Atom or Sublime?

Atom or Sublime?

Vim and Nano

Atom because Sublime is by fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers

VS Code

I would choose Atom because it's free.


sublime or vim

kate is better than those options.

atom is like 100mb
for a fucking text editor
yeah, no

>fast as fuck
>non free but free version has no resctriction
>nice console and package control extension
>fast as fuck, good for looking in log files

>Can hide the side bar with a button


The startup time on Atom is very slow when compared to other text editors, I'm currently using VS Code but I'd switch to Sublime if it had support for font ligatures

who /rubymine/ here?

yes you can ctrl + \






stop lying you fucking piece of shit



setup size isn't the same as installed size.

By the time atom open I no longer remember why I wanted to open a text editor in the first plce

Atom is a slow clusterfuck. You can't beat Sublime's nice highlight syntax out of the box and its performance.

Once Atom is running is its performance really noticeably different from Sublime?

ur mum

Not really

Yeah it's shit.

How ancient is your hardware?

2014 i7 processor, 16gb ram, 540 evo


Setups can contain compressed files

>uses electron
>in the trash it goes

Visal Studio Code


GNOME Builder


That's just because it puts the malware somewhere else on your computer.