Redpill me on (non-chromebook) 11" laptops

Redpill me on (non-chromebook) 11" laptops
Which ones are good and which are shit?

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get a chromebook and put linux on it
It's either that or a windows shitbook

>spoonfeed me pls!

I like ASUS X205TA. Pretty good. Only one with a screen that isn't pure AIDS.

>atom processor

Lenovo X130e
Great little laptop

Anybody used an HP Stream 11?

Few of my friends have this. Apparently they are pretty shitty.

Gf has an 11" HP windows tablet/convertible. It's trash. I can honestly suggest HP anything. You'd be better off with a chromebook chinkpad with eMMC.

I have the 11-r015wm. It was pretty much a waste of money. On Windows 10 its too slow to do anything, and isn't Linux friendly.

they're all shit

If you want a small laptop, get an x200, x201, x220, or x230. Anything else is just fpushing money down the toilet.

look at that toy

Meant can't, HP sucks, fucks sake I have phone keyboards.

I actually bought one of those in your pic related

>Dell inspiron 11 intel m3 7y30, 4 GB 2 in 1

it's ok. processor is very fast for being so cheap. shit tier tiny 32 watt hour battery, and panel is pretty crappy. Other than that replace the hdd with a ssd and it's a good value.

The screen on these is very poor quality, colors are very washed out and there's backlight bleed too. Also the eMMC keeps filling up with just Windows updates and the browser cache.

I had an Asus T100TA, it was way too small and way too slow. Basically trash.

So which which 11" chromebook do I buy and if loading Linux onto them is as retarded as it was 4 years ago I'm going to ironically kill myself.

Get a HP 2170p, amazing performance for its size (i5 or i7), especially considering its sub 200 dollar price these days, however screen is cancerous.

It's a laptop.

Second that with a reserve.

>got used, like new X206TA for 130€
>very nice platform, but X206HA exist
>stalk ads for a while, in this time I use the 205 with satisfaction
>whoops X206HA for cheap
>buy used like new, even in better conditions than my previous purchase, for another 130€ shipped
>sell two days later X205TA for 120€ using a chink microsd as ad bait

The ASUS products are very good but I can tell that the 4GB ram on the X206 really helps if you are used to a recent desktop machine.
Stalk ads, people sells these used for really low price

I dun goofed. I meant got a X205TA in the first green text sentence


I have this. I regret it only for shitty keyboard, especially the spacebar. On Linux it has hardware encryption, secure boot and very long battery life. I just use a tiny WiFi dongle rather than mess with drivers (got the Bluetooth working this). Ram is limited too also. I had a 9inch eeepc before but I find the size more of a limitation on the stream. Would get something bigger in retrospect and with a better keyboard. I think that a seven or 9 inch android tablet is a better choice for what you can do with it.

x120e is the best laptop ever if you don't care about specs.

>eMMC keeps filling up with just Windows updates and the browser cache

Friend bought the trash and had a problem like this too.

On the sole thing that barely resembles a bright side, it was immune to Windows Update [spoiler]due to insufficient disk space[/spoiler].

I wouldn't call it a feature though.

>Redpill me

>throwing shit about cpu's in a netbook thread

Get out summerfag

i like the matrix too XD

FYI I hate white people and I'm just using redpill ironically


+ libreboot

the only decent 11" laptop I know is the macbook air, and Im pretty sure it was discontinued

get an x220, so much better than any 11" and only 1" larger

It still exsists. I dont know why you would pay $1k or 1366x768 and a slow core i5 though.

I have a 11''-12'' laptop for college, it's comfy as fuck.
It's lightweight, and if you take it with flash memory drive, it's pretty fast to launch.

If you live in Germany / Austria or Switzerland, take a look at PEAQ. It's the own brand of Saturn & Mediamarkt.

I didn't try them out yet but I'm willing to get the 11" model because they offer Full-HD resolution for less than 200 bucks which sounds like a comfy Loonix machine.

I can only find it on the Swiss website (probably because Google knows I'm in Zurich) but you can find it in the Saturn shops in Germany. I saw it in Freiburg months ago

Swiss Price:

Nope. The 13" is 1440x900 but the 11" is 1366x768.

Actually it seems that they no longer sell the 11" MBA anymore.


German here. I saw them because of the interesting specs and for me they look like rebranded MEDIONs because they have the exact same material as the akoya series