.

Ummm closer to the later.

The alt right doesn't really exist. It was created by fake news and Hillary as a label to put people like Sup Forums in a box.

>If you did something silly today—like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example—take comfort. You still did not fuck up as bad as the jobs website ZipRecruiter

How is it not the other way around? It doesn't matter if a website puts advertisements on an alt-right podcast, but if you reveal publicly that you watch hentai you are a retard

alt right is literally a made up term to pigeon hole all liberal opposition. It doesn't even exist

People are still trying to classify alt-right as white nationalism?
I know SJW's are retarded but seriously.

A: The people you are trying to attack are "headless" (No leaders, no dogma, It's just a bunch of random people sick of your shit) alt-right classification was just a small group of people attempting to form a head.

B: You jumped on trying to stop it too-fast, so you wound up scattering like 12 people back into the mass of millions accomplishing absolutely nothing.

No you're fucking stupid. T_D is alt lite, Alt Right is TRS, Daily Stormer, Richard Spencer, etc. All explicitly white nationalist.

You're not?

All explicitly honey pots and controlled opposition you mean


white nationalism ∈ alt right
white nationalism ≠ alt right

alt right is every shitposting memer to the right of jeb bush


The (((alt-right))) doesn't actually exist. Hillary Clinton invented the word to paint her opponents as "le ebil Nazis" and "literally Hitler". So maybe you should stop suckling that MSM teat and get red pilled yeah?

Seriously us whites are being hunted down and bred out

No you're not.

They are on the second point.
You need to get your elementary geography down m8, more specifically global fertility rates.

No you're not.
White people are letting it happen.
This is what white people want.
Fucking retards.

>by: fat """white""" amerimongrel mudshark

>Hillary Clinton invented the word
You wish.

Did you not see her Pepe speech?

>like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example
lmao Eichenwald

What exactly do you think "the daily shoah" means?

The guy who did it stopped doing it. Not sure why. Merchant minute is still there though.

She didn't invent the word

she's certainly responsible for bringing it into the common lexicon though

no. she just acknowledged it. it was already in the common lexicon. the media used it all the time.

It was fucking hilarious hearing Sven start doing a Ziprecruiter ad. I thought it was a joke at first, but they were dead serious about it. I bet Weev was in on it.

Alt-Right literally is White Nationalism.
If you're not a White Nationalist you're an alt lite faggot.

It's even more hilarious hearing Sven explain how it happened and the fact that they were able to get thousands of dollars from these retards.

I wonder how much money they got. I think The Fatherland might have done one too, but I can't remember. TDS is getting around 80-100k downloads within the first week an episode goes up. That isn't monumental viewership, but its not a tiny market either.
I'd be interested to see what kind of cash those numbers pulled.

They literally got at the very least $1600.

I know off the top of my head like 5 podcasts that zip recruiter advertises on. I'm sure they just throw it out to everyone over a certain threshold. I give 'em a pass. (Not that it would have offended me in any way, but still)

kys immediately you dumb adhd millennial

>>If you [...] publicly revealing you were looking at hentai,[...]—take comfort. You still did not fuck up as bad as the jobs website ZipRecruiter, which got ad time on an alt-right podcast this week[...]

How is that even comparable? They wasted some money an ad that won't be read to their target audience of choice.

I swear to God you're being paid to spread misinformation like this. What agency do you work for? If you don't work a government agency then what group are you working under?

Pretty sure people got fired. That's a massive fuck up.

it's probably that fat fuck Spencer himself

Why do you clueless dipshits just pull things from your ass and pretend to be right?
The Alt-Right has 100% always been White Nationalism. Always. It never wasn't. During the campaign cycle for the last election a bunch of clueless reddit faggots and ecelebs simply jumped on our bandwagon since we were supporting Trump and had a huge presence on twitter.
Cernovich and all the other alt-lite cucks tried to distance themselves from us when they realized what they had done, but that didn't change anything. Still 100% White Nationalist. Always will be.

Hillary did not invent the term. She only tried to bring it to light for left wing normies.
Educate yourself.

Oh no! There are whites who want to celebrate and preserve their culture! We must do something! (But groups that celebrate and want to isolate/preserve any other race/culture are A-OK.)

>Makes me feel like a sucker for having a real job.
You are a sucker for having a real job. We all are. Since you're on Sup Forums it's probably a STEM job, which makes you are a double sucker.

If you're American you could leave America, denounce your US citizenship, declare yourself a Muslim refugee, come back to America, and get free rent, food, and healthcare. You could vidya all day and not have to do a damn thing because you would be a "refugee."

Let that sink in when your manager demands unpaid overtime this weekend.

I can't believe people don't know this is 100% true. Must be some alt-lite cuck thinking he is alt-right.

people who don't listen to the podcast won't hear the ad and won't create an association
people who listen to the podcast probably like the podcast and will create a positive association

gizmodo might have turned some guy's minor fuck up into a huge one by bringing light to the situation

Its probably some Milo fan.

>and alt-right is white nationalism.
Alt-right is nationalist. Not white nationalist.

America for Americans. Britain for British. France for the French. Mexico for Mexicans. Etc. Essentially alt-right is against mass intermingling of disparate races and cultures because...surprise...it doesn't work. It just leads to strife and conflict like we've seen throughout America's history.

>Alt-right is nationalist. Not white nationalist.

You're deluded. Alt-right is white nationalist. You're just a civic nationalist.

Milo Yianoppolus was the one who brought it to the common lexicon, but it existed before that as some obscure term. Milo did it to give a face to a bunch of different splintered camps of non-mainstream conservatives and make profit and fame for himself. "alt-right" doesn't really exist in any significant fashion, except as a meme, and a hundred or so Spencer fuccbois who also quickly asserted the term and associated with all the other nameless splintered camps of conservatives to get out of obscurity. Hillary also needed a scapegoat quick so she also embraced the term, which was eventually abandoned once she could blame Russians and Macedonian "fake news" firms.

So, alt-right doesn't really exist in any meaningful fashion. It is just a buzzword, especially nowadays.

No, you dumbshit. You are thinking of all the alt lite cuck faggots who are proponents of Civic Nationalism.
They are not the Alt-Right.
This is the Alt-Right:
Radix Journal
Red Ice Radio
Plus a plethora of other media outlets and communities. All of them absolutely White Nationalist.

It is a movement of White Nationalists that has existed longer than the donald trump subreddit you crawled out of. Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about.

Any self respecting white nationalist who self identifies as alt-right should neck themselves. Fucking knee capping yourself before the struggle even begins

>another clueless faggot Milo fan pretending to be informed

Nice criticism. If you were in the movement you wouldn't say that.


nobody respects you faggot, but it's awfully nice of you to adopt the tag line the Jewish overlords assigned to you

It's not worth fighting with these obvious misinformation shills here. They seriously believe alt-right and white nationalism are the same. If you say otherwise in this thread they gonna try to defame you by calling you an "alt-lite" /r/the_donald poster.

Nigger, I DON'T like Milo, that's why I posted what I did. He did what he did to benefit himself and his career at the expense of giving a dumb label to a bunch of sub-groups that never needed it. But the fact of the matter is, Milo is the one who brought the term into the mainstream despite it being around for way longer than that. He re purposed it. Did you even fucking read my post? How could anyone interpret that post as me liking Milo?

>I don't know where the term came from
>I'll just regurgitate the alt-lite cuck narrative
Cute, kid.
The head of the National Policy Institute, a think tank for White Nationalists, created the term Alternative Right. The Alt-Right has existed since 2009. White Nationalist groups around the web have recognized and acknowledged the term for years. It has been subject of NPI talks for years.

Keep on sucking that Milo cock, you degenerate retard.

No, I am NOT thinking of alt-lite or civic nationalists.

A civic nationalist would never say "Britain for the British." Civic nationalism = anyone can immigrate if they embrace the host nation's culture. Alt-Right = someone is not British or American just because they declared themselves to be 5 minutes after getting off the boat, no matter how much they have studied or loved the host nation's culture.

BTW, "white nationalist" is a meaningless term outside of US politics. There is no such thing as "white" in Europe except to the extent that SJWs want to assign collective guilt. Mass immigration of Germans into Britain would cause problems just like any other mass immigration. And if left unchecked, would ultimately change and destroy British culture.

What's hilarious is you dumb niggers call everyone with fair skin white when you were trying to kill all the Irish coming into the country not that long ago but today they are just whites.

In fact, most of what you call "white" don't consider themselves as part of that group. The French are "white" but they would be heavily insulted if you thought of them the same way you do the British or Americans.

"White" people are some of the most retarded people on earth with no sense of history or understanding.

good goy

You're just being willfully ignorant at this point. You're painfully immature.

Milo didn't do anything.
Being a worthless eceleb, he like all of his followers that were caught up in the election didn't even know where the term came from. They just saw the term, and mistakenly made the assumption that the Alt-Right was a new branch of Trump supporting basic bitch conservatives.
When all these clueless faggots realized they aligned themselves with open White Nationalists there was a whole tirade of fags like Cernovich saying they disavowed us.
Milo explicitly stated he wasn't the lead of, or even associated with the Alt-Right on numerous occasions after this was brought to his attention.

It was only the reddit crowd who was butthurt and thought they could somehow usurp the term. Even the faggot PJW gave up trying.

You're posting ridiculous revisionism that has no basis in reality whatsoever. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
Alt-Right is White Nationalism. The term was created by a White Nationalist specifically for the movement because we couldn't go around calling ourselves the American Nazi Party like George Lincoln Rockwell did.

>"White" people are some of the most retarded people on earth with no sense of history or understanding.
This description fits American "whites."

But how can you blame them? Since World War II it has been forbidden for anyone in America with fair skin to focus on, celebrate, or speak of preserving their race and culture. Hitler did something wrong 75 years ago, and there was slavery 175 years ago, so you have to be ashamed if you don't have dark skin.

Of course now American "whites" are waking up to the strife caused by mass immigration, along with the realization that their history and various cultures have been lost. The backlash is going to be terrible.

>You're posting ridiculous revisionism that has no basis in reality whatsoever. Stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
You're posting nothing but insults and empty claims with no [citation].

>The term was created by a White Nationalist specifically for the movement
I don't care who "created" the term (I use quotes because I doubt the first person to coin it can be identified). The group has taken on its own life and meaning. It's still very loose and disorganized, but principles are solidifying and it's not "white nationalism." Though the goals overlap because if America is for Americans, then America is going to be predominantly English with a mix of other European races that immigrated early on. So mostly "white."

This isn't technology.

You have your own board.

gizmodo reported on it

it's tech

>(I use quotes because I doubt the first person to coin it can be identified)
Jesus Christ. Why are you so compelled to voice your dumb shit opinion when you know literally *nothing* about this topic.

Richard Spencer. The head of the National Policy Institute. A think tank for White Nationalists. He coined the term. Years ago.
Stop pretending to know what you're talking about, kid. None of your low IQ rambling is even remotely relevant.

sorry, my bad

And what exactly is 'White Nationalist' about this site?

the say they are and express opinions that are

And Norway created the term nigger. Who fucking cares this gay ass think tank wants to relabel white nationalism under "alt-right". That one thinktank does not represent all of one group.

>The Daily Shoah

You don't even have a coherent argument to make. You have absolutely no knowledge on this matter. You're just stroking your ego by posting nonsense.

The Alt-Right is White Nationalism. If you're suffering under the delusion that it holds any other meaning that you're laughably misinformed.

>who is Paul Gottfried
retarded fat fuck Spencer just ripped everyone off like always. If you support that piece of shit you are controlled opposition period

>Milo didn't do anything.
Just because you don't like Milo doesn't decrease his significance. A lot of people would not even know the term existed were it not for him and Breitbart. It would just be some obscure term from white nationalists who never actually accomplish anything politically, and now try to take credit for shit they never even did. As much as I don't like Milo, he DID go on campuses and make a difference by causing chimpouts and showing how "tolerant" the left is. What the fuck has Spencer ever done for us? Fucking nothing.

Thank you very much for example or two (where they do so and what opinions those are).

And 'they' really should: only decent people on this planet are white men of Europe and non-Muhammadan Semites, that is Jews. Of course, the 'white' Asiatic people, Japanese are on the same level too.

That think tank created the term in the first place, but are trying to gain more prominence now that the term is re-purposed. The groups that you could say comprise the imaginary "alt-right" always had some overlap with white nationalists, but was never purely white nationalist. But yeah, you've got it exactly backwards. The term was originally for a sub-division of white nationalists.

Milo is part of the problem himself. All these SJW types are little communists in training, a fact that Milo doesn't have the integrity, or even intellect to understand. Even Jordan B Peterson tackles this issue openly and by name. The post modernist movement is Communism, he only stops short of naming the Jew.
They can't be reasoned with. Giving speeches and making them angry isn't going to bring any more leftists over to the center. They believe in no platforming, they ideologically do not believe in dialog. They don't care what he has to say. They never will.
Milo's entire career is preaching to the choir, accomplishing nothing. Writing edge articles and agitating a symptom of the real problem is a pointless exercise.

The fact that you think we're obscure and have no accomplishments under our belt only betrays your own ignorance.

Here's your problem and why your movement never grows or accomplishes anything, (please, posts accomplishments in the next post) because you don't understand that growth is a persuasive process. And Milo was actually doing that. Colleges are not purely SJW. There's a small concentrated powerful group on all campuses as a movement that are SJW. The rest of the bulk that are not conservative are left of center and independent who have never heard other arguments. They are THE EASIEST targets of persuasion exactly because they are not allowed to hear other voices on campus. That's the group Milo was growing into conservatives, but he wasn't doing it through his own speech primarily, he was persuading people by letting the left show their true colors. And it was working.

still no idea what that frivolous long green text with more than necessary grammar for

summarize that shit and tell me what is the big deal something aired on a podcast by accident

>I have adhd

seek mental help