Buy an x220

>buy an x220
>add a 64gb ssd
>add an ips display
>add 4gb more of ram
>try several linux distros
>all of them make the fans run super loud
>install windows 10 on it
>install visual code studio (best ide)
>never hear the fans
>everything is super fast
>coding in 1366x768 windows is super comfy

Sup Forums will never know this feeling

Other urls found in this thread:

>not knowing thinkfan exists for this very reason

no ty (。>﹏

no ty (。>﹏

>have Dell laptop from 2011
>buy 480GB SSD
>install 8GB RAM
>dual boot macOS and Arch Linux
>have zero problems on either OS, macOS updates go flawlessly
>install VS Code (the only good software MS ever created)
>do everything from vidya gaemz to C and python development without using unstable spyware
>rebooting takes seconds and I can just run my Linux install in a VM for testing

Street shitters will never know this feeling



enjoy updating (。>﹏

been doing it since el cap and it always just werks

>>install visual code studio (best ide)
>>never hear the fans
You clearly missed the lulz when they were fresh.
>webkit based IDE
>best IDE
kys urself

>new software has bugs


>buy a T60p
>install a 128GB SSD and Win7
>upgrade to core2 duo and 3GB RAM
>enjoy the UXGA IPS panel
>GPU runs at 75C but who cares

>buy an X220, 120gb SSD and 8gb RAM
>install xubuntu, everything's fine
>install and open firefox
>fans sound like a plane engine after an hour of browsing Sup Forums and watching a YouTube video
>uninstall firefox, install chrome
>everything works fine

Even 1920x1080/3840x2160 is cramped these days. The least you should be using is 3840x2160 if you're not a gaymer, and 5120x2880 if you can afford it.

640x480 is good enough

mine runs super quiet

cute ruri

this post is dumb
you're dumb

>Even 3840x2160 is cramped these days
There is no situation where this could possibly be true. You're either using a 120" TV or you set your scaling way too high and have no idea how to fix it. Either way you're a liar and a faggot.

*weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn* *pfiiiiiiiiiiuuuuu* ......... *weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnn*

3840x2160 gives you a 1920x1080 workspace with 2x scaling, newfag.

>>buy an x220
Stopped reading there

...Did I say anything to the contrary?

Bananas are yellow newfag

If you scale to non-integer values you're doing it wrong. Fuck, if you're using Windows you're doing it VERY wrong.

>getting a freedompad just to install spyware on it
for what purpose

What the fuck are you talking about? I never said anything related to any of that

My point is if 4k isn't enough room for you're retarded. Maybe pick up some reading comprehension ability next time you're out.

Then you're just an idiot. I said 1920x1080 was cramped, so logically that means 3840x2160, which only makes sense with 2x scaling, is too cramped as well.

You are the one who needs to learn reading comprehension. I gave you the benefit of doubt, but of course this is Sup Forums.

>buy a T420
>4GB RAM + the 1GB stick I threw in it
>7200rpm Hitachi HDD
>1600x900 display
>i5 and Nvidia 4200M
>Void, Fedora, and Win10 all run flawlessly on it

Bought the ThinkPad for $140. Had the 1GB stick and HDD laying around. Gonna throw a 128GB SSD in it for Fedora KDE, a 1TB HDD for media, 8GB RAM, and a 9-cell battery when money allows.

fuck off kuronekofag

This begs the question

Once you fully upgrade a x220, upgrading every single part, is it still the same x220 you had at the beggining ?

>not using 6 5120x2880 in surround setup

It's like you don't want to be productive.

Multiple monitors are a meme. [I'd rather have a 36" 8k monitor.](

no, you've nickel and dimed yourself to a $600 laptop

>make beast desktop for cheap
>everything is super fast
>3 large screens
>never leave home anyway
>mfw people are still buying normietops


What a fucking poorfag.

Why not just take 120° fov VR with 16k per eye?

i only use it for browsing and coding

post feet

Programming isn't coding, nigger. If you are going to program than learn information theory, it'll help you understand computers at a deeper level.

Lol mate no
>1920x1080 is too cramped for me cause im a shithipster therefore its too cramped for everyone

Its like
New software sometimes has problems later on or something
(Refer back to earlier versions of binux)

>using laptop

>coding in 1366x768

>buy an x220
>add a 128 GB SSD
>add a 44++ battery
>install gentoo
>fan runs perfectly, even without the thinkpad_acpi kernel module
>set up i3 and the system to use CtrlD font everywhere
>install and set up vim (best editor, ides are bloat)
>everything runs perfectly how i want it AND super fast
>coding in 1366x768 and superior bitmap fonts is mega comfy

op will never know this feeling

I don't know why but I want her mouth on my dick.




>buy 1600x900 T420
>add a quad core processor + msata ssd + turn the fan off until it reaches 55c
>silent as fug
>install macos
>it just works
>even the fucking docking station and expresscard usb 3.0 thing works
>comfy setup that has photoshop and ms office
Aside from the fucking awful TN screen i love this thing, can't wait for the 1080p ips mod that probably won't happen ;-;

what's the sauce


>not unstable spyware
Pick one and only one